Yo what up

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Yo what up

Local time
Tomorrow 12:46 PM
Sydney, Australia
Hey, I'm OctoberHades. Been roleplaying and writing for about five years I think, been reading since I was born basically :P I live in Australia so thanks to timezones I probably won't be on at the same time as a lot of people but there's a decent window of waking hours matching up. I don't really have a preference with RP subjects, I enjoy just about anything, but I'm not really a fan of slice-of-life stuff, I'm a very worldbuilding-focused writer so I prefer more exotic, out-there settings than the mundane. In any case I look forward to meeting people on here and getting some awesome roleplays going!
Welcome, Hades! If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to ask away. Hope you enjoy your stay.
Nicely Lovecraftian Avatar.
Welcome, Hades! If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to ask away. Hope you enjoy your stay.

Thank you! I'll certainly ask if I have any questions, but I've had a read of the rules and I've got some experience already with forum RP so I should be self-sufficient-ish. And I'm sure I'll enjoy my stay :)

Nicely Lovecraftian Avatar.

Well thank you :D Definitely a Lovecraft fan myself, but the avatar is Dr Jekyll from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (the comic; we do not speak of the film). It's my favourite comic and the pic looks cool as an avatar so I used it as one haha
Ahh, that's right. I remember than scene now. It's been a while since I read those comics. Arguably Alan Moore's finest work.
*tackleglomps and takes a sharpie, writing MINE across your forehead* Hehe, again, so happy to have you here! Hopefully soon we'll be able to talk RP. :D
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