Any Well Help is needed

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Any Well Help is needed


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Today 5:42 PM
Hello, I'm here looking for a partner to roleplay with. Currently I have a few characters namely one I want to play again. But I have no story to go with at the moment. If I want to make one I'd rather make it with someone rather then just throw a story and say "This is the story. Want to follow it?" I'd rather talk with my partners, take time to craft a story and where we want it to go. Then just haphazardly slam a story together and call it good.

I heavily prefer fantasy settings, especially with more character focus then some big grand story. I know it's odd but that's simply how I like it. The story is for the characters not the other way around.
Any particular pairings? Ideas?
Pairings, well romance wise I find romance absolutely optional. The character I likely will play is female. What gender you want to play is up to you heavily. Story... I'm not going to lie at the current state I am at I can't fully think of a full story outside of some very base stuff that would grab attention

Bu general idea the character I am playing is a tinkerer that is the illegitimate child of some royalty. Very distrusting towards other people, bit 0f a loudmouth when it comes to voicing her opinions. And more of a getting the job done sort of person.
I can do both male and female characters, so I'm open either way (no ass pun intended).
I will do my best to try and get a story together. Or more so see what can work between us.
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