Any Whimsical and Intense, the type that makes your fingers itch!

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Any Whimsical and Intense, the type that makes your fingers itch!


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Thank you for clicking on this thread, nevermind the cheesy title I came up within five seconds! Anyway, my name is Engel. Which is purposefully ironic since my characters are rather (mostly) devilish themselves. I play both male and female characters, but I tend to lean towards male protagonists in romantic settings. I just simply find them more interesting to play as. I count myself as literate, meaning I spill around a few paragraphs per post. However, please note that I don't do overly saturated details such as writing 300 words about my character eating toast, even it was damn delicious in its crispy buttery death. I expect the same in return!

I focus on character development, their environment, how they interact with it, and etc. The important things that actually progress the plot.

Ah yes, the funny relationship between "the plot" and me. What a wonderful transition! To be candid with you, you could not find a more unenthusiastic person to discuss the plot in greater detail than me. I simply can't wrap my head around focusing on so many minute details that are simply... there. Like, hold on a second. How am I supposed to deal with all of this and my characters' development and my characters' associates and how they exist outside of this roleplay and ... Sorry ran out of breath there, but I hope you get what you mean. I really work best with a quick prompt and type away. Any more than that, I'm going to get a little weary. Spontaneity and imaginative leeways are what tickles my fancy. It's supposed to be for adventure, exactly how much entertainment would that even garner if it was meticulously planned out to death?

As for that wonderful smut, unfortunately, I would have to limit that. In my personal experience and style, I heavily prefer a hefty background to go with the potential mind-f***ing that will occur. Psychological play which emphasizes on internal conflict, sensuality, and general foreplay with words and loving touches before we go to the grand ole scheme! Y'know, that wonderful character chemistry that is oh so delicious! And frankly, I'm tired of forcing two characters who don't have the slightest connection to fornicate into oblivion. In terms of limits as we get to that, no bathroom stuff, intensive gore, infantilism, growth, anthros, hyper, and anything that is considered wildly unrealistic or gross.

On the other hand, I don't mind real consensual BDSM, roughness, and vanilla. I highly prefer my characters with a mutual partner or being dominant. Being a submissive male doesn't quite suit my fancy, except when I chose to play a submissive female character. So the pairings I prefer the most are: MxM & MxF (Sorry, no FxF).

OOC chatter is fine. I am extraordinarily introverted so there is a high chance I will not be in the mood to talk, so don't take offense to this if I do indeed tell you that.

Also, I write slow. So expect a post from me daily or weekly if it's highly worded. So I ask of you to be patient because I've been told that the wait was well worth it! I also expect you to be more than fluent in English grammar, challenge yourself by writing with flow and poise. Trust me, I'll do the same.

Now genres I love and not limited to are modern supernatural, horror, fantasy, romance, science fiction, reverse harem, crime, and slice of life. Have an idea you have been itching to do and the genre is not listed, just ask!

One last thing, I won't keep a character thread on here nor do I care about face-claims. Sometimes, I'll make one on a whim. Character skeletons are empty at best and I care more about the progression and writing more than anything.

Onwards to the ideas!

MxF or MxM

Dreamland: The pairs of dreams are connected in their own lucid worlds. They become who they want to be and what their worse nightmares are. Will they unite in real life or keep each other at a distance forever?

The Rise of The Black Cats: Supernatural University, where the military preys on those with powers to use for their own gain. The leader of The Black Cats, (My Char), will lead the rebellion against the government, whether or not they will be labeled as terrorists to be exterminated or shed blood to gain the right to live.

Field of Flowers: (Your Char) has awakened in a neverending dream where a simple prick won't rouse them awake. They realized they were in a whole other world, close to the wealthy village of Konoha, where they are vulnerable to a potential war versus shinobi warriors! Could they survive along with the supposed generals or never return to their beds?
I hope you don't mind me commenting on your thread that kept me on the edge of my seat. But I don't believe it was stated clearly whether or not to PM you. Sorry if I am wrong, feel free to ignore me if that is not the case.

Anyways, you happen to have decent sense of roleplaying, and I happen to find that quite appealing.

I lean more towards the modern pairings, though not just slice of life. I also adore medieval times, historical, and even sometimes fantasy. Such as vampire and werewolfs, etc.... So if that also interests you I would absolutely love to work out a plot around it.

Hope to hear from you soon!
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