Writing is my form of self-care

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Writing is my form of self-care

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Today 9:51 PM
Thanks in advance to everyone for offering a warm welcome to me in this community!

Perhaps this is relatable to others but as a working-college student, I've felt too stressed to find time for what I loved (Writing). However, without taking the time to do something I love, I'll end up getting burnt out as a student. Thus writing is to be my self-care, and as the new year is approaching I'll need to remember to set aside time for this self-care.

I'd like to utilize this site to write for fun, but also develop myself to become a better writer. However, I don't see myself being active every day.

Other self-care of mine includes singing, dancing, nature walks, and talking to / playing games with friends and family.

Share with me some examples of your own self-care if you like, because self-care is not a one-size-fits-all so I'm curious what anyone else reading this might say. What makes you happy?
Welcome to I.S. Bittersweet, I tend to do jogging, or walks, keeping a clean house things like that.
A pleasure to meet you once more, fellow college advocate of mine, and welcome to the site! I do hope you love it here and I look forward to seeing you around.
P.S. my form of self care goes in the form of either working out or training at my Krav Maga gym several times a week. Really helps you burn off some steam.
Welcome to IS!

I can tell you for sure, everyone in this community is understanding in one way or another. I'm sure you'll find people to connect with as well as something to keep you entertained.

My form of self-care... hmm... Sometimes I go for walks in the park, or I just take a nap with my cats, when I'm not writing or playing video games with my closest friend. I'm kind of boring in that regard haha

See you around!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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