Well Well Well

Currently reading:
Well Well Well


Killer Queen
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Today 6:59 PM
What have we here? Another boring introduction...possibly. Someone trying to hard to be interesting... definitely.

Hello all, I'm Samantha or Sam. I have been flitting about from one roleplay site to another in a desperate attempt to find someone that makes me excited to roleplay again.

I'm looking for someone that can write 2-6 paragraphs with nice descriptive tendencies. Preferably able to play male, I don't mind your real life gender, and is okay with me playing female. Someone that doesn't mind mature themes, but isn't one-mindedly focused on them. Mostly I'm looked for someone that cares about the rp, willing to put effort into replies.

Little more information, I love medieval fantasy type rps, love romance, and love elven cultures.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend! Be sure if you have not already to take a look at the site rules!
Rules of The Sanctum
Happy Roleplaying!

Many welcomes. Hope you are settling in ok.
There are lots of writers here of every ability, covering nearly every conceivable genre, so hopefully you should find someone to partner up with.

Looking forward to seeing you around
Hi there and many many welcomes
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