
  1. LaQueenTea

    Group RP H2o Just Add Water: Mako Mermaids

    Character sheet fill out Insert face claim here Name: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Are you a mermaid/man already or become a mermaid/man? Power/ability: Insert tail picture here (or you can just describe the color) Personality: History...
  2. LaQueenTea

    Either Needed H2o Just Add Water: Mako Mermaids- remade 😊

    Hello everyone, for starters, thanks for clicking on this thread and Hi, I'm Queen! Now, a little information: This thread is actually based off of the idea of someone else, other members and I, were interested in. We noticed that the maker of that thread has not been active in the sanctum...
  3. LaQueenTea

    Group RP Blue Is For Nightmares: The Secret Circle

    Name: Isabella Williams Nickname’ Izzie Name pronunciation: Is-ah-bell-ah Sexuality: bisexual (doesn't have a preference likes both genders equally) Age: 21 Gender: female Witch: specializes in everything Personality: Izzie is the type of person who is calm, cool, and collected. In the...
  4. LaQueenTea

    Closed Blue Is For Nightmares: The Secret Circle |Trilogy series| Currently on first| So far no extras needed|

    Hi, my name is Queen and this is what is up with this roleplay so far: Basically Izzie, Suki, and Ryan are witches in a private college who found each other and are friends. They would do normal fun practices, but lately Izzie has been getting weird dreams where her beloved dead grandmother...
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