What the Garbage Truck Left Behind

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What the Garbage Truck Left Behind

A wild pile of garbage has appeared! How do you respond?


    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Kick it to see if it moves

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Sell it on Ebay

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Sit on it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Recycle all that you can of the contents within. Even the human body parts.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Release the hounds.

    Votes: 2 50.0%

  • Total voters


Actual Garbage
Local time
Today 7:59 PM
On the curb outside your domain - be that a house, a manor, or a dog-eared cardboard box - the garbage truck you just saw speeding away appears to have left some... 'thing' behind. With hopefully a sensible amount of caution, you venture a peer inside.

The 'thing', you quickly discover, is one of those vile creatures you heard about on the news known as a Roleplayer. It growls something at you, which sounds like brisk instructions to refer to it from now on with he/him pronouns, and to take your pick of calling it Boy or Trash, or even BoyTrash. The choice, it seems, is yours.

Not even bothering to remove himself from the bin bag in which he has been dumped outside your residence, the BoyTrash starts blathering on at you about things you really don't care about. He tells you how he's been roleplaying for well over a decade - whatever that means. You are, of course, far too sensible and well-to-do to know what this roleplaying business is - and that he considers himself literate, and prone to writing six or more paragraphs per post. Despite your obvious confusion over this nonsense, he then leans in an confesses to you in a soft whisper that he is a self-promoted connoisseur of the more 'mature' roleplays, and is likely to be inhabiting that section of this forum in the future.

All this sounds like a load of mad jabbering to you, but you can make sense of some of it. For example, he claims to be a 'massive nerd' and 'quite frankly a bit of a loser and a dork', which you admittedly agree with. He says he loves history, sci-fi, paranomal, romance, plot, drama! He even tells you that he hopes he can make friends and prove himself to be worthwhile during his stay at the forum.

You kindly say, 'That's nice' and then leave him to his waffling. You no doubt have better things to do than tolerate a madman.
Or just more, in the case of Otys.

Welcome to the Sanctum Trash Boy! Get up a request thread or just find one you like and get messaging. There's something here for everyone.
*pokes with the stick* pokingstick

You are welcome, you weird creature. Worry not, we are all weird here, more or less

*becomes at one with the stick*

Good to hear, I wouldn't want to corrupt the normal with my weirdness. I'm looking. Forward to meeting my fellow oddities then :D
More in mine too. The moment Im back to my precious laptop I shall be scouring the request forums and hopefully will have one of my own up. Thank you everyone for the warm, slightly stick-y welcome.
Or just more, in the case of Otys.

Welcome to the Sanctum Trash Boy! Get up a request thread or just find one you like and get messaging. There's something here for everyone.
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