FxF *wiggles finger* Come show me those silky moves on that keyboard!

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FxF *wiggles finger* Come show me those silky moves on that keyboard!


Local time
Tomorrow 4:13 AM
North East England
Well hello, I'm Alura.

So aside from the jokey title is actually looking for somebody to brainstorm with me, create new settings, worlds and what not. Right now I have no specified scenario I'm looking for! Some would say it out of power dust :( I'm looking for dedicated writers who enjoy pushing the story as much as I do. People who totally immerse themselves in the world we create. All in all, I want somebody to stick around for a long time, get a decent few replies in each evening and enjoy.

I understand! People can be busy so don't think I'm expecting to chain you to your computer and type but if you will be away for a while just let me know! :3

I've been Roleplaying for many years and have a brilliant depth to my writing. Wanted to write my own book but I was rather scared to do so! Haha!

I enjoy smut in all roleplays, Its fun. But I enjoy a great story together with it even more.

So please! Flood my inbox with your idea's...Let your imagination flow through your fingers! You won't regret it!

My preferred role's in capital's
Mxf / FxF / Futa x Futa / FUTA x f
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