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Ask me about my pet turkeys.
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Yesterday 11:56 PM
Hey everyone, I'm Daniel. I'm excited to meet and eventually write with you!

A bit about me, I live on a small family hobby farm with several other members (and generations) of my family, tons of animals including six pet turkeys, and all of my plant children. I'm definitely a nerd, and love to read and write, binge watch shows and movies, and hang out with my family - especially my niece and nephews. I'm in a ton of fandoms with source materials of various types, but while I've posted some fanfiction in the past, my typical interaction with fandom is simply through roleplaying. I love to write fandom stuff almost as much as I like to write original things.

I started roleplaying about twelve years ago, but began writing well before then. I love both fandom and original characters and settings, and have a wide array of characters already created and well-loved, though I'm always excited to create new characters as well. I typically write anywhere from two to ten paragraphs, but rather than worrying about matching my length, I only ask that partners give me enough to work with. I will admit however, one full paragraph is about as limited a reply as I prefer to receive.

Aside from length, I do prefer partners who do their best to use proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar. That said, I recognize that English isn't everyone's first language, and that even when only looking at native English speakers, spelling, grammar, and punctuation can be directly linked to discrimination against certain classes, races, and ethnicities. As long as your writing is legible, it's fine by me! I prefer, too, that partners be willing to share the stage so to speak. I don't like when one character gets all of the attention, if you will, while the other falls into a bit of a caretaker role (or in the case of sexual encounters, when one is a perma-top) unless that is agreed upon before the start of the roleplay. It's because of this that I don't typically write with characters who are currently experiencing suicidal ideation, self harm, or eating disorders. Those things in the character's history are fine, I just find that these themes in particular tend to polarize a story, and I'm not very interested in it. That said, I'm more than happy to hear you out and take this case-by-case if it's something that's important for your character.

One thing about my style, I only write in third person. It's a thing for me, I suppose. Whether it's past or present tense, that matters much less to me, but it has to be third person. I absolutely adore writing both fantasy and non-fantasy settings, as well as stories within historical or modern times. I have characters of various races, genders, sexualities, and species, and am just as happy writing a human in a modern, non-fantasy setting as I am writing a half-phoenix set in a historical fantasy realm. Worldbuilding and character development are my favorite things ever, so if you're willing to sit and plot with me, or at least craft a general idea, I'll love you forever. As previously stated, I'm happy writing anything from one paragraph upward, but I have a general preference for the two to eight paragraph space. I'm also good at writing multiple characters at once, so if you're interested in a large cast, I'm your guy.

My ideal writing partner would be someone who's willing to share the weight. Someone interesting in helping to plot or push the story onward. Someone who writes characters that defy norms and stereotypes. Someone who writes people of color and/or queer characters, and supports representation. Someone interested less in smut (if at all) and more in the relationships between characters, their societies, and the world at large. Someone also interested in character development and worldbuilding would be a plus, as would a partner willing to play (or at least let me play) multiple characters. Also, because I am the manager of our family own business (it's a pot shop), I'm not always able to reply immediately. I need a partner who will be understanding that I'm an adult working 70 hours a week, and therefore writing won't always be the priority. That said, I'm not going to ghost! I will write with muns of any gender or sex and will personally write characters of any gender and sex; likewise, I'll write with any character of any gender and/or sex, regardless of the mun's gender or sex. I am also more than happy to take roleplays elsewhere, specifically discord, Hangouts, or email, if my partner is also interested and/or willing. Otherwise, writing here is also totally fine.

Court Dynamics
College/Young Adulthood
Coming of Age
Mythological Beings
Like, Fantasy in general
Pack Dynamics
Arranged/Political Marriages
Master/Slave (historical only)
Single Parents
Traumatic Brain Injury
Pen Pals/Letters

Dark themes
Political intrigue
Revenge plots
"Gritty" plots

Modern realism
Magical realism
Low to High Fantasy

Here is a link to my character thread, which lists not only my original characters, but also the fandoms that I write in! Each character has their own list of quick plot/prompt ideas with them as well.

Please feel free to take a look, and shoot me a message if any characters or ideas spark your interest!
You sound like a very cool guy.
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