World Writing Samples for Night World

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World Writing Samples for Night World


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Aurora Feldan was the daughter of the ancient vampire Lucius, and a human woman that he had kept as a slave. Her mother died in childbirth, but her father kept her, and raised her as his own. She was never accepted as a true vampire however, she was treated as little more than a mortal, and she lived in a secret society of the undead wishing for more power influence and prestige, and she was willing to go to almost any lengths to get what she desired.

There were very few ancients left alive after the Great Purge, a war between the demonic race and the vampire race where the more powerful demons nearly wiped most of them out. Those that remained were largely reclusive, few deciding to get into vampire politics anymore. They were the only ones with blood powerful enough to transform a human into a vampire, and they were also the only ones powerful enough to transform a half vampire such as Aurora into a full vampire so that she would have all the power influence and prestige that was her birthright.

Aurora had already tried getting her father to turn her, but he had refused, stating that although he would like to, Parliament would never allow such a thing, and without their approval, the backlash he would receive for turning her would cost him his seat on the Council of Elders and that was something he was not willing to give up for her. She had saught out a female elder by the name of Nefret. The Egyptian queen had refused her as well, and had nearly killed her for all her trouble, and probably would have if it were not for the near rising of the sun that would have obliterated the queen.

Aurora only knew of two other elders she could approach to ask to be turned. One was a mysterious vampire known as the Grecian, Midian, and another was an unnamed elder residing in a castle somewhere off the coast of Italy. She did research on the man, and decided that her best chance to get what she wanted was to do what they said the nobles of Italy did in times past, bring tributes to him in order to hopefully gain his favor so she could be transformed into the full vampire that she wanted to be and totally embody the power that she believed she totally deserved.

Aurora brought two young women with her to the island, women that she had tricked into coming. They were women that did not know what she was, or who she was. They also had no idea that they had been taken her to become tributes, gifts to a vampire ancient, and that they might very well not make it off the island alive.

Aurora piloted the boat off the coast of Italy, finding a storm hit very suddenly. She got lost in the storm for a long while before she wrecked the boat on an island somewhere off the coast. It was an island shrouded by magic, an island that she was only able to enter or even find because of the vampire blood, limited as it was that flowed in her veins.

"What are we going to do now?" Clara, an Italian American woman of great beauty with dark hair, a great body, and a wardrobe that screamed for attention asked of Aurora.

The other woman who had traveled with Aurora to the Isle of the Damned, an American named Malinda, started gathering up a bag with food and emergency supplies and said. "We cannot stay on the boat obviously. We need to go check out that castle in the distance. Come on, let's go. There may be animals out here. It isn't safe here, we need to take shelter now, get dry and warm for the night. Maybe someone lives in that castle, someone who can help us.

"That sounds like a good idea." Aurora said, looking serious and holding back a smile as her plan thusfar had worked perfectly. "Let's go now before it gets dark."

With that Aurora, Malinda and Clara made there way down a twsiting path, tired and hungry, and hoping to themselves that someone was within the place so that they could get some help and shelter before the storm came.

The door proved to be open, and after Aurora and the other women called out to whorever might be inside, Malinda discovered the door was unlocked, and they became daring enough to venture inside.
Thedan Feldan was sick and tired of living in the shadow of his father the vampire king and Blood Master King Aria. The vampire prince was powerful, yes, but there were limits to his power and influence in the city of Los Vegas. People were afraid of him, people gave him tributes of blood and sex. He was feared and loved in his city, but it just wasn't enough.

Most of the limits came from his age, and the fact he was merely classified as a Blood Drinker, and not a Blood Master. His blood was not potent enough or powerful enough for him to be able to make another vampire, and until he killed and drained his first demon of his blood, he would merely remain a Blood Drinker, and not a Blood Master, and how much respect and influence he had in the world of vampires was going to be severely limited.

Thedan was familiar with the process and what he was expected to do. The demons were the gods of this world. The demons alone were supposed to carry the power to create other immortals. It was a forbidden action, bringing down a demon, killing them, cutting out their heart, and then drinking from the Hearts Blood. Until he did this he would never truly be one of the Blood Gods.

He had his work cut out for him. This was much easier said than done. Thedan knew where demonic territory in Los Vegas was. He just needed to find a demon and do what Aria had done over a thousand years ago. It had been done before, he could do it again.

Demons and vampires were at war now because vampires had rediscovered the power of the Hearts Blood. They were now able to bolster their ranks and create armies of the undead, and the only price for such power was the life of a demon.

Thedan had found the demon in question and had followed him into an alleyway. He brought him down in a forbidden action. The demon was laying there dying. and he had to work up the nerve to do it. He knelt over the injured young demon, ready to plunge the knife into his chest. He was going to do it, he was going to feast on the Hearts Blood. He would become a God among men.

At least that was the plan before Thedan's brother Michael Feldan came from behind him, attacked Thedan, staking him and leaving him for the sun. It all happened so fast. The pain was excruciating. The stake would not kill him, even though it was through his heart. But the soon to be rising sun, it would turn him to ashes.

Michael left Thedan to die, knowing that he would get the wrath of King Aria for it, but not caring. This was between demons and vampires had to stop. This abomination had to stop, this horrific act of murdering for power, had to end. Michael Feldan would see that it did.

Michael picked the injured demon up, and carried him back to his hotel room. He laid him out on the bed, realizing he was in and out of consciousness as he did. "Don't die damn it. Not after everything I sacrificed to save you."

Michael had no idea what he could do to save the dying demon. He was not an alchemist so he did not know how to make healing potions like Thedan. He could not well ask Aria for the potions that were needed to heal the demon. His actions would be treasonous. In fact they already were. But he was in over his head already. He just had to come up with a plan and hope he didn't get killed in the middle of it. "Please, don't die on me."
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