interest check

  1. SaltyWater

    MxF {Salty's Roleplay Idea Vault}

    Before I begin, I'd like to say that I truly do appreciate you visiting my thread. For those who don't know, my name is Zaria, but if calling me Aria somehow suits you better, then please go ahead! Since I'm eighteen years old, my roleplays naturally range in both PG-13 and not-PG-13 content...
  2. Slaynoir

    All The Collective Series RPs

    So I've been trying to work up some stories that are actually something that would be easy but fun and yet detailed enough to be of interest to others. I have a main series but the stories that mainly drift off from the plot of that story become these mini stories instead, as I get so many ideas...
  3. S

    Both Needed One Piece RP Interest Check

    Anyone interested in doing a roleplay based on the anime/manga series of One Piece? I got into the fandom last year (I know, I’m late) and I’m checking around to see if anyone would be interested in RPing with me!
  4. trirocksalt

    Unspecified [Tri's Search Thread] Come join me for a coffee...

    Incoming RP search. Yo, yo, yo! Thanks for stopping by to check out my wee little request thread. You're certainly in for a weird time, and if that's your jam, please keep reading. :) A little bit about me? Well, I'm an art student, avid nerd, and I cosplay in my spare time. I've been...
  5. Unknown

    Both Needed Academy of Human Relations

    Event and Updates ~~~~Academy of Human Relation RP~~~~ The Academy of Human Relations is proud to welcome a new group of Elemental Generation, to learn how to master their powers, to blind into the human world and above all else, to uphold traditional values of facing what others could never...
  6. Pyxie

    Both Needed WoL Interest Check

    Hii all! My goal was to create a RP with a thorough foundation laid out so that there are few questions for the RP to begin with as far as the world that has been created to RP in. If you're either interested or have things to say, please let me know! Informational Thread Currently...
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