Apocaleptika Interest Check

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Apocaleptika Interest Check

Oooh! looks awesome, I'll definitely be interested in joining.

A werewolf as a bodyguard or criminal would be a fun take.

Are we allowed to play more than 1 character? I'm thinking of a family looking for their own territory.
I'm interested in joining this plot. Love the mesh up and set up
So should we like make our characters or...?
I have to apologize for taking so long to get back with you all. I have not been feeling well so I have not had time to work more on this. I think I want to hold off on doing it for awhile until my health improves.
Hope you've gotten better since. Want to leave a comment stating that I am very interested in joining
Happy to bring in an organization - known as Accord. The whole premise being of three branches, the paramilitary, the intelligence network and deep cover field operatives.
Three arms are simple
White Glove

Its purpose is to remain and maintain the veil that neither supernaturals exist and certain unbroken lines remain uncrossed.
Whether through deterrent, containment, elimination or this case misdirection. While they are an old organization, most supernatural factions still treat Accord with an arms length of trust. Despite ensuring to stay in its lane and neither hold two warring factions of supernatrual origin to account. Its when the veil is threatenned and humans start becoming aware that things exist - Accord handles the human affairs <Hunters, miscreants or tresspassers of the human origin>

Supernatruals who on the other side, generally are expected to handle their end whether through making examples, deterrance or killing their own its their laws and Accord doesnt intervene.
Then again - when all options are exhausted Accord does step up and theres always good reason to know why they leave this to last resort. Humanity in its own right can be much worse than monsters and history has proven it. Hence Accords stance has always been to prevent and three times in its history has it come close to a breaking of the curtain. WW1, WW2 and lastly an incident known as the Code GRIM.

Neither directly involved with the supernatural or influential, or imposing, the Accord simply is and its network, resources are almost to that of a independant governments with its blackfunding and certain levels. As much as everyone sees Accord as a threat or concern. Accord has kept its agreement for over a millenia.
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