A New Roleplayer

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A New Roleplayer


The Nine Tailed Fox
Welcome to the Sanctum
Local time
Today 6:54 AM
Greetings! My name is Allie, and I recently joined this site. I've never really roleplayed on a thread before, so it'll probably take me a while to get the hang of things. I've been roleplaying for going on 7 years now, and have had many characters, or muses, in my day.
Welcome to our little slice of the internet! We're happy you found us. :)

Take a look at our site rules for a little help with how everything is laid out and who's who. From there, you can find a partner in the roleplay request threads by seeing what people have advertised and by sharing a bit about what you're looking for. If you run into any questions, I see you've already found chat. Other than that, feel free to PM me for one-on-one help or links. I'm more than happy to oblige! ^_^
Hey there, many welcomes.

Hope your settling in ok. Feel free to bounce on over the the request threads, where your more likely to find a partner. We have nearly 4'000 members soon, there should be someone.:)

We also have had ALOT of new ppl joining so i advise checking the first few pages of requests if you don't find someone on the first page.
Or put up your own thread of course.

Problems? Ask the staff.
Enquiries, you can pop into chat, where some long term resident will help if they can.

Look forward to seeing you around.
Hey, welcome to the party, Allie!
Welcome to the neighborhood, Allie.

Once you get comfy here, I'm quite shure you will have a great time. Like others have said, If I can help you in anyway? Please let me know?


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