World World of Forbidden Love

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World World of Forbidden Love


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Forbidden Love is an active story. This section is designed to keep track of NPCs and Locations. Any of the information on this thread is welcome to be used, taken, and shared.
Please do not post in this section unless you are taking part in the story.
This story takes place in the active world, there are no magic, special or unique powers, and abilities. Because of that the world's info has been limited and will not be described in detail, those interested in more information about the story or world are encouraged to read it.
Thank you for your time and understanding.​

Format for NPC infomation.


Name: Eric Trabec
Ht: 6'
Wt: 180 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Age: 35
Notes/personality: Eric works at the Steelyard with Jason. He can be quite friendly and easy to speak with. Eric is also known to be very charming and manipulative in order to get what he wants. Though he would struggle greatly to take what he wants by force convincing, blackmailing, or manipulating his desires is much easier. Eric follows a strict set of rules set in place by Jason and his group.

Name: David Silvers
Ht: 5'8
Wt: 200 lbs.
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Gray, cut short, or shaved. (Receding hairline)
Age: 48
Notes/personality: David is an extremely kind and trustworthy person. Father of 2 younger girls, Husband in a happy marriage. He looks older than he is at times and is struggling to make it to retirement. David follows a strict set of rules set in place by Jason and his group. Behind closed doors, David is well known for being a sadist for any extra circular relations he might have. It is believed he does this to avoid issues in his marriage but it is unknown why he is a sadist. His children are 10 and 12, named Megan and Hana. His wife is 42 and her name is Barbra.

Name: Andrew Sanders
Ht: 6'2
Wt: 210
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Age: 36
Notes/personality: Andrew is the most aggressive of Jason's current friends, He is the supervisor at the steelyard. He is not afraid to fight, nor take what he wants when he wants it. Once Andrew's respect is earned it's very difficult to lose and he will forgive almost anything because of it. Andrew follows a strict set of rules set in place by Jason and his group. Andrew has a very large girlfriend whom he often argues and fights with, yet refuses to leave.

Name: Mary Rex
Ht: 5'3
Wt: 149 lbs.
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Dirty Blond, short.
Age: 28
Notes/personality: Mary works at Planned Parenthood, She is a nurse and quite friendly and easy to speak with. She believes fully in choice and will openly support this. She also will protect the secrets and other such information from those who visit her. She can be talkative as she would one day like to be a therapist and has easily therapist syndrome believing she needs to involve herself and give advice on everyone's problems. It isn't intended to be offensive.

Name: Doctor Connie Young
Ht: 5'3
Wt: 112 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Age: 44
Notes/personality: Dr. Young is exactly that of a Doctor at Planned Parenthood. She is restricted to the same rules and laws that apply to medical doctors. The single exception is that she is not required to share information with authorities as it is not a state hospital. Meaning private information will remain private through standard recommendations will be given. She is kind but professional, She is there to be a doctor, not a friend and while nice she will not allow the line to become blurred.

Name: Amelia Lenset (Lia)
Ht: 5'4
Wt: 369 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown / badly dyed red, or purples and auburn
Age: 24
Notes/personality: Little is known about Lia, She is the girlfriend of Andrew, but refers to herself as his fiancee. She's highly possessive of Andrew. It's rumored she's into scat and bathroom play along with other things. Has a strong crush on Jason. Wants to join their game night, but has been rejected from entering Jason's home.

Name: Michael Denzer
Ht: 5'7
Wt: 169 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Age: 41
Notes/personality: Friendly and outgoing but willing to do the wrong thing. Michael is known to be very well endowed. He can be overly friendly but typically has something going on behind the scenes.

Name: Richard Lesner
Ht: 6'1
Wt: 189 lbs
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Dark Brown short
Age: 42
Notes/personality: Easy to get along with and speak to. Very thirsty guy, more then willing to break the law, Works at the steel yard with the other guys.

Name: Tony (Unknown)
Ht: 5'7
Wt: 280 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dirty Brown
Age: 42
Notes/personality: Tony is a bit of a loner, he often feels left out and will actively attempt to make others feel bad for him. He doesn't like to be mocked for his weight but will eat like there's no tomorrow. He is more then willing to break the law and has done so often.

Name: Tom Jackson
Ht: 5'9
Wt: 168 lbs
Eyes: Hazel (blue)
Hair: Chestnut Brown
Age: 34
Notes/personality: Tom is a nice guy but enjoys talking and longs for friendship. He is not currently involved in the group and stands as an outsider. He works at the same location as Jason and is also a grinder at this location.

Name: Jeffery (Unknown)
Ht: 6'1
Wt: 172 lbs
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown (Cut Short and thin)
Age: 42
Notes/personality: Jeffery is a Chosen Enforcer for the Lodge. He can be cold and has serial killer tendencies. He is heavily disliked by Jason and has openly murdered multiple people in the group on the orders of the Lodge. Despite all his problems, he was quite respectful and educational to Alie.
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Jason's Home Rhode Island
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Inside Home
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Notable changes -
Basement = Workout equipment including punchingbag.
Rooms = Children Room/ Larger room w/crib - These are accurate but no children are in this world actively, these items will be removed when Jason gets around to it now that his guest is gone.

Jason's Truck
Ford F-150 Truck silver in color 2012

Unknown what the inside of his home looks like at this time.

Andrew's Car

Silver in color, Hyundai Genesis 2011
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Knight's of Lusst'ghaa

The Knights of Lusst'ghaa are a group of men and women who are fascinated by Sin, and through it seek transcendence into a state of happiness beyond humanity.
The group was formed by Doreen Austerlitz to help search for a true seer, needed as a ritual sacrifice to open the gates to Sin. The group was originally made up of some of Doreen's fellow academics but soon drew in powerful figures of business and politics. Doreen stopped unnecessary growth, making the group more elite, and it took it in a different direction starting June,6,1966.
The Cult was focused on transcendence, but in the meantime took to ever more elaborate orgies to honor Sin. This drove away other leaders, who came to look down on the cult.

On June 6th, 2011 Jason Henderson was inducted into the Knights, by Steven Late. The process to join was long complicated and riddled with loopholes and rules that made little sense to modern times. But it had perks, aside from the sexual ones. Jason quickly began to excel in this group and became a more well-established member of the Knights. Pushing towards security and enforcement of rules and being more strict about these issues made him popular with older members and more dedicated younger ones.

On March 10 2014 Steven Late was arrested for pimping which at the time was a misdemeanor. However, during the investigation, it was found that he had illegally taken part in the buying of humans and was charged with a 20-year sentence for participating in human trafficking. After this the group gradually began to dissolve, eventually funneling down to Jason and three others.

More history is to be added as it is learned and discovered.

The Cult of Ecstasy!

The Cult of Ecstasy is an exclusive group of men and women who believe in Lusst'ghaa. Through it, they seek transcendence into a state of happiness that is beyond humanity.
Lusst'ghaa is a place where their salvation resides. It is a land of Eternal Ecstasy where all their dreams will come true, and they will transcend what they understand of lust and desire and there find true peace and happiness for all eternity.

Their goal is to procreate and celebrate their lustful desires and other greater sins of man. It is to honor the beings who reside within Lusst'ghaa and garner their favor. For it is only through these acts that they can find true happiness and they can see their worthiness and purity to join them. They believe that when enough essence has been gathered, they will open a pathway for those loyal to join them, and they will leave their mortality behind as they become like unto gods ourselves.

The word Lust itself has bled over from the word Lusst'ghaa. There are 42 chapters like Rhode Island only bigger. There used to be more but some of the chapters merged and became one instead of two. Originally there was a chapter established in every state. There are others across the world, but they do not have contact with them unless they visit the states. Though seldomly would anyone visit Rhode Island if they chose to come to the states.

Essence is the energy and life expended during a climax, and while engaged in sexual acts.

They are a group clad in secrecy. They do not talk about these things; they do not make notes about these things. They do not post or engage even with each other about these things. This allows them deniability should the worst come to pass. They have many rituals and many protocols.

Who are the Lusst'ghaa'n's?
they are a highly advanced group of humanoids who had far superior technology. They sought out eternal happiness and found it through sexual ecstasy. It is said they are in a perpetual state of orgasmic pleasure.

Openness and Acceptance!
This group is very open to all types of sexual preferences, genders, and others. No one is judged based on their preferences or sexual identification. Any who do judge others on these things is severely punished.
Women are able to hold the same rights and positions as men, as well as others as these are not factors when determining leadership.

Essence is the gathering of what the cult refers to as energy. It is not the physical orgasmic release of males or females. It is the build-up of that release. Upon having an orgasm, it is believed that energy is released just prior to the physical effects of orgasm, which is used to create life. It is that energy prior to the physical release that the cult refers to as essence and is attempting to collect.

Additional information has been discovered regarding Essence. Members are unable to gather essence from themselves.
Masturbation is also not an acceptable form of gathering essence.
Sexual relations with others are used to increase the essence that is gathered by maximizing the effect of the orgasmic release.

Ranks & Roles!
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The Cult of Ecstacy is filled with various ranks and roles in which members are to be awarded. Each rank represents additional responsibility and higher enlightenment. No group or rank is to speak about their roles and duties to another. Each is kept secret and should be something inspired to not understood before it is received.

Current positions known are...
These men and women enforce the rules of the cult and will do so with deadly force when necessary.

Recruiters: After special training, these members are taught how to recruit others and what to look for. This is kept secret so no singular person can come forth and destroy the cult from within.
-->New information has stated, that a Recruiter can be called away to serve their missions in other groups and other locations across the United States or even other Countries. The Lodge will provide recruiters with Lodgings and financial support while they are on a mission. Once the mission is over, they are permitted to relocate or return to their home.
It was also stated that Recruiters are required to stay at the Lodge while they undergo training on how to recruit properly, private rituals only they can conduct, and self-defense courses.

The Prophet: This person leads the Cult of Ecstacy and little is known about him at this time, he is considered to be extremely charismatic and knowledgable with direct understanding or contact with Lusst'ghaa
Chosen: These are sub-leaders who are chosen to enforce and represent the will of The Prophet, they have trusted leaders designed and standing at the head of every group.
Earner: People with this title help provide money for group gatherings, they typically work or collect taxes from members if necessary. Typically they will perform some task to earn money for the group.
Acolyte: These are new members who are learning about the cult and have yet to be given a position. They typically wear white and are considered the lowest rank possible.
Apprentices: They tend to work directly for the Prophet and are often trained to become a Chosen of a group directly. These members are considered full-time students and are often viewed with status and respect.
Sages: A sage works directly for the Lodge or the Cult itself. They handle the lore and watch over the libraries of knowledge. It is very rare for a Sage to join a smaller group.
Black Guard: It is unknown what this position is, but rumors have suggested they are hitmen or assassins for the Lodge. Whatever their purpose is they are highly secretive and do not have a public image.

Chosen before any title: To place the title Chosen before a rank is to indicate that they are of the highest status one can achieve within that rank. Typically, they work directly for the Prophet or the Lodge and are often the instructors who educate those of the same rank without the Chosen title.

Professional Work: Anyone who works for the lodge on a professional level is given a blue star that they will display on their robe or chest. This indicates that they are employees but also have their standard rank and position.

Information has been presented that the loyalty of members is organized into priorities.
1. The Prophet (Leader of the Cult)
2. Cult of Lusst'ghaa (Society of Lusst'ghaa)
3. Personal Group (State residing in and the group they are part of.)
4. Family

Focal/Focus Point
There are two aspects that have been discovered regarding a focal point and a focus point.
A focal point: is a single subject that gathers as much essence as possible from all members present. Typically, this involves group play or multiple partners at the same time.
Focus Point: an item or idol used to store the essence that has been gathered.

Known Rules and Codes.

Debts are paid in full, outside of engaging in illegal activities or self-harm, a debt can be equal to a person's entire wealth. Debts are not given easily and must be obeyed, failure can and has led to death.
Respect: This rule is not fully understood at this time, however, respect must be shown and followed. No, mean's no. Failure to adhere to this can lead to serious consequences.

Additional Rules and Codes are to be added as discovered.

Objects of importance and use!

The Chalice of Lust
The Chalice of Lust is covered in depictions of a woman nude in various positions. The rim of the chalice is pure gold. It stands as high as a typical goblet and is black in color.
The chalice of lust is the goblet of desire. One drop of blood from each member is added to the chalice. Then filled halfway with Absinthe. The absinthe is started on fire, blown out and each is to take a drink from it. This is used to close the opening ceremony and is the final task before the night begins.

Statue of Lust
This lustful statue is 2 and 1/2 feet in size. Silver and the person on the bottom is sexless, if closely inspect small horns rest on the head near the hands.
While this center of peace begins the ritual after the chant is spoken each person will kneel before it and kiss the bust of the statue. Before moving on to the Chalice of Lust.

Black Candles

Each candle stands nearly one and a half feet tall there should be two or more. lighting them indicates the start of the ritual, they should surround the Statue of Lust. They remain lit until the end of the night and signify the close of the gathering. If these candles were to all blow out while the night was progressing they would take it as a sign and end the night.

More objects will be added as they are discovered.

The Ritual's chant and words are used to open.
(I have no idea what I'm doing if it sounds silly that's why.)
"We the Knights of Lusst'ghaa, open ourselves to the key to sexual fulfillment, We take into us the gift that is knowledge and sin."
"We The Knights of Lusst'ghaa, call on the sexual energy that will add to our enlightenment."
"We The Knights of Lusst'ghaa, open ourselves for the transcendence that is found within the Sin of man."
"We are." everyone speaks. "The Knights of Lusst'ghaa"

What is a Cult?
This is one example of the mindset of being in a cult.

1. Opposing critical thinking

2. Isolating members and penalizing them for leaving

3. Emphasizing special doctrines outside religious scripture

4. Seeking inappropriate loyalty to their leaders

5. Dishonoring the family unit

6. Crossing Biblical boundaries of behavior (versus sexual purity and personal ownership)

7. Separation from social beliefs
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Name: Lance
Ht: 6'1
Wt: 180
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Age: 24
Notes/personality: Lance is a fuck boi, plan and simple. He spends his life living in his mother's basement and not paying rent while working on online games and streaming. He spends his life chasing pussy and drugs but mainly pussy. He has never had a girlfriend for more then a month as he finds it gets old quickly and his eye is always wandering looking for the next thing to hit.

Name: Becky
Ht: 5'6
Wt: 190
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Age: 26
Notes/personality: Becky is an escort. She works for a medium-popular escort company. She loved making money, but she was also a bitch, didn't work well with a team, and hated being in second place. She would trip up any female that attempted to take her spotlight and enjoy watching that female fail.
Name: Emily
Ht: 5'4
Wt: 145
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dyed Blonde
Age: 27
Notes/Personality: Emily is a bubbly personality; she is a stripper and a hooker. She has an "OnlyFans' account and multiple sugar daddies. She is a found person to be around, and she just enjoys life. She doesn't do drugs and doesn't drink.
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David's House / NPC's

Name: Barbra Silvers
Ht: 5'5
Wt: 140 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown, Near Black
Age: 39
Notes/personality: very friendly and easy to speak with, has wisdom about her, Has been there and done that with most everyone in the group, is very motherly, cares only about her children and seeing them raised right.

Name: Megan Silvers
Ht: 4'5
Wt: 73 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dirty Blond/brown
Age: 10
Notes/personality: Very talkative, friendly, outgoing, safe, and secure. Megan is underage and because of this never present in the story during increased or heated scenes no violence or NSFW scenes, she is a background thought nothing more.

Name: Hana Silvers
Ht: 5'1
Wt: 86 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Near Black
Age: 13
Notes/personality: Moody, stuck to her phone, distant from others. Hana is underage, and because of this she is never present in the story during increased violence or heated NSFW scenes. She is a background thought nothing more.

David's Home

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David's Car
2013 Tesla Maroon in color.
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