intro thread

  1. newvision

    Hi y'all!

    I'm NewVision. I'm actually looking for a specific roleplay based off the movie Kill Your Darlings. I can explain more about my idea if you are interested. If so, just send me a message. I'm a pretty active roleplayer, but I do have stricter times of the day, being a student. Overall, I'm a...
  2. SilentOne

    Greetings, fellow roleplayers!

    ¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶ ∆ Introduction ∆ Hello, weird people of the internet! I am most commonly known as Sam or Silent. Pleasure to meet you all! I will say that I am quite terrible at introduction posts, mainly because I love to ramble and focus too much on coloring my texts/etc. Let us see how this...
  3. Dreamoness

    Another Introduction

    My name is Dream, I am a roleplay nut in my own sense. I've roleplayed for 7+ years possibly and have my own experience. My comfort zones within roleplay is the use of I/my, detailed entries if I'm capable, and No full blown sex (If it gets too intense I just let an intimate night pass). I...
  4. G

    Bizzarre Bard Extraodinaire!

    Sounds like a strange variety show.... ::appears in a puff of sparkles and smoke:: ::strums her harp and cries out:: Hello, all! Writer here, novelist, soon to be published and eventually NATIONALLY distributed (bwahahaha) I am so excited about that. Also a musician. I came from DR and am...
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