
  1. hooligan

    Closed literate, romance, plots & pairings within. ((CLOSED FOR NOW))

    ABOUT ME. What up? I'm Ash, I'm 28, and I never fucking learned how to read. jk jk jk I am looking for some potential partners and friends, though. So, I guess I'll just jump into it with the logistics. đź‘€ LITERACY. Third person, past tense. I'm sort of lazy-lit, I guess. My post length varies...
  2. SnugBudGuy

    Both Needed The Walls on the Hill

    Long ago, before the reign of Hun Kao, hailed the fourth Emperor, Jian Qin. He was ruthless, caring for no ones safety or health but that of his supporters and nobility. Fourty three years his crown governed the nation into chaos and war. This sparked the rise in samurai and their organizations...
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