MxM Would anyone be interested in roleplaying?

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MxM Would anyone be interested in roleplaying?

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Today 10:47 PM
So I am new here, just introduced myself, and I want to go ahead and get started roleplaying! I have a few ideas, but if you want to roleplay with me and you don't like any of the idea's that I have, please feel free to message me with some ideas of your own.

Before you do that though, I want you to pm me with a clear description of the role play you would like to do, what you want out of the roleplay, and a short description of your characters so that I can go ahead and see if we are compatible. I want you to tell me what you do not like so that we can ensure our boundaries. I also write about 3-5 paragraphs and expect the same from my partner.

If you send me a PM without giving me a detailed response of what you want, I will not respond.

I am only looking for MxM roleplays at the moment. And before you ask, let me go ahead and say this. A transcharacter who identifies as a male IS a male in my book. if you have a trans female to male character, I would be more than happy to roleplay with them. Even if they have no transitioned or may never transition.

So here are a couple of my ideas, and some expectation's!

Character A is a family man living the family life style...and it is boring. He craves adventure, freedom, and has an inner desire to give into his darkest, most f*cked up fantasies. He meets Character B on a BDSM site and there is an instant connection. His Dom introduces him to a lifestyle of complete servitude and he soon realizes that there are no limits he will go for him. However Character B has a dark side that goes deeper than surface BDSM. and after he reveals it, character A might not make it out alive.

**I would like to put that even though there are themes of BDSM in this story, it will not in anyway reflect the BDSM community. the BDSM community-when done right- is supposed to be a safe place for someone to experiment and experience their fantasies. Character B is a sociopath who is actually using the tight nit community as a facade in order to brainwash and manipulate a vulnerable man who isn't aware of it. It will be incredibly violent and will have character death (but it will not be your character) I just want to throw that out there.

Character A lives alone with his younger sibling ever since they were abandoned by their parents the moment he turned 18. He had to give up his chance at going to college, getting a good job, and living a normal life- but for his sibling, his only family, he would do anything. And because of that, he takes an extra shift at his job at the grocery store in order to make rent for next month. When he comes home late, he expects to find his younger sibling sleeping. However, they are no where to be found. He calls all of the siblings friends, calls the school in the morning, and comes to the conclusion that something happened to them. He goes to the police but they are unwilling to provide help.
Character B is a police officer who has been working missing persons since he got out of the academy. he is sick of working within the law-his luck often running dry with either never finding the missing people, or finding them when it is too late. For some reason, character A's pleas strike a chord with him. he decides that the only way to help this person out is to do it illegally. They do their best to try and find his younger sibling no matter what the cost.

(Age gaps are preferred but the youngest has to be at least 18. I know that the story line is specifically for the brother of the missing person and the police officer, but if you want to add in the horror's of the younger sibling and their abductor that is also fine. however there will be no sexual themes if the sibling is not 18. We can always make Character A older.)

*****Now introducing Fandom's!*****

I don't have any ideas for fandom's yet, but here are some things I would love to try out. The names with * by them are the ones that I would like to roleplay.

Kingdom Hearts:

Legend of Mana:
Escad/Male protag
Elazul/Male protag

Harvest moon
Gil*/Male farmer
I am willing to play most male characters with the male farmer if anyone would like. I know it's silly, but I like the slice of life, living on a farm deal.

Persona 5:

At most in this story, I would only expect six characters. In this story, I will be killing off at least one of my characters, so please understand that this will happen. However, I do not expect you to kill off any of yours. Just be prepared for it. Obviously I would want a partner who is capable of roleplaying multiple characters, but I only wanted up to 6 because I found that keeping up with more than that is just too complicated. I will be roleplaying the monsters, but I am open for suggestions on what you want it to be. I will NOT play vampires.[/SPOILER]

Alright, so that's all I have so far! Let me know if you're interested!
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