White Lightening, Baby!

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White Lightening, Baby!


Typo Queen
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Challenge Champion
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Today 2:01 AM
A cupboard under some stairs.

Welcome to the (once) Illustrious Cat's Eye,
a speakeasy set deep in the heart of the crime-riddled city of Emison. Run by the young window Jeannie Lombardy, the Cat's Eye has certainly seen better days, and while the once luxurious playground for the rich and fabulous of Emison might have been the spot to be and be seen in its heyday the mysterious death of its owner, nay--it's King, left the empire struggling just to keep itself from crumbling. With police to be paid off, hooch to buy, people to entertain, politicians to seduce, and competition to run off- there is a lot that must be done if the Cat's Eye, a home to rascals and vagabonds alike, is to remain in business.


Hi there! Thank you so much for showing interest in this group RP! We are looking for 2 more people to join our group for a total of 6 RPers, if you would be interested in joining us please message me a completed character sheet (as seen below) and I will get back to you! Character sheets put in this thread will be disregarded.

Here is some basic info on the RP:

Setting: Prohibition Era, in a fantasy city called Emison based on Chicago.

Genre: While this might look like a run-of-the-mill historical-fantasy RP, but there is intuitive magic within Emison. Give your character a special skill! Can they control fire? Can they move objects with their mind? Can they tell how many candies are in a jar every time? The sky's the limit!

Posts: We're not going to ask you to write a novel every time, but 3 good paragraphs (unless you're having a hard time and need some help) will be expected. Other than that, all we ask as far as posts go is that you're relatively active; if you vanish and we cannot get ahold of you after a couple of days we will move on.

Literacy: Sorry Y'all, but we will be expecting decent grammar in this.

Plot: If you wanna run off and have a side adventure with someone else, feel free! You don't have to roleplay with everyone all the time! There is going to be a general plot, as well as a bunch of 'event' type deals where we're all RPing together, but if your character and another decide they want to go shake up a competing Speakeasy don't wait for everyone to go! The Cat's Eye needs you!

Other Important Info:

-This is a crime based RP, and as such there are going to be darker themes. Theft, smuggling, murder, even some light torture as a means of intimidation. If you're uncomfortable with those things, this might not be the best place for you.

-While we are encouraging darker themes, I'm just going to take a second to stress the importance of consent. Don't just go shankin' another person's character without asking them if that's alright, we're criminals, not assholes.

-Keep the drama IC. We have a discord and we'd love it if you join, but save the drama for the Cat's Eye.


If you have any other questions/concerns please feel free to message me and I'll answer them to the best of my abilities!

Thanks for reading, hope to see you at the Cat's Eye!








Years at the Cat's Eye:





Excerpt:(2-3 paragraphs of your writing, can be from an RP, personal project, fan fiction, or even made up on the spot! We just want to ensure that all of our writing styles will mesh)


Name: Jeannie Lombardy

Age: 27

Height: 5'2''

Hair: Chestnut brown

Eyes: Sapphire blue

Ability: Siren Song- she can sway the emotions of people within earshot with her voice alone, though the effects gradually wear off within minutes after they stop hearing her.

Job: Owner of the Cat's Eye

Years at the Cat's Eye: 4

Personality: Jeannie is quick-witted and determined to keep her husband's empire on top, despite the fact that she has little to no knowledge of how the greasy underground works. She is charming and often uses her combination of good looks, charisma, and connections to snag rich benefactors to help keep her business afloat. She is not afraid of getting her hands dirty, and she is fiercely loyal to those who work for her.

Likes: Jazz, Romance novels, when things 'go sweet'

Dislikes: Lazy people, those without loyalty, bugs


Excerpt: Abigail Wright was many things, but patient was not among them. She stood outside the elevator looking visibly irritated, several evidence boxes floating effortlessly behind her. She huffed, shifting her weight as she watched the floor level descend slowly, but surely. She ran her hand over her face, glancing back at the boxes as if to make sure they were still there, and that there were still as many of them as there had been before. She couldn't help but feel as if she were forgetting something, but no matter how many times she counted and recounted the boxes there were always twelve. It was going to take her hours to pour over all the evidence left behind from the different cold cases she believed might all be connected to her current assignment.

The elevator crept down floor by floor, stopping to gather more people as it went. Thankfully the evidence hall was under the entrance floor, so at least the elevator should have been empty by the time it got to where she was. Well, empty save anyone who had business down in the basement as she had. Though she saw several house elves searching through the seemingly endless hall of evidence she was surprised to find that she did not see a single witch or wizard. She scratched her cheek lightly, she herself was guilty of sending house elves down to retrieve her boxes more often than not as well, she just hadn't known that almost everyone else did the same.
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Name: Victor Jensen.

Age: 22.

Height: 6'0".

Hair: Brown.

Eyes: Green.

Ability: Tectonic Disruption. Victor's ability allows him to boost sound waves throughout his body, as a weapon or a shield. His primary drawback is it rattles his own body, and overuse can cause headaches or physical strain on his body.

Job: Rumrunner. As one of the more offensively gifted members of The Cat's Eye, Victor was hired despite his young age to handle the more illegal parts of the operation.

Years at the Cat's Eye: 6 months.

Personality: Brash, cocky, very aware of his power. Respectful, however, to those of The Cat's Eye. After all, he's still rather new.

Likes: Alcohol, jazz, cigarettes.

Dislikes: People bringing up his age as a point of contention.



"A blanket of silence crept from Dead Air. A more manipulative power than it appeared on the surface. He broke into a run, bursting out of the alley with a shout of joy. No one could hear it, but the silence went a step further. It was so potent at the core that people had a hard time even looking directly at him. It was akin to having the power of invisibility if he pumped it hard enough. The single drawback to his ability was that Dead Air was not immune to it. If he wanted to silence the things around him, he silenced himself. Ross knew sign language because Dead Air forced him to learn. The point of contact was approaching quickly. Dead Air slid behind a brick wall, breathing steadily to slow his heart rate. He pulled the two metal discs out, holding one in each palm. The final trick to Dead Air's powers was that he could feel when someone entered his bubble of silence. The armored car pierced it like a knife, and he looked around the brick. Tossing the two metal discs to the street, they clattered without making a hint of noise. They were magnetized, and shot under the armored car as it passed. Upon contact, they exploded, launching the armored car into the air."

"They broke through the tree line, not far from the road that would take them into town. Lionel removed his conical hat, handing it over to Mary. He didn't know who she was, but he knew how easy she would be to spot. The hat would be nonsensically large, but it was better than that beautiful hair drawing attention through the entire town. Mary looked up at him with a hint of confusion, as if she really didn't believe he was asking her to do what he was asking her to do. Lionel folded his arms and waited until she finally put the hat on. Lionel would take her to the inn, get her a room for a few nights, and...hmm. He didn't really have a plan after that. Head back towards the castle, maybe, see what exactly had taken place over there. Perhaps he would learn more about this Mary Hawkins he had accompanied through the forest. Something happened there, Lionel was no fool."

"He only needed to cast two more spells, his magic could hold out for that. A deep breath in...then out. He shimmered out of existence, leaving behind a misty shadow of himself. If he was looked at directly, you could tell someone was there, but there was still much confusion in the castle as they panicked about the missing princess. Lelekai could avoid direct line of sight as he hunted out the man who was bound to be wed to the girl at the inn. Completing this request gave him a valuable ingredient that would last him for ages...but he couldn't help wonder if all this effort was truly worth it. A large man caught his eye, and the spirits in his ear buzzed. No wonder she did not wish to marry that. No suffering...Lelekai approached the man from behind. He was shouting at the guards, demanding they find his prize. He was dead within the moment, his heart stopping as necrotic magic ate it from the inside. He would suffer a little. He deserved it. Lelekai left the castle, truly exhausted now. He had no potions to restore his stamina or refresh his magical quantity...part of the reason he was so desperate for her hair. All of his magical supplies had been left back at the castle after that damned knight stormed in."
Name: Jedadiah Clem(onte)

Age: 36

Height: 5'10

Hair: Bald (once a rich dark brown)

Eyes: Tawny

Ability: Ability to *nudge* another's decisions in one direction or another. However, abuse of the ability has somewhat prematurely aged him, causing baldness and a wizened face. When using his gift to seduce someone, it's like he's had 10 shots of whiskey when a bed is involved. Meaning it works on them but makes him useless.

Job: Fixer

Years at the Cat's Eye: 12

Personality: Vain, greedy, licentious, hedonistic, and wholly cosmopolitan, Jed Clem is a man who has never been satiated. He also happens to be exceptionally charismatic, with a warmth of spirit and personality that belie the very terrible things he's done. As Mr. Lombardy's fixer, Jed has been in charge of legally shrouding bribes, sending hush money, blackmailing rivals, charming politicians, and seeing that certain deceased members of society were eliminated from public records. Police records indicate he was the last person seen by several suicide cases, though no evidence has ever been found to indicate he was involved with any of them.

Likes: The fancy stuff - Jed loves using florid language, sipping top shelf European liquors (scotch and port are particular vices), dining at the finest establishments, classical music (opera especially), wood-paneled apartments, patent leather shoes with spats, bespoke suits, and leisure time away from the city bustle. Jed once used his little gift to seduce classy, headstrong women, but such use now renders him impotent.

Dislikes: Poor use of language, bathtub hooch, bland food, the racket that is Tin Pan Alley, slums, being poorly dressed, badly cooked food, his family, the intentionally unintelligent, the foolish, those who can't hold a conversation with him.

Mugshot: Honestly can't find a picture that accurately resembles this guy, so here's a prose description:

Jed is an unremarkable man when one takes stock of his individual attributes; he is of middling height, somewhat heavyset, with wide feet and oddly slender hands. The only remaining hint of the once-fit soldier is his beefy forearms, which are rather vascular. His oval head is a smidge too large for his body, but he hides it well by shaving what remaining hair he has left. His deep-set tawny eyes are shaded by heavy brows, and a thin nose looks even smaller due to large, voluptuous lips. His cleanly- shaven cheeks are full but not overly so, with high cheekbones that add a sense of drama to an otherwise average appearance.

Excerpt:(2-3 paragraphs of your writing, can be from an RP, personal project, fan fiction, or even made up on the spot! We just want to ensure that all of our writing styles will mesh)

The man's tooth twirled and twittered before settling on blood-spattered cobblestones. She laughed brightly at his misfortune, the credit for which belonged exclusively to her. The straight heel of her slickly polished leather boot shed but a single drop of crimson, and she brought her shapely dancer's leg to rest beside his head, followed closely by the mirrored luster of her rapier's shimmering blade. For good measure, she flicked her wrist ever so slightly, causing the tip of the sword to nick a half-inch scarlet line across a bulging vein that popped forth from his lace-wrapped neck.

"Do you yield?" her ruby lips inquired. "Or," she continued, hope singing in her silver voice, "Shall I slit the life from that depraved little throat of yours?" A dulcet laugh erupted from her fine-lined jaw; its sounds an ascending arpeggio, as if she merely warmed her throat before a song.
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