
  1. NoraVonSanctum


    AND IT'S TOTALLY DIFFERENT FROM WHAT YOU WOULD EXPECT ... *ahem* So I have a little bit of an interest check to run by you all. Don't know how big or small this RP could be, but I feel like it touches upon a few points that everyone here seems to love. Who here is interested in throwing...
  2. CottonBear

    Any Sweetin Roleplay

    (Everyone feel free to join, warning I'm about action, and adventure, I'm not thrilled by magic ,demons ,M rated things) Up late at night , the candle was burning his favorite scent, of chocolate Danash , a bitter sweet melted chocolatey swirl of Carmel . Why is he up so late? He was...
  3. Rylee

    Both Needed The City of Lumina [Magic/Steampunk]

    Looking to form a group of 2-6 people who are interested in RPing in the following setting: History The City of Lumina has often been described as two separate cities occupying the same tract of land. The Eastern and Western sides live with one another mostly peacefully despite a great deal of...
  4. plzdontbemad

    MxF There's never anything going on, is there?

    Alexander Baker is a newly minted police constable: Fresh-faced and full of hope, ready to serve the community and make the world a better place. His place is a far throw from the buzzing metropolis of crime that is London with the worst offence being the theft of a tractor. Nothing ever goes on...
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