A Late Introduction

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A Late Introduction

Serene Island

Karma Fairy
April Challenge Participant
Local time
Today 6:05 AM
Vice City Baby
She / Her
I've already started posting around various parts of the site, but I'm a habitual completionist. And I saw that little box at the bottom of the page that shows progress - so naturally here I am. Pardon the length, I plan on sticking this in my signature so folks can refer back to this to learn more about me.

Hi I'm Serene!

When I objectively take a step back, roleplay writing and writing in general have been an active part of my life for the last 15 years or so. In my grade school days, I sucked at formulaic writing that was necessary to get good grades. So I believed in the deepest parts of my heart that I was terrible at writing because others told me I was.

As I got older, I realized that having an active imagination and passion for out of the box ideas made me a good writer. Both in a creative sense and even in an academic sense.

Roleplay writing in my teen years was critical to helping me make this conclusion. I enjoyed flexing my imagination and collaborating with others. Collaboration and being inclusive of ideas has always been a strong suit of mine so I naturally gravitated towards this hobby.

Over the years I've written in many forums and sites. The passion for writing ebbs and flows, but it never completely dies out. I'm a naturally moody person, even if I hide it well. The depression, anxiety, and internal anger all need a place to go eventually. Writing has always been that creative release for me that makes my days just that bit better.

In real life I'm actively involved in writing and reading groups. I have a passion for editing and helping others bring their own visions to life that pops out at times.

Like Otys, I am effectively faceless. Yes, I have a clear preference for slice of life characters and my usual slew of female characters I can relate to. But I have dabbled in almost every setting and scenario possible - from the most extreme and fantastical to the most normal. And written a multitude of characters with a variety of genders. At this point in my life, I'm usually less adventurous by choice, but occasionally I might crave something a bit out of the realm of ordinary.

Anywho, to conclude - this site is dope. I didn't expect this, but it is a huge positive that writing is posted in a more public setting. Being here has encouraged me to write more and I am grateful for that.

Welcome welcome! Glad to have you around! 😄
Love this and your transparency. Will definitely keep track of your work on here and excited to see your writing. Have a great time here
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, New Blood!

First and foremost; it's nice to meet you! Welcome to our home, even if the welcome is late! We're happy to have you! I hope you can find many awesome writers to collaborate with!​

Second! Well, you probably already found out how to start Role Playing and where to go! But, here's all this just in case! I think it's pretty fun to explore the forums, and I highly recommend doing so! Most thread homes, if not all, have a pinned post at the top of them to tell you what goes there! However, the Request Threads are pretty self explanatory; Here's a Link! There's plenty to look through, but you could also build your very own! Tell people what you're all about and get those writing partners! Take your time though; there's never any pressure! If you were looking for an open story you can just jump in straight away, you can find them in Unfinished Tales!

Next, I just want to share some of the other wonderful places in Sanctum! There's plenty to do while waiting on replies or to give yourself a break every now and then! The first shout out goes to The Sanctum Tavern! Here you can find many a thing! By the Hearth can be found there and has many wonderful discussions; my personal favorite is where everyone talks up their writing partners! Want to see some cute pets or share your own? Pets of the Sanctum is where to go! Feeling up for a challenge? Check out the Monthly Writing Challenge and give it a whirl! And, there's so so so~ much more! Please take the time to explore!​

I think that's everything... Oh! I'm Mio, by the way! Just a friendly changeling and hydration bot! You can find me and several others in Sanctum's Chat Room! If you have any questions, you can always pop in there for help! I will say though, the best people to ask are staff! Green Names are Heralds, which are the best to ask questions! Blue Names are Moderators and Purple Names are the Administrators, which help with tech support and discipline! You can find out which are online via the home page! On PC it'll be to the right of the screen, and on mobile it'll be near the bottom!
Now, get out there and write! May your muses sing for you!​

Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome to the site.
I suspect many here will relate.

Look forward to seeing you around.

All the best.





How is this the only one I somehow missed! Glad to have you! As someone whose hobbies come and go and have peaks and valleys I totally empathize with that! I was really happy and surprised how the public aspect of the writing helps keep people kind of serious about it, and also prevents some folks from getting too unruly. Having staff that are involved and actively trying to keep the site safe happy and healthy was a plus too, and i already loved the place before joining that staff was ever on the horizon.

Enjoy your writing and all the adventure that awaits!

If you haven't peeked already,
take a look at the

and the

After that you can check out the

to start looking for a partner and story idea that catches your fancy, or make one of your own to get the people coming to you.

If you come across any questions as you explore the site, there are always some friendly faces in chat that can help!

If you want to customize your threads & make them pretty, here are the ways to do some fun things after you get settled:

Ready to use templates for things, made by our very own members:

And for those that are more visual learners:

Hello and welcome. Enjoy your time with us.
Welcome, Serene! Lovely to have you with us and glad you're settling in <3 Can't wait to read some of your stuff!
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