*Ahem*... Hello.

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*Ahem*... Hello.


Welcome to the Sanctum Happy Birthday!! 100 Likes! 250 Likes!
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Today 3:58 PM
Well. Hiya.

My names Luna, and I'm currently taking refuge after Dream Realms Roleplaying well... Died...

Anyways, there were a few roleplays I had going there I was really enjoying, so if you were one of them, please shoot me a PM! My user there was SexyBabe.

I've been roleplaying for a few years now, both on DR and other sites. I consider myself to be a literate roleplayer, and am open to rping with both females and males, so don't hesitate to ask! I have a roleplay request thread here, so go take a look! ^^ : https://writerssanctum.com/threads/looking-for-partners-open.11030/

Welcome to the site!
Welcome! How you holding up, getting used to this site?
Welcome! How you holding up, getting used to this site?
Heya! I guess, haha. It's pretty much the same, so. Really disappointed about DR though, I wanna know what happened!
It does have its similarities since I think some of the admin team that started this site used to be members over there too. I think one of them mentioned that a bill might not have been paid.
Ah, makes sense. Oh? Really? That's strange >.<
Yeah, no kidding. I stumbled upon this place about 9 months ago, when it, surprise, was down. XD
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