
  1. Lina_Scarlett0220

    Coming out of Retirement

    Dear Reader, Hi, I'm Lina. I love writting and have attempted writting a novel or two. I am Bi so I welcome anyone! I used to handle at least 10 role plays a day 80% of them that I would write myself. However longa time ago I left this magical world. Now with your help I...
  2. ShyGhost

    The Return

    I am ShyGhost. And as my name may already tell you, i'm shy and I tend to just ghost around (and occasionally scare some people). My anxiety keeps me from talking to much around people, so if I suddenly go quiet, please don't take it personally, it's just me being a shy ghost. I've RPed before...
  3. Alicia Ware

    Hello All!

    Hello everyone! My name is Alicia! Nice to meet all of you. I have been role playing since I was twelve and I have been writing since I was twelve as well. I've always loved to role play because it is an escape from the real world. Plus, it's like telling a story back and forth! And I get to...
  4. Aria Asteria

    This is how we meet...

    Hello, you can call me Aria, Asteria, or something else once we start talking and you feel like another name might be more fitting that you'd like, but do respect my feelings if I say I don't like a certain nickname. I will always be respectful of others and I ask for it in return. I'm new to...
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