Both Needed Academy of Human Relations

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Both Needed Academy of Human Relations


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Event and Updates
~~~~Academy of Human Relation RP~~~~
The Academy of Human Relations is proud to welcome a new group of Elemental Generation, to learn how to master their powers, to blind into the human world and above all else, to uphold traditional values of facing what others could never understand. We pride ourselves in selecting Elemental youth that are wise enough to understand what our place is in this world and the purpose we have been born to live with. With the teachings we provide, the mastery of ones element is not only guaranteeing, but the goal of why we must stay hidden and the passion of keeping ourselves on this traditional path will bring a new understanding of the world. All students are given the tools that allow them to bring forth the Element they are meant to be and the power that comes alone with that realization. There are four categories of Element that we are traditionally training. Since the beginning of time, we have trained; Air, Fire, Water and Earth. We are opening up three new Elements, starting this year. The Elemental abilities that have branched out; Light, Shadow, and Sound. It is clear that these three Elemental powers are not clarified as Elemental and may be a challenge to teach, but this is why we will be tackling these teachings and doing our part to insure that they are under some guide and control. We welcome all, we value all and more importantly, we proper all that come to our school. Following are the group levels and Elements:


Aerokinesis- control and manipulate Air/Wind

Air Walking- walking or gliding on air

Hypnokinesis- induce sleep

Wind Generatic – way to levitate or even isolate sound

Purification – remove hazardous molecules

Rust Inducement – oxidize a target causing rust or rot

Enhance Senses- use air wave to read or feel disturbances and enhance hearing

Caelumkinesis – manipulate sky

Celerakinesis – manipulate speed

Clauditikinesis – manipulate locks

Air Mimicry – turn into cloud of gas, fog or mist

Deoxygenation – suck out all forms of air

Lung Adaption – breath anywhere and through anything

Combustion Inducement – cause ignition by creating friction in volatile element

Explosion Inducement – using air pressure to cause cove ins

Aero-Telekinesis – control or move air around people or objects and move them

Aestatekinesis – manipulate summer

Atmokinesis – manipulate weather

Autumnuskinesis – manipulate autumn

Hygrokinesis – manipulate vapor

Flyrokinesis – generat or manipulate force field

Aeroportion – teleport through air

Aeroforce – create whirlwinds, hurricanes, gusts, breezes, squalls, zephyrs, tempests or tornadoes

Aerokinetic Constructs – create weapons, walls, armor, and allies

Crushing – using air pressure to crush


Pyrokinesis- control and manipulate Fire

Pyrotechnics- use fire like fireworks

Albopyrokinesis- manipulate white fire

Azurpyrokinesis- manipulate blue fire

Heliokinesis – control and manipulate sun's ray

Electrical Resistance – super heat the air into an air lens to block electricity

Fire Ward – absorb fire

Fire Ball – create a ball of fire

Scorch – burn

Blast Wave – create fire wave

Cthonikinesis – manipulate nether

Dragon Breath – inhale or exhale flames

Geo-Thermokinesis – control lava, magma, or volcanoes

Thermiokinesis – control heat in temperature

Fire Empowerment – use Fire Ward to enhance power

Fire Shield – protect yourself and others with fire

Fire Blast – create fire blast

Crgokinesis – manipulate and generate energy

Seismokinesis – manipulate seismic blast

Self-Detonation – become fire and move as it

Fire Transmutation – create fire out of matter

Solarkinesis – manipulate sun and create mini-sun


Gaiakinesis- control and manipulate Earth

Crystallokinesis- manipulate crystal and minerals

Koniokinesis – controlling dust particles

Psammokinesis – manipulate sand

Mycokinesis – create and manipulate fungi

Agrokinesis – manipulate agriculture

Anthokinesis – manipulate flowers

Botanokinesis – manipulate and generate plants

Vegekinesis- manipulate vegetable

Dehydration – repel and absorb water

Hyalokinesis – control and create glass

Ecological Empathy – feel the state of nature

Seisonic sense – sense vibrations in earth

Cthonikinesis – manipulate nether

Dendrokinesis- manipulate wood

Entokinesis – manipulate insects

Halokinesis – manipulate salt

Golem Creation – make golems from all earth materials

Nature Enhancement – heal nature

Desertokinesis – manipulate the desert

Geo-Thermakinesis – manipulate lava, magma, and volcanoes

Nixukinesis – manipulate pressure

Terrakinesis – move the terrain and landscape at will

Terraportation – move through landscapes, long distances and terrains

Terrakinesis Construction – create weapons, walls, armor and allies

Unearth – push anything buried under ground, above it

Basic Empathic Force – cause avalanches, earthquakes, mudslides; cause quicksand

Gyrokinesis – manipulate gravity

Naturakinesis – manipulate nature

Urbanakinesis manipulate urban areas

Paludemkinesis – manipulate wetlands

Hydrokinesis- manipulate and control Water

Aquatic Respiration – breath underwater

Dehydration – absorb water

Hydrokinesis Surfing – surf water without board

Alcokinesis- manipulate alcohol

Water Purification – purify liquid

Hydro-Thermokinesis – heat or boil water

Hygrokinesis – manipulate vapor

Melanokinesis – manipulate ink
Freezing – lower the temperature of kinetic energy

Hydokinetic Constructs – create weapons, walls, armor or allies

Water Walking – walk on water

Water Empowerment – gain energy through water

Empathic Aqua Force – create Whirlpools, Waterspouts, Tidal wave and Vapor

Hydrportation – teleport through liquid

Cryokinesis – control ice, snow, and other frozen liquid

Water Mimicry – turn into liquid

Water Transmutation – use molecules to create water

Drowning – drown using liquid pressure

Internal Rupturing – control liquid inside the body

Haemokinesis – manipulate blood

Ionikinesis – manipulate plasma

Portal Creation – create portals through liquid

Chionokinesis – manipulate and generate ice


Acoustikinesis- use and create and control Sound and Sound Waves

Distortion Field- create field that does not have sound or to manipulate sound waves away from

Sonar- sound detect what is not seen

Selective Acoustic- selective hearing and enhance it to be heard miles away and/or block out sound

Vertigo Inducement- sound waves to control balance

Sleep Inducement- induce sleep

Vibrokinesis- generate vibration

Vocal Amplification- high volume screech

Disorientation – disorient, make nauseated, send in hypnotic trace or simple to cause unconsciousness

Sonic Shield – sound shield

Sound Enhancement – regain or gain power through sound

Sonic Blast – compact sound to blast form of invisible energy

Energy Medicine – use sound to heal wounds rapidly

Acceleration – ride sound waves

Sonokinetic Constructs – create weapons and wall from sound

Electromagnetokinesis – manipulate electromagnetism

Magnetokinesis – manipulate magnetic items

Molydbkinesis – manipulate magnetism

Sonomorphis – become sound or sound waves

Sonoportion – teleport through sound

Vibration Emission – use sound to cause Tidal waves and Earthquakes

Death Song – sound wave that can be silent and deadly or painfully silent that all result to death

Molekinesis – manipulate molecules

Nixukinesis – manipulate pressure


Photokinesis- control and manipulate Light

Light Generation-glow or omit light in the dark

Hydro-Thermokinesis – heat or boil water

Lumnikinesis- generate and manipulate Light

Invisibility – bend light to be unseen

Force-Filed Generation – create light force field

Laser Emission – light wave like a laser

Illusional – create holographic projection or mirage

Photokinesis Construction – create weapons, walls, armor, and allies

Nitrokinesis – explode and recover afterwards

Radiokinesis – generate and manipulate radiation

Light Absorption – absorb light

Photoportation – teleport through light

Projective Invisibility – make other things or people invisible

Light Empowerment – absorb light and use it to gain energy

Light Wrap – teleport were there is light

Umbrakinesis- control and manipulate Shadow and Darkness

Animated Shadow- animate shadow

Night Vision- see in the dark

Fyrosokinesis- generate and manipulate

Light Absorption – block out light

Umbrakinesis Construction – create weapons, walls, and allies

Darkness Empowerment – regain or gain power through darkness

Shadow Camouflage – be unseen in the shadow

Umbrageous Teleportation – teleport through shadow or darkness

Mist – create mist-like darkness

Shadow Mimicry – become shadow or darkness

Shadow Marionette – control another using their shadow

Shadow Magic – create real life illusions

Necrokinesis – manipulate the dead

Nihilikinesis – manipulate nothingness

Essekinesis – manipulate reality

  1. Follow site rules
  2. No god modding
  3. Be kind to each other OOC
  4. Respect IC posts
  5. If you are not sure about something message me
  6. Be prepared for new characters, do not ignore them
  7. Only one Element per character; up to 3 character per player (Teachers do not count towards the 3 character rule, but only 2 teachers per player)
  8. Characters can know one advance, master or Intermediate ability, but can not have mastered said ability
  9. Lately, we are always open for new players

Image (can be any image)




Know Abilities:

Mastered Abilities:





Strongest Personality Trait(s):

Name: Daimadey "Dame" Noche

Origin of Name: Word play on the plant named Dama De Noche

Age: 23

Element: Fire

Position: Student / Senior

Know Abilities: Solarkinesis, Fire Transmutation, and Fire Shield [could only be up for three seconds]

Mastered Abilities: Basics to Advance except Fire Shield


Ironically, Dame grew up in a place where darkness cloaks the area more than the days of sunlight. The place, where the cold atmosphere battled out with the raging fires of the earth, had awakened the boy's curiosity about contradicting characteristics.

His fascination with the macabre was rooted by the stories by the village elders to keep the children fearful of the unknown. It was further

With the village still practicing some of the old ways, Dame was trained to become one of the warriors of their generation. He enjoyed the training, filling his lanky body with muscles and gaining the ability to react quicker. His favorite time growing up was the annual Lang-ay [get together]. He and another young warrior would enter the stage and would perform an impromptu theatrical fight where both power and grace was shown.

At age 19, he was invited to the academy. He agreed.

First year came and he was overwhelmed by everything. There was somehow a status quo and elemental groups were formed just to spite other groups. Hierarchy among the students were created and Dame wanted to just pack his bags and go back.

His brother, a graduate from the same academy, an earth elemental, laughed and mocked Dame. "You are from a warrior tribe, you little wuss."

"Grew up there, I may be. A poet's heart is what you see. It is overwhelming, the mockery. Do you think I could stomach that? You did call me a pussy."

"Stop it with the rhymes," his older brother groaned out. "One, you are to stay there and graduate with flying colors. Two, show them that a geek like you could wipe the floor with them without using your abilities. Three, show them how blood thirsty you really are. I saw you during the Lang-ay, wuss. Four, I am going to kill you if word comes out you ran away."

His fear from his affectionate brother weighed more than what he was currently feeling about the school. So he stayed and made a name for himself; the Approachable Recluse.

Currently, he tutors any elemental student who comes and asks for help. He knows the anxiety some of his fellow students have when talking to teachers so he volunteers to become a bridge for them.


When forced to wake up, he could not function properly. One would see why he fits being a fire elemental. He is like a ticking time-bomb when at this state; he would lash out scalding words and would come up with burning attacks. Talk to him after taking a sip of coffee.

Gets very self-conscious and uncomfortable if he is not wearing long sleeves. Warmers would do just fine. If possible, a full-on body suit would be the most comfortable he will ever be.


Coffee. If he is crossed, just offer him some 'sweet black nectar of the gods' and he will drop whatever grudge he holds.

Summers. Growing up with snow, ice, and the cold around him, the sunny season had him like a fish out of water. He is also easily sunburned.


He is passionate on a project he is given.

A good swimmer and surfer. He loved the ocean, affectionately calling it his lover.

Strongest Personality Trait(s):

Friendly to everyone who blinks at his direction though not as headstrong as one might think. How he befriends others would be to wave at them when he saw them and does take time to know them.


Like his name suggests, Dame rises with the stars instead of the sun. He is more productive during the night time and would usually be so lazy during day.

Speaks in rhymes just to challenge himself and to make sure he watches his words. If his statement comes out as not poetic, this means that he is really pissed.

He has an ever growing contradictory characteristics. Starting from his love of water even if his element was weak against it. It had worked out for him; drying himself and regulating his temperature after a swim in the freezing water. It was a useful element for his survival.

Depending on the day, his focus and productivity is affected. He is passionate on everything he does but also tends to suddenly drop everything and shift to another project.

Usually seen as lazy by others since they only see him lounging around the academy. His grades, however, proved them otherwise.

He is a good listener and would even help one in their troubles but would also tend to be highly sadistic. His sadistic tendencies would worsen if he actually sees blood but would suddenly go back to normal after satisfying his blood lust.
Name: Hinata Yu

Age: 18

Element: Water

Position: Student

Know Abilities: Basics and Water Walking

Mastered Abilities: Basics

History: Hinata was born to a Japanese family that lived by the sea line. They kept to themselves and were fisherman. He has always known what and who he is and he is confident in knowing that he was going to always be this way. He was accepted at 17 years old to the Academy but only recently decided to join, because he was sure that his family could do without him. Hinata is used to being mistaken for a girl because of his name and the way his eye shine when he looks innocent. But he is comfortable with who he is and what he can do that he doesn't take offense. After all, his name is will known to most people as a female name, even if it's not only for females.

Trouble: Hinata can be mischievous, but has never been in any big trouble.

Weakness: He has a hard time being comfortable without water around

Strength: He is open and trusting when around water and he is not afraid to learn about others and not judge them.

Strongest Personality Trait(s): Confidence and knowing who he is.
Zaliki Ravyn Keller

Know Abilities:
Shadow Magic
Mastered Abilities:
Animated Shadow
Night Vision

Zaliki was born an orphan, she was adopted by a rich family that had no idea what was going on, when she started to make her own little friends, as a child. It was something they couldn't understand, the innocent child just happen to be able to do things with darkness and they were fearful. When she started to understand that she was different she ran away, but her family searched for her. She thought about it careful, being different but loved by a family that wanted her, even though they were a little afraid her, made her search out for someone like her. She meet a homeless man that could control fire, when he saved a child and mother from a burning building without getting burned. After a few days of chasing him around, she found out about the Academy and decided that if anywhere could help her, it was this school. She applied with help from the homeless man and returned home. She explained to her family what was going on and what she learned before they understood she was getting ready for school. They are not happy with the idea that they would lose their only child again, but now, they know she will come back and she knows she is loved.
History of stealing and running away
Socially awkward, Comes off as cold, loner
Loner, Doesn't take things too personally
Strongest Personality Trait(s):
Name: Kiryl Christo

Age: 20

Element: Light

Position: Student

Know Abilities: All the basics (exept Hydro-Thermokinesis) and Force-Filed Generation

Mastered Abilities: All of the basics but Hydro-Thermokinesis

History: (the rare case of being born from two mortals and being elemental) Kiryls mother died when he was born and his father was killed in a car accident when he was 9. Alenas neighbor took him in and Kiryl became fast friends with Alena. Eventually he started to have a crush on her that turned into love but he has never told her how he feels. When he realized that he and Alena both are an element he poured himself into research on it and found out about this school. He also waited till Alena could attend the school till he applied.

Trouble: Talking about how he feels in general and he stutters when hes nervous

Weaknesses: Second guesses himself a lot, he's scared of heights and isn't a fan of being on a boat ether. Worries about Alena a lot

Strength: His understanding of the world around him

Strongest Personality Trait(s):
careful, calculating, caring
Peter Allen
Know Abilities:
Mastered Abilities:
Basic Earth
He Is a late bloomer with his elemental power he has taken a while to learn the basic Earth element moves. So he's going to the school to learn from the best of the best.
Because he was bullyed in high school for being bisexual he has a hard time trusting new people
Shy aroundnew people
Loyal to friends. Is kind once he gets to know someone.
Strongest Personality Trait(s)

Name: Ren Karper

Age: 19

Element: Sound

Position: Student

Know Abilities: Sound basics and Disorientation

Mastered Abilities: basics

History: Growing up in a troubled home Ren wasn't treated well by his parents, and so he miss behaved a lot and got in even more trouble. Even from a young age he liked to use his abilities to play tricks on people and eventually he became an expert at using sound to mess with others. Because he was so hard to handle his parents got rid of him around the age of 11, he was stuck on the streets and had no where to go. Unsatisfied with his life he didn't wait for someone to help him so he helped himself, making money however he could he eventually made his way to the academy and came in under the guise of a normal boy with a normal life. He likes to stay under the radar but he can't help but cause trouble every once in a while.

Trouble: Bad habit of messing with others, enjoys pulling the stings of people to see what he can get them to do, somewhat two-faced

Weakness: Is self conscious of his background, keeps people at a distance, keeps his true feelings hidden from others.

Strength: Street smart, manipulative, deceptive, and pays close attention to every detail

Strongest Personality Trait(s): Self reliant and dependent
Name: Alena Tsarevna




Know Abilities:Basics and Great Ball of Fire (when she was messing around with her abilities she mixed Pyrotechnics and Ball of Fire and well that's what she named it)

Mastered Abilities: All the basics but pyrotechnics

History: Her mother is always away on business trips and her dad is very protective. Met Kiryl when she was 7 and dragged him everywhere (willingly)
she accidentally burnt a bit of her hair off when her anger triggered one of her abilities and kiryl was super depressed until it grew back to normal. When she was young her father always told her stories about great 'wizards' that could do great elemental 'spells'. When Kiryl told her about the element school she insisted on going but she wasn't of age so she tested her abilities with Kiryl whenever she could.

Trouble: controlling her temper and staying out of fights

Weakness: If she hears someone talk down about Kiryl any control on her temper disintegrates

Strength: She is extremely strong for her size

Strongest Personality Trait(s): Bold, Impulsive, Energetic
Name: Faolon fire eyes
pronunciation: fu-loan

Species: Bio-mechanical

Age: 20


Position: Student

Known Abilities: Umbrageous Teleportation || Basics

Mastered Abilities: Basics

History: He prefers not to speak of it.

Trouble: (dont know what that means)

Weakness: Can't handle those that he gets attached to to get hurt

Strength: Hand to hand || Melee weapons (anything that doesn't fire projectiles)

Strongest Personality Trait(s): His will to help others even if it hurts himself
Iris Green Aventurine




Know Abilities:
The Basics and Sonokinetic Constructs

Mastered Abilities:
The Basics except Selective Acoustic [He passed the subject by the skin of his teeth]

Growing up with two male parents, Iris was already exposed to the wonders of everything. He was already open-minded at a young age. His love of learning had him take up music lessons and tutors for advance topics.
At one time, during his early, he was confronted and bullied for having gay parents. Iris was very protective of his parents so he verbally abused them until the bullies felt like they were shit. The one leading the group almost committed suicide because of Iris' guilt tripping. He asked to transfer schools then.
Being in a new environment, Iris could finally take on his interests without anyone judging. He joined the drama club and music club. In his spare time, he would be in the libraries reading through volumes about history and magic.
During such time, he stumbled upon a book where it contains various spells and potions. He borrowed the book from the library and brought it home. One of his fathers noticed the book and encouraged him to actually try the spell where one could awaken the magic within. It was a simple spell. They went to the backyard and Iris started chanting. Unconsciously, he was actually gathering his magic. When he finished the incantation, he released his abilities. One of his fathers fainted while the other was massaging his ears. Iris, too, succumbed to darkness shortly after.
His parents later explained to him about his abilities. He was shocked to know that both his parents also had abilities. With his fathers' urging, he was enrolled to the school.

Chooses not to talk. 'I better not speak what is in my mind' is his answer when asked why he does not talk. If he does talk, it's mostly to insult someone or degrade them.
A bullshitter and a hypocrite. Also a Gaslighter.
Has no shame in dragging others into activities.

Sudden loud sounds he is not prepared to. He is temporarily stunned if he is surprised.
The only weapons he knows are those that could restrain someone ie chains and a pendulum.
Lack of stamina. Could only use his abilities in a short amount of time.
He gets a bit crossed if someone calls him a manipulative bastard or anything related to that name.

Known to have a 'hundred faces'. He creates complex and convincing lies.
He knows random facts. Mostly morbid facts

Strongest Personality Trait(s):
Makes sure everyone is included so that he is not the only 'idiot' to be humiliated.

Elizabeth "Z" Helen Oscor
Shadow Teacher/Assassin
Know Abilities:
Mastery of Shadow Element
Mastered Abilities:
All Shadow
Z is known for a lot of abilities she has, in her element, but very little is known about her history or if Elizabeth is her real name. She appears to be only a few years old, and before that there is no record of her.
Using people, Trusting others, disappears, Cold personality
Protective, loyal, Honest
Strongest Personality Trait(s):
Brutally Honest


Anna Summers
Fire Combat Teacher

Know Abilities:
Mastery of Fire
Mastered Abilities:
All Fire
Anna graduated the Academy over 20 years ago, playing her part in the human world for most of the time that she was out of the Academy. Protecting who she needed to and keeping her powers to herself. She started her married life with a human male and was happy for the ten years she had with him. They had a child, but the child and her husband were killed in a car accident. She returned to the school shortly with the idea that there was a quick fix to her pain. But without a outlet she found her new goal to teach those like her to master their powers and train them in Combat.
She killed the driver of the car that slammed into her family's car; killing her husband and son
Short tempered, violent, emotionally unstable
Strong welled, dedicated, loyal, honest
Strongest Personality Trait(s):

Adrian White

Age: 45

Element: Wind

Position: Ability development Teacher

Know Abilities: Wind Mastery

Mastered Abilities: All Wind

History: Adrian was a problem child for most of his life. Not listening to anyone and doing what he pleased he embodied the wind, in his late teens he just graduated from the academy by the skin of his teeth and set out to explore the world for himself. Leaving everything behind Adrian traveled and learned even more about his element then he had in the academy, and with his new passion he set out to completely master and build to his studies. Around the age of 30 he found himself living well alone and making great strides in his research, however one night while he was doing experiments on wind pressure, he accidentally caused a buildings collapse. Luckily there wasn't anyone inside so no one was hurt but his experience cause him to have a realization, in order to safely continue his advanced research he needed to come back to the academy. Now he teaches young and free students while doing research as an extra curricular club.

Trouble: Can sometimes get off topic when talking about something he enjoys, still has a bit of his old rebellion and loves to start arguments

Weakness: Can let his ego get the better of him, doesn't always listen to others suggestions

Strength: Very experienced, caring, strong sense of humor

Strongest Personality Trait(s): Independent and head strong
Environmental Science
Malva "Mallow" Agate

Unknown but looks like he is in his early thirties


Teacher in Environmental Subjects
One of the staff that takes care of the gardens

Known Abilities:
Mastery over manipulation of plants
Mastery over golem creation
Wide knowledge of poisons and antidotes

Mastered Abilities:
All Earth

Before joining the academy, Malva was an information broker. His expertise in creating untraceable poisons also gave him the nickname 'Bane'. He was safe from assassination because nobody knows the face of Bane. He had the money, he had the power, and he had everything one could desire for.

Well, until the very poison he created crippled someone who was dear to him. Thinking back, it was his fault. He needed to redeem himself as a way to indirectly apologize to his dear one.

He turned his life around then. He broke off from his networks, hid for a few years in a forest [he was known as a shaman in the nearby village], got back to society just to adjust into the modern world, and looked for a job. He was introduced to the head master and accepted the offered job.

Short sighted. Could clearly see things within an arm's span. Beyond that, everything is blurry.
Heavily relies on his ability.

Questionable way of healing the teachers
Actually hates teaching in the classroom. More or less, classes under him would be in the nearby forest, the gardens, or an open field.
Thinks of other's welfare before thinking about himself

Gives advises in anything. He could also give advises on cheating ["For as long as you do not get caught."].
Tries to cheer the students. Or at least guide them to the right path.
Thinks of other's welfare before thinking about himself

Strongest Personality Trait(s):
Good listener. "Tell me what poisons your mind and let's try to find it's antidote."
Better if you do not lie to him. He could sense any nervousness or hesitation through one's movements
Human Relations (tolerance, accepting, and joining of humans and their ways)
History of Elementals
Emotional Control and Interaction
Name: Oulieviea 'Olive' Sweets




Know Abilities:

Mastery of Sound

Mastered Abilities:
All except Death Song

Oulieviea 'Olive' Sweets, or better known as Mrs Sweets, was raised by two parents who were fire elementals whohad adopted he. She'd grown up in a long, long line of them, fire being what her family was known for. Of course, when she told them that she would be mastering her own element of sound, her parents weren't entirely pleased.

Regardless of her families unfavorable tastes towards her element, Olive pushed on with her persuits, studying hard for yeras upon years, mastering as many of the pathways for sound as she could in the process. Once she had hit her forties, the woman thought to herself how she could use her knowledge and experiences to the best of her abilities. What better thing to do than to teach? So she threw herself into the endeavor, delighted to hear that a certain academy just so happened to open its doors to her own element for teaching.

She has a strong dislike of fire, in fact the hatred is so strong it can often create tensions with fire elementals.
She is also very strict despite her bubbly personality.

The unexpected. She doesn't plan for things she deems as unlikely, so fights often catch her completely off guard.
She can be sleepy, a lot. Will take naps in-between classes if she gets a chance.

She knows how to control a classroom. She doesn't tolerate bad behavior, but it makes her a very effective teacher.

Strongest Personality Trait(s):
Bubbly, she's a happy woman with a strong aura, which can catch people unexpectedly since she has such a baby face despite her old age. She knows she is powerful and uses that to stop problems before they start.
Work Study (how to work in human world)

Weak to
Earth; Fire​
Water; Earth​
Water; Sound; Light​
Water; Light; Shadow​
Shadow; Water​
Light; Fire​

Side note: if you want one of the teachers you play with to be head master PM me the character sheet. Give me a few days and I will let you know and add it in if accepted. I don't want to take the first one just because. I want to pick a good one, because the headmaster is a leading role that can take the school in many different directions. And no, I don't want to be headmaster or control it. So if you get the character you control it completely.
Last edited:
Cool, I will update if there are more interest and do a character sheet.
Sounds like it could be interesting, count me in if you'll have me.
Well, I'll get some details up and I think if we double up we can get started on something. Might even get more people on the way. I will have it up no later then tomorrow.
Just updated the thread, look above. Yes, this means you can have up to 5 characters. The teacher rule will be taken down, if there are too many that take five characters and do not post for all five within three days, without notice. Starting with the teacher characters.....said characters will be "Fired" and be posted on here which have been fired. All sheets will be copied and place in their place as student or teacher. Message me with any questions.
Character Sheet


Anna Summers


Fire Combat Teacher

Know Abilities:

Mastery of Fire
Mastered Abilities:

All Fire

Anna graduated the Academy over 20 years ago, playing her part in the human world for most of the time that she was out of the Academy. Protecting who she needed to and keeping her powers to herself. She started her married life with a human male and was happy for the ten years she had with him. They had a child, but the child and her husband were killed in a car accident. She returned to the school shortly with the idea that there was a quick fix to her pain. But without a outlet she found her new goal to teach those like her to master their powers and train them in Combat.

She killed the driver of the car that slammed into her family's car; killing her husband and son

Short tempered, violent, emotionally unstable

Strong welled, dedicated, loyal, honest
Strongest Personality Trait(s):
When the other character sheets are up, I will place them on the intro and start the RP.

Credit to the artists whom I sadly could not find
Sempronia Nox (Goes by Nia)




Know Abilities:
The basics and Shadow Camouflage

Mastered Abilities:
The basics

Nia had a pretty standard childhood until she realized that she could control shadows. She tried to keep it to herself thinking of herself as a freak of nature but soon it all came to light. One day her father came home drunk and started throwing things around the house violently yelling for her mother and her. Nia was terrified since this was not how her father acted normally and her mother out of fear grabbed Nia by the arm and dragged her into the closet to hide.

Her father came stumbling into the room still yelling for them and right as he was opening the closet Nia accidentally used the ability 'Shadow Camouflage' out of fear and pure instinct. Her mother was shocked and her father who had caught a glimpse of the sudden disappearance stumbled back, hitting his head and passing out. There was no hiding it now. Once her father had sobbered up they talked together as a family and decided to send Nia away for schooling and unbeknownst to her father to get her away from him after his outburst.

Since then she has slowly been learning the basics and is now ready to move on and learn more about her powers and how to control them so she can easily hide her powers from others.

Nothing so far.

Fear of loud noises (like yelling), anxiety, depression, people pleaser (easily taken advantage of), she wouldn't tell anyone but she is afraid of her powers since she has never met anyone with the same powers as her and thinks of herself as a freak.

Very caring, fast learner, dependable

Strongest Personality Trait(s):
Timidness until comfortable, after she is comfortable she becomes cuddly in her own sort of way.
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Please let me know if anything's wrong or needs changing x

Name: Aurelia Moore

Age: 18

Element: Earth

Position: New student

Know Abilities:
Ecological Empathy

Mastered Abilities:
The Basics, more or less

The third oldest of 5 children (an older brother, older sister, younger sister, younger brother), and only her older brother has had powers (water) as they were born to a family of ordinary humans. Whilst her brother is much more in control of his abilities and is stronger with them, Aurelia is weak and unstable. Her inability to control her powers is especially problematic with her empathy, as she feels pain when plants do, so even being near someone treading on a flower can cause a harsh headache for her. Due to her shy pushover personality, her siblings often use this against her to annoy her, and her position as the scapegoat has led to insecurity, inability to fully trust and a lot of unaddressed resentment, so she is not the most stable of individuals.

As she's always been very non-confrontational, she is often used as a scapegoat for her siblings, former classmates (and likely new classmates) and even colleagues at work, which ended up in her being fired for someone else's mistake at the retail job she held before coming to the academy.

Lacks confidence and the ability to stand up for herself, and is very over emotional (frequently crying or occasionally having angry outbursts, most often at her parents or older brother). Struggles a lot to use her powers productively and to control them, so isn't going to be the best student.

Tries to always be kind to everyone, is loyal to her friends (when she has them) and is committed to becoming more powerful so she can actually use her powers for good.

Strongest Personality Trait(s):
Very shy (does not make friends easily and will not stand up for herself)

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Zaliki Ravyn Keller

Know Abilities:
Shadow Magic
Mastered Abilities:
Animated Shadow
Night Vision

Zaliki was born an orphan, she was adopted by a rich family that had no idea what was going on, when she started to make her own little friends, as a child. It was something they couldn't understand, the innocent child just happen to be able to do things with darkness and they were fearful. When she started to understand that she was different she ran away, but her family searched for her. She thought about it careful, being different but loved by a family that wanted her, even though they were a little afraid her, made her search out for someone like her. She meet a homeless man that could control fire, when he saved a child and mother from a burning building without getting burned. After a few days of chasing him around, she found out about the Academy and decided that if anywhere could help her, it was this school. She applied with help from the homeless man and returned home. She explained to her family what was going on and what she learned before they understood she was getting ready for school. They are not happy with the idea that they would lose their only child again, but now, they know she will come back and she knows she is loved.
History of stealing and running away
Socially awkward, Comes off as cold, loner
Loner, Doesn't take things too personally
Strongest Personality Trait(s):

Elizabeth "Z" Helen Oscor
Shadow Teacher/Assassin
Know Abilities:
Mastery of Shadow Element
Mastered Abilities:
All Shadow
Z is known for a lot of abilities she has, in her element, but very little is known about her history or if Elizabeth is her real name. She appears to be only a few years old, and before that there is no record of her.
Using people, Trusting others, disappears, Cold personality
Protective, loyal, Honest
Strongest Personality Trait(s):
Brutally Honest​
Image (can be any image)

Dreamer by fdasuarez on DeviantArt

Estelle Lomadia

Appears 30


Light Teacher
Human Relations Teacher

Know Abilities:
All Light

Mastered Abilities:
All Light

As her father was a fire graduate and her mother was an air master, Estelle grew up with knowledge of the elements, and had dreamt of studying at the Academy, however, as she had shown no sign of possessing any elemental gifts of her own by the age she could apply, these aspirations were crushed and her parents, despite loving and accepting her, were disappointed. However, one day, when she was an adult visiting home, her family home was broken into by rogue earth elementals, which seemingly awoke her powers, where she was able to use photokinesis construction to save her home and family. Decades ago, the 3 'new' elements were practically unheard of within the community. Estelle chose to go on her own quest, to find knowledge, master her element, and hopefully find people like her.

Has had difficult experiences with being in and against various human and elemental gangs, some of which have not entirely forgotten her.

Has always been hypercritical of herself, is often forgetful/ignorant towards many human ways and is imperious.

Very genuinely kind and caring person, with a passion for using her abilities for good and helping others master their own powers.

Strongest Personality Trait(s):
Wants all students to succeed in their studies and to flourish as kind people ready to help shape the world for the better.
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All credit belongs to the artist
Lyulf Grimmwolf (Goes by Ly)




Know Abilities:
The basics and Fire Shield

Mastered Abilities:
The basics

Ly comes from a long line of fire elementals and was raised to follow in his families footsteps. From the first time he had shown a sign of being able to control fire he has been trained by his father and uncle. Due to his stubbornness it was slow going at first but he learned quickly when it was something that caught his interest. When he was in his teenage years though he became more difficult and when he was old enough they sent him to have more professional teaching.

Since being at the school he has been learning slower, finding some of the classes and teachers to be quite boring. He is now learning under Mrs. Summers whom he is constantly butting heads with due to both of their stubbornness. Despite how it may seem he does like her as a teacher and holds a lot of respect for her but he also just doesn't know when to hold his tongue and honestly just finds it fun to antagonize her.

He has been known to skip class a lot and just flat out not do his work. But other than that he is a good kid.

Tunnel vision when on tasks, hot headed, stubborn, thinks he's hot shit, tends to get lost in thought

Loyal, dependable, stubborn (yes it's a weakness at times but it can also be a strength), positive, never gives up on someone he believes in

Strongest Personality Trait(s):
Playfulness and stubbornness
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Adrian White



Ability development Teacher

Know Abilities:
Wind Mastery

Mastered Abilities:
All Wind

Adrian was a problem child for most of his life. Not listening to anyone and doing what he pleased he embodied the wind, in his late teens he just graduated from the academy by the skin of his teeth and set out to explore the world for himself. Leaving everything behind Adrian traveled and learned even more about his element then he had in the academy, and with his new passion he set out to completely master and build to his studies. Around the age of 30 he found himself living well alone and making great strides in his research, however one night while he was doing experiments on wind pressure, he accidentally caused a buildings collapse. Luckily there wasn't anyone inside so no one was hurt but his experience cause him to have a realization, in order to safely continue his advanced research he needed to come back to the academy. Now he teaches young and free students while doing research as an extra curricular club.

Can sometimes get off topic when talking about something he enjoys, still has a bit of his old rebellion and loves to start arguments

Can let his ego get the better of him, doesn't always listen to others suggestions

Very experienced, caring, strong sense of humor

Strongest Personality Trait(s): Independent and head strong

Name: Ren Karper

Age: 19

Element: Sound

Position: Student

Know Abilities: Sound basics, Disorientation

Mastered Abilities: Sound basics

History: Growing up in a troubled home Ren wasn't treated well by his parents, and so he miss behaved a lot and got in even more trouble. Even from a young age he liked to use his abilities to play tricks on people and eventually he became an expert at using sound to mess with others. Because he was so hard to handle his parents got rid of him around the age of 11, he was stuck on the streets and had no where to go. Unsatisfied with his life he didn't wait for someone to help him so he helped himself, making money however he could he eventually made his way to the academy and came in under the guise of a normal boy with a normal life. He likes to stay under the radar but he can't help but cause trouble every once in a while.

Trouble: Bad habit of messing with others, enjoys pulling the stings of people to see what he can get them to do, somewhat two-faced

Weakness: Is self conscious of his background, keeps people at a distance, keeps his true feelings hidden from others.

Strength: Street smart, manipulative, deceptive, and pays close attention to every detail

Strongest Personality Trait(s): Self reliant and independent
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Alecor Arcadius




Known Abilities:
The Light Basics and Photokinesis Construction

Mastered Abilities:
The Basics

At the age of 8 Alecor's mom walked out of his life to be with her new husband, leaving his father, Cory Arcadius, to raise him on his own. He was one of lucky one's coming up in a middle class neighborhood without much crime, not to mention his ability to use light itself to his advantage. He has two half-siblings he has never met in person, however he does remain in contact via text. At the age of 17 he was in the midst of attempting to reconcile with his mother however upon learning about his boyfriend she dropped out of his life once again. Despite seeming unaffected on the surface level by his mother's lack of interest in his life, he started a slow downward spiral that was worsened even further at the 18 by the death of his longtime boyfriend. By the age of 19 he had stopped using his powers entirely due to his focus on drugs, not long ago he finally received a wake up call from his deeply caring father and upon leaving rehab he decided to go the academy to refocus on his light abilities as a way to heal himself and those around him.

Alecor is a recovering addict of 90 days

Emotionally Fragile, Constantly Overthinks, Holds A Grudge When Hurt

Resourceful, Compassionate, Versatile

Strongest Personality Trait(s):
Empathetic , Opportunistic, Self-Critical, Obsessive
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