Well, hello there!

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Well, hello there!

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Today 12:42 PM
Greetings fellow beings of the universe! :D And whoever else that leaves out!

Name's Tabitha but you can call me what you like but mean words because I have emotional issues. ;)

Anywho! I started roleplaying when I was around 18, maybe, and I have been hooked to it ever since. I am now almost 25 so you do the math because Math and I don't get along well. I have a tendency to act like a squirrel in the fact that I get distracted easily. Maybe squirrels are actually not distracted at all though? Maybe we just think so? No idea! :o Anywho! Right, um, yeah...Okay I remember now. So um I like animals and nature a bunch. The weather, chocolate, alcohol, cats, tequila, writing, drawing, acting, dancing, psychopaths on tv, etc...

So that is enough of that there. Saying so because I can type forever and you and I both know we do NOT want to read a book from a random person! Okay so my writing style is very broad. I can do short hand but I love to do full sentences and try to pull the reader in. I don't see how you do that with one to two sentences so if my writing style is a bit much let me know and I can simmer down. Now I may be sweet here but strangely enough I LOVE to roleplay as dark beings. I use the term beings because none of them usually are completely normal, let alone human. What are humans anyway? Right?...Right?

Let's see..what else would you guys like to know? I think I distracted myself again. Did I forget-oh yeah! Okay so I love to do dark roleplay, not gruesome! I don't do fear easily, I get scared easily, but it's okay for me to roleplay as someone scaring other people, very likely, and have people scare my characters. Some reason I get drawn to people who's...beliefs...are very unique to others. Examples of this include Hannibal Lecter all the way to Lucifer Morningstar. These two people have gone through so much. I do love to act as people who have no reasons for being the way they are and just are. Kind of like my character I am going to play as for now. She is a dark being who has no memory of her past. She just is what she is. I will write more about her later on in another thread thingy. Long story short, because of her dark energy she has become the darkness. She can no longer see the light. Well, I guess in that case she is that way because of her past...anywho! Oh! One thing I don't do is sexual content. Try doing that to my character and she will probably try to make you disappear. Right then! Sorry for all the hyperness!

Okay that should be it! Sorry for the article! If you need or want any more questions answered let me know! Promise it will not be as long. ;) Namaste!
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