
  1. J

    MxF Political winds and Family love

    You’re the 48 year old mayor of Bangor, Maine. You’ve just maxed out at 2 terms and are running an ambitious campaign for US Congress? What’s so ambitious? You’re the leader of a third party, the new Progressive Party of America. Your party is making inroads in the Northeast USA and could win a...
  2. Ajar

    Either Needed Rising Tide - A DnD-esque adventure

    Rain whipped the sea into a frothing frenzy. The wind howled, drowning out even the crash of the waves on the cliff side. Queen Idrosia Merendis watched through a tower window covered in a rippling sheet of raindrops. Behind her were the beginnings of an even larger storm, as her steward recited...
  3. Synth Dragon

    The Kingdom of the Three Kings (request thread)

    Okay, so Melly and I discussed bringing a story idea I had in here, for roleplaying. So, I'm doing that. I'm requesting at least four other players (as Melly and I will already be in this), making this a total six player roleplay. So, I'll start with a little synopsis: The Kingdom of...
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