Well hello

Currently reading:
Well hello


The honor bound knight
Local time
Today 7:44 PM
Just past the horizon
My name is Lyonhaerdt,

I have been role playing for awhile now, but have stepped back in the last year. My lady, Nytely, told me about this site and well I have decided to give it another go.

So I am 27, have two kids and a menagerie of animals, my job keeps me busy but I have recently moved to a position that gives me a little more free time. Hence the draw back to RPing. I look forward to crafting stories with you wonderful people and hope that we can all get along.

As far as my writing style goes, I love detail and description. If I am feeling a story you can expect paragraphs from me, I try not to drone on too long, but I get caught up in the moment. I adore fantasy settings, magic, mystery, adventure, the whole shibang.

It might take me a second or two to get my profile up to snuff, but after that I plan on getting a decent RP thread.

I look forward to meeting several of you and I hope that we become fast friends and craft wonderful stories together
Hello and welcome! Always nice to have new faces around!! :D *offers a cookie*
Hello and Welcome! :)

P.s please tell me that's Reinhardt as your pp cause I'm currently playing overwatch whilst I write this x)
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