Where should I post??

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Where should I post??

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Yesterday 9:36 PM
New to this site, but not new to rp. I have no problem with violence or intense themes in an rp, action or murder mysteries are always fun, but I don't really have any interest in romance or sex.(bad experiences I guess you could say). I'm not a prude by any means and if it is present in the story it is fine, I just wouldn't want my character to participate. Any ideas on how I would go about looking for a partner or where I would post?
@Otys Lol sorry yea.. I did read it all, but I misunderstood I guess as I wasn't sure because I was minimal sex and no restriction on violence. So it's a little bit of both.. I'm guessing it would just be the Poet's Corner then?
When you find yourself a partner, Poe's corner would most likely be the place to post your roleplay, based on that. Welcome to the site!
Awesome thank you for your help.. it's been a while so I'm excited to find my footing again and let out my creativity
Thank you can't help but be a proud ravenclaw that lifts a big middle finger to the merch department and costume design of the movies... this is why ravenclaw can't have nice things (literally )
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