long term roleplay

  1. KittyCantEven

    Any Kitty's Box of Plots

    Please, do not post on this thread. I am always adding new plot desires, and your posts could make things messy and possibly confusing for other people. I have a lot of plot ideas knocking around in my box, I shall do my best to organize them and hopefully not be confusing. Index...
  2. KittyCantEven

    Kitty in a Box

    Although I already put a fair bit of what I'd put here on my profile, here goes... RolePlay = Life WARNING: Kitty is blunt. This past year has been...aggravating, and I am done trying to give chances to people I would not usually RP with. I generally approach RPs with a relaxed posting style...
  3. E

    MxF looking for roleplay buddy who writes male charetcers

    hello, i'm looking for someone who could maybe wanna do a 18+ role play with me? its not anything too grand, just mostly role playing as sexy cartoon characters, i like to write female characters. most role plays i do are long lasting and i like doing role plays where one character ends up with...
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