Closed Adventure Awaits (D&D Style)

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Closed Adventure Awaits (D&D Style)


Local time
Today 3:11 AM
Quantum Continuum S-89
So I attempted this on DR and it failed to really take off. If you're familiar with D&D, this'll be my own special brand, which I refer to as d: Simplified, more about plot and interaction than it is about stats and skills. We'll come up with a plot and a setting once we have at least three players (I may take part, though I will probably just be a DM.) This could be fantasy, sci/fi, steampunk...just sign up if you're interested.
As a Roleplayer: I might be up for this. Never tried DnD, but I've always wanted to give it a go.

As an Admin: We're actually hoping to start something like this semi-officially once things wind down, so it's great that there might be interest. There should also be a dice add-on coming at some point in the near future, which would hopefully allow this to be played properly. Let us know how it goes and if there's anything that might make it easier to run.
Well, I'll let you know if you don't end up joining, but if you do join, I would love to help out--we could dialogue in a PM and discuss the system. What genre would you be interested in, assuming this gets started?
Fantasy would be my preference, though I'm not opposed to other ones. Like I said, I've never played it before, so I'd defer to someone with more expertise.
I don't play D&D, but I do play GURPS, so I grasp what you're going for. Still looking for partners?
Yeah, this is just sort of a project waiting to happen. It may be a while before we get enough players, but if you're cool with waiting, then good to have you aboard--you'll be notified as soon as we start up. :D
And so the waiting begins. Ha. Well I hope it goes better for you here than it did on DR. Getting a good group over there was terribly hard. I tried to start one too :c
I'd be interested in playing something like that. I've never played D&D, and not for the lack of wanting to. Would it be kind of like a DM directed roleplay?
It would be exactly like a DM directed roleplay. It worked pretty well on DR, but not all the players kept up interest. :( But if you're interested, we'll have the minimum number for a group! :D
I certainly am!
If by this afternoon we have no further joiners, we shall begin...though we will accept latecomers if they're willing to be inserted at the next available camp/town.
I'm up for it... with the caveat that I'm working and my posting will either be shorter or less frequent.
All good. We'll be going in this posting order: (AsherDavian), Frost, Furanda, JamesMartin (for the sake of his work we're giving him a little extra time for his posts.) As DM, I'll be posting first and possibly between other posts as well. Does this sound good to everyone so far?
Sounds good to me.
I could potentially be interested. I'm already in a 2.0 (Skills and Powers) D&D tabletop game, but I could either play a similar character or make something totally new. Assuming you still want people Asher.
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