
  1. Salacious Serendipity

    Elegant Introduction

    Hello, I am brand new here. I don't know how to navigate this website yet, so I will be taking my time. Feel free to add and message me as you wish. I like to play a character who is a neck-breaking head turner. Someone who is the attention of the room the moment she walks in. My character...
  2. Rose Thorne

    MxF A Dangerous Petty Game (Araminta Astor)

    (Hello! So below is the character's profile, some of it is still a work in progress till further notice as she is going a major overhaul in details and bringing her back up to my standards for characters and their profiles. I do have some limitations on this character and what I look for in a...
  3. PromiseFantasy

    MxF Fantasy Adventure: A Knight and his Lady.

    Hello! I'm PromiseFantasy. I was around some time ago but then life happened, so I've been away for about half a year. I finally feel ready to try this site again and hopefully find a nice long term RP or two. About me and my RP style: - I am exclusively a Fantasy genre RPer, it is the only...
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