Character(s) baptizedinred's characters

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Character(s) baptizedinred's characters

Perrin Kale

Typically played in his twenties or thirties.

Sex & Gender:
Cismale, but never minds a bit of makeup or drag at port now and then.

Homosexual, though it's not something he talks about.


Short Description:
Perrin is a pirate, more specifically, the best first mate to ever set sail (at least, that's what he thinks). Perrin is typically found acting goofy and grinning, chatting up whoever will listen, and generally having a good time. If he's not, it's likely that they've either recently left land, or he's just lost yet another hand at cards or something; he's got a terrible gambling habit, made worse by the fact that he's absolutely horrible at it anyway. Perrin is friends with everyone (again, so he thinks), but he's not afraid of getting serious when he absolutely has to. Somewhat serious. Sort of. Regardless of his goofy nature, Perrin truly can be relied upon (unless he spies a cute doggy on the way, that is), and does his best to come through for his crew in the end.

Other Information:
He loves dogs but has never owned one.
Every dog he meets at various ports is named Commodore Scruffington, but Perrin is never allowed to bring said dogs onto the ship with him.
For some unknown reason, Perrin gets a little sullen and cranky every time they sail away from port, but recovers soon enough.

Plot & Setting Ideas:
Your character is one of the crew with Perrin, whether that's the Captain or someone else!
Your character is trying to stop/catch/hunt down the crew or something and either catches Perrin, or is captured!
Your character is a stowaway!
Your character meets Perrin while the crew is at port!
Your character is new to the crew, and Perrin takes it upon himself to show them the ropes!

Perrin is only for historical settings, and can be in a fantasy or non-fantasy setting.
"The Kid"

Typically played between eight to ten years old.

Sex & Gender:


Cabin rat, thief, pickpocket

Short Description:
"The Kid" is a stowaway on the same ship as Perrin, and has been accepted as their little cabin rat. The Kid doesn't speak but despite the fact that this makes people assume he's dim, he's pretty smart. He's very quick on his feet, and makes a bit of coin or gets a bite to eat by cheating at cards more often than anyone will give him scraps for begging. No one is entirely sure where he came from, or even where they picked him up, but even since arriving on their ship it's been clear that The Kid is exceptional at cheating at cards, stealing, and running away from people trying to beat him up for said cheating and stealing.

Other Information:
It's not known whether he is mute, or can speak and chooses not to.
It's been mentioned that he can climb the rigging faster than most sailors, making some assume he was born on a ship, or at least previously on the sea.

Plot & Setting Ideas:
See Perrin for details, but basically, pirates!
Do you want your character to know The Kid, or have known him before?

The Kid is only for use in more historical settings, be they fantasy or not.
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