MxF What If? (Marvel. Looking for a Bucky)

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MxF What If? (Marvel. Looking for a Bucky)


Dragon Rider
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Today 2:29 AM
Hello everyone!​

This is somewhat inspired by What If (the Marvel Series). I'm going to keep this short and sweet, since its a rather simple but fun idea to play around with. My idea is to do a Captain America in which Steve is genderbent (I would call her Stephanie), but Bucky is still his regular old Bucky lol. Him and Stephanie having still grown up together and good friends. This would take us through the events of The First Avenger, Winter Solider, etc. I'm thinking instead of Peggy being the one training the soldiers at the camp, Bucky would be there in her place, giving us more interaction with them, as well as his thoughts and possibly worries on her getting picked for the serum. And of course, thoughtout the story romance/tension.

I'm looking for someone who can write AT LEAST three paragraphs or more. I don't do one liners or posts with nothing to work with. I'll post my intro post for this specific rp as an example of my own work for anyone curious.
Feel free to PM me if you are interested in this idea. Thank you!





















It was very bothersome to Stephanie Rogers. How men were out there, giving their lives for their country and their families, while the women stayed home, cooking and cleaning as though there were no war going on at all. Her father had been in war, died of mustard gas in the first World War. A brave way for any person to go, defending his country. Her mother years before her death was a nurse in the first war as well, something many people around her told her she should consider doing. was just never enough. She wanted more. She wanted to be able to help people and defend their freedoms as a country, just like her father did.

She couldn't even count how many times she had tried to enlist, only to be turned down time and time again. Mainly for the fact that she was a woman, but on top of that, she had an abundance of health issues, ranging from asthma to heart problems. All she wanted was one chance, yet she could never seem to catch a break.

Just like now. She stood in line, among the man wishing to enlist, waiting for her turn. She of course got many stares, but she held her head up high and ignored the looks, waiting and waiting, until finally she was up at the counter.

The man behind the counter asked the normal questions she was used to hearing, all the while looking at her as though she were crazy for even stepping foot in this place. Asked about the death of her mother and father, than after a short look at her file, spoke, "Sorry miss."

Immediately, Stephanie shook her head, "Please...just....just give me a chance."

The man looked to her, lowering his voice in attempt to not embarrass the young woman in front of the room full of men, "Look miss, even if it weren't for all of the health problems, you know as well as I do that a woman would not make it in the infantry."

This was something that Stephanie had heard time and time again, and each time she heard it, only made her more and more determined to find her way into this war, "There are other women that do it. In other countries. Why is it that America, a land that was built upon the belief that anyone can be and do anything, seems to be one of the only countries that has a problem with women standing up to fight for our people. I have just as much heart as any of these other men here. All I need is a chance. There....there has to be something you can do."

"I am doing it." The man said simply, placing the rejectal stamp on her file and handing it back to her, "I'm saving your life."


Stephanie left the enlistment office, downtrodden by once again another refusal. This wasn't the first time it had happened. It was at least the fourth. Or maybe the fifth? She had lost count. Sure she lied a little bit on each enlistment form so that she wouldn't get caught trying to enlist again, but it was all for a good cause. The cause of her trying to help her country and her people.

In an attempt to lift her spirits, she went to the movies, sitting there and waiting for the commercials to roll through. Of course, as in any theater in America, they showed commercials asking for men to sign up to serve. She sighed as she continued to watch, until a men a few rows in front of her began to yell about getting to the movie. She could feel her blood boiling with the lack of respect this man was showing for those who were serving and protecting their country. She let it go for a while, but finally, she had enough, leaning forward in her seat as she spoke rather loudly, "Hey, you wanna shut up?"

Slowly the man turned in his seat and she could see the glare on the man's face. Yet, Stephanie stared back at him with a determination that seemed too large for a woman of her small size. Slowly the man turned back around and in time, Stephanie thought that was the end of that. She leaned back in her seat and watched the movie, getting her mind off of the events of the day. And when the picture was over, she walked outside.

She had promised to meet her good friend Bucky up the street at seven, and now it was about ten past. But, she was sure he would understand. She was only ten minutes late and, after all, Stephanie herself was a bit of a free spirit and that left her not always on time to their meet ups. She walked down the street, unaware of danger until it was too late. She let out a yelp as her wrist was suddenly grabbed and she was tossed into a nearby ally, hitting the ground hard, the young man from the movies stalking over to where she fell. She scrambled to her feet, only to get a good smack in the face, "Who do you think you are, little miss? Talking to a man that way, huh?"

Stephanie scrambled to her feet again, hands reaching for anything she could use to protect herself, the closest thing being the top of a garbage can, quickly holding it up in front of her like a shield as the man went in for another hit. He hit the garbage lid first, before jerking it out of her hands, grabbing her wrist and then throwing her to the ground again, stalking over to her once more in hopes of getting another hit in on what this man thought to be a disrespectful woman with no place treating a man in such a way.
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