All Zombie apocalypse rp?

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All Zombie apocalypse rp?

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hi! i am so new to this website but i'm also a very experienced role player and writer. wondering if someone wanted to do an apocalyptic roleplay? go crazy with it, plot, etc. im so down if you are, lmk!! - Cas.
Haven't done very many of these but I am open to the genre at least, how many players are you looking for ideally?
I could be interested.
Oh, sorry! I was also interested, I just happened to ask a question in the same breath and was a bit vague about my commitment level. I would love to participate as well.
Oh, sorry! I was also interested, I just happened to ask a question in the same breath and was a bit vague about my commitment level. I would love to participate as well.
Awesome! would you like to start plotting or… however you begin the process on this website :)
I'm only 1 week old on here so I don't know if there is a de facto established method of doing things. I think that for a group rp you generally plan things out in the RT rather than DMs since there is more than one other person involved in the convo. But I can't be sure.
i'm interested
Just to be clear, we are all going to be roleplaying as survivors of some sort. No zombies or zombie-aligned humans. Not that I was considering playing a zombie, but just to clarify the parameters.
So don't try to do a version of the Walking Dead's Whisperers. They were some creepy mofo.
Sounds interesting. Would you perhaps have anything specific in mind for possible plots or how the world would work? Limitations, time period, etc...
I'm definitely interested in a good zombie apocalypse story.

What kind of zombies are we talking about?

Are we talking Max Brooks mindless shamblers, Romero ghouls that have the capacity to learn to use tools or modern running like the dawn remake or 28 days later?

Also, how long would you like replies to be? Obviously longer than a single sentence.
hi! i am so new to this website but i'm also a very experienced role player and writer. wondering if someone wanted to do an apocalyptic roleplay? go crazy with it, plot, etc. im so down if you are, lmk!! - Cas.
Im interesed if this is still avaliable. would it be in a modern time frame with wepaons according or more a sword and shield timeframe?
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