Well...Well...What a glittering assemblage.

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Well...Well...What a glittering assemblage.

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Why hello there,

I am Atomic Blonde - sometimes known as AB for short, or Blondie if I like you.

I've finally wrapped my head around my life for the time being and am looking to get back into some writing now that I have some spare time. I've been role playing for... far far too long. I would guess around 16 or 17 years on and off.

I enjoy Cyberpunk, Sci-Fi type plots the most and I'm looking forward to finding some writing partners here :)

Wanna know more? Ask away...
Welcome to Inner Sanctum! :)
Welcome to the forum, Atomic Blonde!

Love me some sci-fi, speculative fiction, and cyberpunk is definitely in the mix there. I still remember the first time I ever read Neuromancer-- that opening line made me realize that I was definitely not reading the same ol' sci fi that I'd grown up with to that point. Not that there was anything wrong with that, mind you :P

Tell us your go-to faves for your genre! For Sci-fi, Herbert was a big inspiration, Dune specifically, just because I can still pick it up, read it cover to cover, and walk away with a fresh understanding of the book from (yet another) lens.
Hmmm I don't know if I have a fav for the genre. I like doing original plots but I do pull inspiration from some of my favorite shows and movies. Altered Carbon, Blade Runner (both), The Expanse, Westworld (not really cyberpunk but definitely some great concepts)

I am also a huge Star Wars fan...so there's that.

OH! Also a video game nerd and Fallout is by far my all time favorite series.
Aloha, and welcome to the site! Make yourself at home, and please don't be shy to ask any questions you might have to help you get settled in. Our staff is always available and ready to help, as well as several of our seasoned vets who can help to guide you.

See you around!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome AB! Glad to see you here on the site!
Let me know if you have any questions!
It id like AB and BB? Before Blonde and After Blonde? Hmmm
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