"What if I fall? Oh, but My Darling, what if you fly?"
One breath...
She could feel her heart racing, stomach churning, body practically humming with fear. Curling her hands into fists, she squeezed tightly enough to calm the helpless tremble running through them. Tight enough to press half-moons into the meat of her palm, the pain grounding her in this moment. Grounding me, she thought wryly, Probably better off using another word. Breathing out, remembering to empty her lungs completely so she didn't hold her breath and pass out, she hears the shiver of her pulse in the rush of air as it leaves her.
One step...
Moving closer to the side of the bridge as her body tried to fight the forward momentum. It was time. She had waited long enough. Behind her she could feel the breeze of cars whipping along the highway that took up the lion's share of the bridge. Carrying themselves at breakneck speed towards loved ones, work, other bridges to leap from. She imagined others like herself, choosing exactly the right place to jump. Somewhere high enough, but not too public. Somewhere with a pretty view.
One hand...
She uncurls her fists and wraps each shaking hand around the cold iron of the railing. No one was watching, there was a small mercy in that. Entirely alone she climbed over the safety rail, clinging for one last moment and turning her face up towards the sun to feel the warmth of it cupping her plump cheeks. Let go. She told her fingers to release the railing, heart leaping into her throat for a moment as her muscles locked in place. Let GO! And with a sudden weightlessness, she was airborne.
One wing...
Large, impossibly white wings erupted clumsily from her shoulder blades. Feathers and sinew wrapping around bone in an instant, catching the wind and sending her reeling. Tumbling and spinning towards the water below. Falling... The word pressed with cold finality into the back of her mind. Terror exploded, adrenaline ripping through her veins and pumping blood into the brand new wings now beating frantically at the air. Buffeted sideways, she feels them catch again, cupping and dragging at the air like it was a solid material.
One beat...
No longer falling, but flying. Pulling herself upward and into the sky. Breathlessly, foolishly laughing as she rises over the bridge she no longer needed. Letting her eyes wander the glittering ocean out to the horizon, waiting for her panicked heart to calm before picking a direction and finding her way.