introducing myself

  1. RavenK

    A Pleasure!

    Hi, hello, greetings! I'm really new to this so I'm probably making a fool out of myself, Hello y'all, you can call me Raven, or RavenK if someone already has that name in here or even K. I'm a woman, 23, and an aspiring writer/author. I've been writing for years now and I've always loved...
  2. ieri-fengari

    Hello there!!

    Hello! My name is Ieriam, or Ieri (said like Miriam without the m!)!! I have been role-playing since I was about 14-15, so about 13 years now! I started out on forums, and haven't been within a forum for years. My main source of roleplay the past few years has been within the roleplay servers of...
  3. AutumnMira

    Hello everyone!

    Hello everyone,my name is Miranda or you can just call me Mira. :) I'm a 31 (going to be 32 in October) year old woman who loves writing fictional lore, backgrounds and developing worlds and roleplaying. Occasionally when I get inspired I write fanfiction to test out my original ideas and to get...
  4. BarbaraWire

    Who me? Well im but a simple little fool

    Hey! Not sure what im doing but what better way to get started that to jump in blindly? You can call me barb, or barbara if youre feeling fancy. Im 21, from the uk and have always enjoyed playing pretend :p until recently i was rping on the same platform for 7+ years, though its gone through...
  5. haydenly16


    Henlo! I'm Haydenly! I am a mostly laid-back girl with a love for stories, animals, and good sweet tea. I have always loved to write (whether I was any good or not, who knows), but life got super busy and I backed away from it for a while. However, now I am so, so excited to be rejoining the...
  6. Dei

    [ Dei has entered the chat ] (an intro)

    Hi guys!! I'm new around here. I'm Dei and I use she/they pronouns. I've been rping for quite a few years, and I do mostly fandom based rps. My main fandom is Naruto- its what I started with, and then I made my way around other fandoms through the years and circled right back into Naruto lmao...
  7. LunaWitch666

    Hello hello

    Hello everyone! As you can see, my name is LunaWitch, I am a real life pagan focusing on the path of being a shaman who loves art, reading, tv shows, music, movies and of course writing! I have role played for a long time and I am looking for dedicated individuals who are into writing...
  8. Andy L.

    Back to Roleplaying, hell yesss!!!

    Greetings, fellow roleplayers! I'd like to briefly introduce myself to this new forum I discovered today. I was a former user of another site and stopped roleplaying when it when down. But now I feel like doing it again and I'm excited to meet new people and create awesome stories with them! I...
  9. Zackarie Jonnes

    An Introduction on Egg

    Hello all! I am Egg, Zackarie is one of my oldest and most thought out original characters, thus why I picked the name for this site. I enjoy writing almost more than anything else in life, I wish to be an author someday, writing about so many different genres and themes. Roleplaying is...
  10. GreatDane


    Greetings fellow writers! That sounded bad... Uhm.. Hello there dreamers!? Fellow freaks? Hmmm, nope, not good, not good at all, I mean, i'm a freak, but still... Anyway, i'm GreatDane, I love to roleplay and have fun. Then again, i'm sure we all like to roleplay and have fun, that's why we're...
  11. ecosi

    hello there (:

    hi all, nice to meet you !! i got by ecosi online and i've been roleplaying for about eight years now. i took a little break from writing due to health issues but now i'm back and on the search for some new stories. (: some basic things about me: i usually write male main characters, i write a...
  12. Steel Accord

    Looking to share in stories.

    Hello, I'd introduce myself by name but going by the "no personal information" rule, my username should suffice. Online it may as well be my name with how many sites I use it on. It comes from Miyamoto Musashi's "the pen and sword, in accord." Always made much more sense to me than "the pen is...
  13. emerxld

    Hello Friend..

    Hello lovely! I hope this thread finds you well. I go by emerxld on here, but you may call me nettie if you wish. Of course, it's not my real name though it's not far from it. Kind of a pet name that my family tended to call me and it stuck. I stumbled across this site the other day and...
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