Closed Be good love, on your knees. Now.

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Closed Be good love, on your knees. Now.

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Deliciously Evil
Local time
Today 3:24 AM
! NOT an incestual or ageplay role !
Dear Reader

Wishing this reaches you, potential partner. In any case, I hope you find my witting inspiring. Had this laying around and I decided to finally share and make an official request. I kindly ask you to read this tread in its entirety before you decide to PM me.

Basically, I have this idea of a dominant business woman and the several pairing opportunities within a 'hyperluxe' setting. Assistant or 'Adversary/Colleague/Competitor'? consider me interested -Hit me with your best pairing.

I don't have a set idea of where I want this story to go to, or for how long; after all, I am here to Co-Create. Though I will say, there is a couple of scenes/plot prompts I would love to include in the unravelling of this Story. Those are:
❧ A "Philosophical" Conversation -a little existential crisis if you will. Coming from YC.
❧ YC "Challenges" MC.​
Note: I am not looking for a dominant character. Sassy, feisty, needy, whatever... fundamentally submissive characters, please.​
❧ Jealousy.
❧ Voyeur. YC peeping on MC.
❧ Several punishment scenes.​

Disclaimer: I am not intending to make a cheap porno here. An Erotica? Maybe! I humbly, yet firmly request a slow burn, with plot, romance, flowers, p u n i s h m e n t, conversation... I don't know, just make MC feel something? And please, in the name of respect, DO NOT PM ME if your message contains more than 25% filth. I will ignore and block you if your initial message is erotica heavy.

What can I offer?

1+ Responses a week.
Lengthy paragraphs, 3rd person. (200-600+ words)
Effort and honest, clear and direct OCC.
Tender/Loving domme character.
Punishment based fetish.​

...ptsss, I recommend you read my introduction post.

The gala had little to no effect on what happened with the company. It was just a silly show of opulence, meant for the rich to mingle, rub elbows and participate in the weird ritualistic display of power money gave them. Luxury looked good on her yet she was bored, not many interesting conversations, and worse, there was live music and no one was dancing. Even though she felt out of place, she came here with a plan and she wasn't going to let a bunch of money-grubbing sharks ruin her night. Shallow people -'plutomaniacs' she thought to herself. Her trusty assistant approached her, letting her know the plan was in motion and Mr. Koikawa was requesting to see her, with a quick nod the assistant promptly disappeared. "...Ladies, Gentleman, Apologies, I need to excuse myself for a moment" she said politely with a smile. "Please feel free to continue..." As she stood, everyone stared in silence -she was a beautiful sight. "Perhaps by the time I come back we can make use of the dance floor" Her hand softly rested on Mr. Moses shoulder, which made him blush. "It would be a shame to waste such wonderful orchestra" She said looking at the old man. After all she had to play her pieces right, and being charming was the ace under her sleeve. that black velvet dress was fitted to perfection. Long sleeves, conservative in the front. Elegant with a back cleavage that scooped daringly low. Her hair was up, a couple of curls framing her face and neck; a shiny silver chain with a teardrop emerald hanging in the back, dangling side to side as she walked away -Surely hypnotic. This evening was going to be an undoubted success, she could feel it in her bones though she knew it was best to 'move in silence'.

TL;DR: Having a bottomless wallet means little for this young and intimidating business woman. Success and good luck follows her wherever she steps foot but lately she finds herself lacking. She's been looking for 'something' could that be Purpose? Love? Entertainment? Only Time will tell.

Thank you for your time ♡

First and foremost, this is NOT an incestual or ageplay role.

Hey everyone, H here, officially making a request for a role, playing out the dynamics of a mommy domme and blank
I am open to the story/plot since i don't really have a set idea. The only thing i am hoping for is a rather short lived one/one shoot. However, if the plot is interesting, engaging and we both vibe, i can agree to something long term... so, if you are looking for a loving/gentle yet dominant female lead, hit me up. Fantasy friendly -As a matter of fact i crave plot.

What I am looking for? ~ Character wise.
Emotional and vocal.

Submissive men that does not look submissive. Perhaps even a bit ashamed of it?
Needy, borderline obsessed.
Feisty but ultimately submissive.
Bonus point if, Wants to be collared ...or caged wink wink

What can I offer?
Punishments (mostly emotional -i.e, no touch, no praise, no attention)
2-3+ Responses a week.
Lengthy paragraphs, 3rd person. (200-600 words approximately)
To be the big spoon.

About me? I recommend you read my introduction post here.

Quiet, she was sitting in the windowsill seat by the entrance -of course, waiting for him. He entered the house and immediately started talking about something, after a bit, she was still clueless. She just observed him in silence, from time to time, taking a moment to adjust her posture. "...Sweetheart, i see very well that you are upset" she paused for a second "you haven't kissed me hello yet" raised her eyebrow and gave him a cheeky, yet soft smile. Standing up quickly, dressed in a green silky robe ", let me help you... and then maybe you can tell me from the start" She then proceed to slide her icy cold fingertips on his shoulders, to take his jacket off, in quick motion the jacket dropped to down his elbows. She was rather good at undressing him, she dragged her fingertips down his arms, making the jacket drop further down, releasing one arm and then the other, she swiftly took the jacket and hung it in the door knob behind him, pressing herself just the slightest to his chest -her eyes fixed on his. Suddenly, an alarm coming from the kitchen started beeping -unfortunate? perhaps she just was mischievous like that.

I want to build to this, this is not the first paragraph.
Do you think this can fit your fantasy world? colour me interested.
I love romance and ANGST -I'm just here, offering a soft loving gentle dom.

Want more? DM me with a writing sample?

TL: DR Sassy soft dom femme loves on the tortured soul gentleman, feel good/slice of life, ANGST (with a happy ending) is the vibe I'm going for.

Full disclaimer/Trigger warnings:
If you want a dominatrix that will humiliate you I'M NOT IT.

P.S. Not looking for IRL subs.
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