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MxF Writing a book, Care to Collaborate?

Draxion Wolff briar

The Best-est Kitsune
Local time
Today 11:18 PM
Hello Everyone, It's been such a long time since I've been here and I'm ready to get back into it. I have an Idea for a plot that I've waited for some time to look for a collaborator to help me flesh this plot out.

A basic idea for it is A Kitsune by the name of Oktoro (Oak-toro) Isikage (ee-see-kah-gey) is in a board/dorm house with five other members for the University of Gifted Creatures and People or UGCP. The roommate he has is named Shiju(Shee-jew) Nakumarua(Nac-oo-maroo-a). His roomate is a normal human (Supposedly) that is attending the college. The other 4 are a Saytr with the mouth and accent of an Irishman, A petite, adorable wood elf that had given everyone a nickname, A Dark Elf with a secret crush on Oktoro, and the headmistress of the house, a Classy female with a taste for tea and crumpets. Oktoro bursts awake in his dark room, Shiju peering at him as his shirt slides over him. He asks Oktoro if it was a reoccurring dream that Oktoro told him about, which it had. (See The Curiousness of the Darkness Within.) The time was about 5:00 A.M. and he had decided to get ready for the day. When he went to see if the bathroom was open, he was met with a giggle. the wood elf was in the shower, almost finished though. I have more stuff to go on but I want to flesh it out with others. We will be able to decide where we take the story and we can take our time. I only ask for some things that are simple.

1). Just be able to make some form of actual EFFORT. PLEASE. The amount of people that I have tried to go through this and gotten one liners is too many to count. Please, give me at the very least 1 paragraph, it's not that hard. I'm sure that you'll be able to give many more though as there are multiple characters.

2). Be willing to use multiple characters. I don't want to be the one dictating the majority of the story, I want It to be a collaboration. It isn't fun when I'm doing all the work, that's why I'm on here, rather than writing chapters right now. I would be willing to go for you playing 2 characters of the 6 but I would much prefer you using 3 of them, whether it be 2 males, 1 female, 3 females, 1 male 2 females, Any of those. I only left out 3 males because I will be using oktoro, as he is my main character understandably

3). Patience. I do have a life and I won't always be on as everyone does. that is all for this one.

4). If you're bored or don't have time Tell me, please! I've been ghosted so many times on forums it's not funny, then again it never is. I'm sure we can come up with something to fix the rut, It is a team effort no?

5). Bring ANY Ideas, please. I am Sorely lacking in the idea department and I can't think of like...ANYTHING.

Here's the dream that Oktoro has in the beginning if you're interested.
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