MxF Wolfie's Search for a Partner

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MxF Wolfie's Search for a Partner


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About Me
Hello there friends, you can call me Wolfie or any other endearing nickname you can come up with! A bit about me: I am a 31 year old female with a full time job and a husband I love taking care of. However, roleplaying has been apart of my life for fifteen years, and it has developed into my favorite hobby. When I am not reading, I am writing during my free time! It's like roleplaying is a part of my very being... Enough about me and my obsession with roleplaying and onto what you came here for: what am I looking for in a roleplay partner??

I'm looking for someone to play male to my female, real life gender doesn't matter. I am perfectly capable of playing male characters as well, but I have just had a craving to play my own gender recently. Warning: I put a lot of value in the chemistry between our characters and the friendship between us, the writers! This means I can be a little picky about who I write with.

What you can expect from me as a role-player
° Female characters - sometimes I might play a male for the right plot.
° Daily or every other day responses Sometimes more if inspiration is strong!
° Three to Five paragraphs per post.
° Lots of OOC chat! I love creating friendships with my partners! Not to mention I enjoy discussing our story & characters. I am all about mood boards, pictures, songs, and anything else that reminds us of our story or characters.
° Collaboration on the story plot as well as characters. I will always contribute!
° Character Sheets with realistic face claims.
° Romance! I am always craving stories that revolve around romance. I do want to include NSFW themes with about 50/50 ratio. Kinks and limits to be discussed farther in PMs.

If I am so picky... What is it I am looking for, you ask?
° A response at least every other day. I understand life comes first, but the longer we go between replies the more stale the story becomes to me. If you need a break, or something has come up in your life just communicate with me, please! OOC chatter and building a friendship really helps with this. :)
° Contribute to the plot and character development. Please help me develop the story and our characters, and not just at the initial planning stages of the story. I love talking about our story, our characters, ideas we have for the future! Mood boards, pictures, Pinterest pages dedicated to our character or story? Yes please!
° Chat with me OOC! Please???
° Two to three paragraph replies. I do prefer quality over quantity, and I am not asking for you to write a novel for every post (or any post), but I would like some substance in our story! I have found that a simple paragraph just does not give enough substance to respond to. Plus, I want to know what your character is thinking, feeling, and doing! I promise to give the same in return <3
° Please be 18 or older! I do want my stories to have romance including NSFW interactions. While romance does not have to be the center of a plot, I would like for it to be a main focus. I am wanting a 50/50 split of romance and story, but this is flexible. We can discuss in more detail in PMs.
° Last but not least, I do use faceclaims (or references) for my characters. I would prefer if my partner did too!

Yay, you made it and are still here!! Does this mean you want to write with me? I sure hope so! Now I can share with you some of the stories I would love to write with you. They are in no particular order.

Slice of Life Pairings

° Boss x Employee
° Good girl x Bad boy (or vise versa)
° Professor x Student
° Bride x Best man
° Groom x Maid of Honor
° Girlfriend x Boyfriends best friend/ brother (or vise versa)​

If you did not notice, I love anything with a forbidden feeling to to it! I like the idea of sneaking around and trying not to get caught. If you have any plots or pairings I did not list, but are still in the forbidden category, I would love to hear them! If none of these caught your attention, but you still want to do a modern slice of life type of story, do not hesitate to reach out anyway.

Fantasy Ideas

° Werewolves
° Witches
° Elementals
° Gods & Goddesses
° Dragons
° Stuck-in-a-video-game​

Really, the sky is the limit here! I would still like for this genre to stay in modern time, but for the right plot or world building, I can be convinced otherwise.

If any of this caught your attention, I would love to hear from you! I will be happy to answer any questions, or concerns, or to just simply talk about anything from this ad. I would also love to make some new friends, so if you just want to chat, I am happy with that as well.

Thanks you for your time! Good luck in your hunt for a good writing partner!
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