World’s End (Interest Check)

Currently reading:
World’s End (Interest Check)


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Today 8:51 PM
Simplistic Plotline

The year is 2040, the world has gone into an utter sense of chaos, what started off as the common cold had evolved into so much more. An air born virus that was to be masked as a simple cold had been released throughout the world by the US Government. Population clean up, that was what it was meant for, to lower the population mainly in places that were close to, or already were, being over populated. Of course, it didn't go exactly as they had hoped resulting in catastrophic devastation that spread through the lands like wildfire.

That was four years ago, since then the dead began to rise once more, walking this earth and leaving others to either be eaten by them and turned or cower in fear, praying for some kind of saving grace. It has been said that there is a sanctuary in each country meant to keep those worthy of survival safe until the world goes through its rebirth. The question is, are you willing to risk your life for something that may not be a guaranteed hail Mary? Will you travel on your own or try to find other survivors and work together to find the sanctuaries? This takes place within the United States, did your character already live there or were they there for some reason before this all happened?

Just some simple guidelines to follow for this roleplay:

- Be sure to include everyone you can, this of course is an exception if you and anthers character are the only two in a specific area.
- The minimum reply length is 3 paragraphs in third person style, you absolutely aren't required to write a novel but i'd also like there to be enough for people to work with in regards to interactions and replies.
- You can have as detailed of a Character Sheet or as simplistic of one as you'd like! The only that is necessary for this is a name, age, animated based photo reference, and personality/backstory.
- On the topic of age, please be aware that this is in Redstar for a reason, there can and will be mature related topics such as smut, language, gore, and possibly even narcotic/alcohol related moments. The youngest you can make your character is 18.
- There will be a post order if it is preferred but this is more free lance, reply to those who went before you, work with what you got. If only a few people join this then I will make a reply order to keep it orderly and easy to work with.
- Get creative, have fun, enjoy! If you want to add on mutated monsters or test subjects turned into revolting creatures or you want to make this more interesting with infected animals then feel free! This is meant to have fun and just enjoy a relaxing roleplay with a bunch of other people!

Link to Roleplay Post
Below is the link for this roleplay(will be created once at least 2 people join). Be sure to watch the thread so you have notifications or just to follow along with the story!

No need to ask to join, simply put your character sheet below and see where you can jump in with the roleplay!

Survive or Die!
Good Luck!​
Evangeline Braxford
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Personality: Evangeline, or Angie, has always been a more closed off woman, usually opting to stay home or work by herself. Through and through she could be considered a Horror movie junkie. Now that life has quite literally become its own horror movie, she feels at least she has some sort of edge with this. A smart woman who always has an Idea or two brewing in her mind.
Appearance: Angie stands at a short 5'2 and proud of it. Her hair is wavy and falls just past the middle of her back. She has pretty golden eyes and a slender figure.
History: Before the world came to an end, Angie was actually training to become a police officer, finding it to be something worth doing in her life with her ultimate goal being to become a Detective. She lived in London most of her life until she came to the United States during a small vacation just days before the events that happened. She has been stuck there ever since, holed up in the hotel she stayed at, managing to go out every so often to gather snacks from the hotel kitchens.
GIDGET: 23, Leader of five (or 6) misfits thrown together by circumstances. Medium brown hair to her shoulders,
blue eyes, 5'4", petite and almost always accompanied by a shadow hound named Wraith who has been by
her side since she was little

WRAITH: Five feet long from nose to rump, four feet tall at the shoulder. Originates from some shadow plane
opened during the Cataclysm that set off the War of Dominion. Emits a howl that can chill a person's
bones, reminding his hind brain of ancient nights spent huddling in caves behind giant fires trying to fend
off the darkness.

Gidget is the youngest member and the leader of her group. She has no memory of her birth name, as she lost her mother at an early age and never knew her father. Being a precocious child as a toddler, she wandered off from the abandoned apartment she and her mother were hiding in at about age 3 or 4. It was during this particular "exploration" that she first met Wraith. The otherworldly (hound/mastiff/canine?) had cornered some miscreant preying on a child of about 8 to 10. Unfortunately, the child failed to survive the encounter, whereas the miscreant stood terrified in a corner, showing a dark stain down one leg of his pants. It was about then that Gidget wandered up and cheerfully exclaimed "Puppy!" Whereby the miscreant collapsed in a dead faint. Wraith tilted his head to inspect the newcomer. Gidget attempted wrap her arms around him for a hug and corrected her earlier statement "Big puppy!"
Sniffing her hair, he decided she was neither threat nor in danger herself and left by dimensional rift to the sounds of "Bye puppy". They next saw one another when Gidget was about 8 and living in a dilapidated ruin of a building. He appeared at her side, and seeing him there she woke fully and grabbed hold. Just as they appeared across the street in a sheltered alcove, the old building she was just in shivered and collapsed into a pile of un-survivable rubble. The two have been inseparable since.
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