Hello, you wonderful people. There is already quite a bit of info about me available on my profile, so definetely feel free to check that out if you're of the curious kind.
To keep this sweet and short- I'm Fawn, a freshly baked university student from Germany who s to write all kinds of stuff. Its great to be here and I can't wait to find my place in this forum.
To mention a few of my interest: League of Legends or actually gaming in general, musicals, vampires, anime as well as manga and cosplay. Pretty nerdy, huh?
To keep this sweet and short- I'm Fawn, a freshly baked university student from Germany who s to write all kinds of stuff. Its great to be here and I can't wait to find my place in this forum.
To mention a few of my interest: League of Legends or actually gaming in general, musicals, vampires, anime as well as manga and cosplay. Pretty nerdy, huh?