Writing Challenge - July 2017

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Writing Challenge - July 2017


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Under the Sea
If there's anything that can connect people like nothing else, it's food. We all need it, we all eat it, and most of us enjoy it. There's no escaping it. As often as people eat, some pretty interesting things can happen around food. This month, we'd like you to explore that by writing anything involving a meal or food.

This is quite a broad category, and it can be approached any number of ways. Perhaps your characters are preparing a meal together. They might be sitting down to eat with each other. It could even be an unexpected encounter with days old food. The possibilities are endless, and the only limit is that it involves a meal or food.

Please post your works in this forum as a separate thread, and remember:

1. All forum rules apply.

2. There is no minimum length. If you can tell a full story in a ten sentence poem, go forth.

3. There is also no maximum length, though we do ask you try to keep it within a reasonable length, for the sake of voters who have to read it all

4. This is a chance to test yourself and get a little out of your comfort zone. Don't let fear of judgement or of not winning sway you. We know the lot of you can write—why not show off a little?

Best of luck; we look forward to seeing how you make this prompt your own!


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