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Both Needed Zodiac Wonders - A DnD Adventure


Sanctums Certified Stalker
Local time
Today 4:45 PM
Indianapolis, IN
I don't remember how to set one of these things up so here we go.

Legend says that long ago, the stars fell from the heavens and scattered across the land of Livaria. Their presence was lost as soon as they fell, with many adventurers unable to find their landing locations. The people of Livaria all but forgot about the fallen stars and went about their day. All except for 1 very wealthy individual who remembers the day well. She has searched the world far and wide in search for the very best of adventurers to help her with her task.

What I am looking for is 4 to 5 players who knows a bit about dnd itself, enough to make a character and to level them up. This run will be a 2 to 4 hour test run, and if everyone enjoys the opening I'll think about making it a regular thing. I also want it to be semi lit please, easier to write. I think that's about it.
I'm down. I'd like to use a bit of Homebrew Content. I'll send it through it you if you'll have me.
Just one question though, what level will we be starting at?
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