Who am I?

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Who am I?

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Today 12:35 PM
Who or what am I, you ask?

Well… I'm everything. Or at least most everything!

Yin and yang, good and bad, strange and normal, silly and serious, kind and cruel. Perverted and… Well, not the other thing. I am everything, but a few things!

But one thing I am NOT is someone who can make a worthwhile plot. So please, just make it easier for both of us and come to me with a plot already in mind, cause I'll literally do anything and I do mean ANYTHING. Except furry…

No, but seriously, I try to warn people but it never works, hehe… You want an RP with me? Then recommend one, cause otherwise, we won't get past the "What genre do you like." So let' just skip the whole creating process and you just tell me what to do.

Now I know that's asking a lot, but… Can you really blame me?! Well yes, of course, you can. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, I can't just come here and make orders. Maybe I should just crawl under my bed and die…

No you fool! I shant do that! I will stay on the outside and be a good person! Well a good person on the outside, you would absolutely despise the person inside. Her name is Ask, she's like super toxic, but I keep her locked deep down in my undies.

Wait what? Are you completely crazy?! You're having a dialogue with yourself in the BIO you fool! And don't mention your undies… It's embarrassing…

Well, I just did it too… Oh, darn you! Wow, the BIO can be like suuuper long, can't it? Actually looking back at it, it's not that long. Is it? People have longer ones. Seriously, guys, people are gonna think I'm talking to myself. You gotta stop.

But... You are talking to yourself. There's no one else here... Except for the perv reading through your BIO! Yeah, I know you're there!

Nyooooo! Don't call the readers creeps and pervs... We want them to like us...

I never called them creeps... But you just did! And what's with the "us"? You're alone you dum dum!

Nyo, I'm not... Well, I am... Why am I doing the nya thing... Darn you, how many stages of my psyche is this BIO gonna show the readers... It's so embarrassing! I should just jump out of a basement window!

Basements don't have windows... Or they might? Darn it... What does this have to do with the BIO, anyway?

Oh, that's simply elementary my dear Watson. – Waaait, right there Sherlock. Holmes never actually said that in any of the books...

Wait seriously? Yeah... Anyway, back to the why. What's this BIO got to do with introducing myself?

I would appreciate if you would stop writing BIO in all caps thank you very much. And as to the why... So people can see what kind of crazy you got, you wacko.

Don't call me a wacko... It makes me sound like a weirdo! But we're all weird... Right? Right?!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Who am I? Who are you? Who is who? Welcome to the Twilight Zone.... eh... I mean Inner Sanctum!!

- Jack
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