BEHOLD! A Macro Nano appears!

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BEHOLD! A Macro Nano appears!


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Today 4:37 AM
Salutations! (That's the weird way of saying hello~)

I am Macro Nano. I'm new to the site, but definitely not new to roleplaying. I boast a whopping 24 years of experience, since I've been doing it since I was 10 years old, and I'm in my mid-30's now. Admittedly, forum RP has not been my medium of choice, but the places I usually play are niche at best, and I'm trying to broaden my horizons by venturing out to where I imagine most roleplayers are. That means forums. And this is one of the highest rated forums for RP so... Here I am!

What I RP:

Mostly original stuff. I create original characters, play in original settings, and generally try to play WITH original characters whenever possible. I never feel like I know fandoms well enough to do them justice in RP, so it's easier to just make up my own stuff. I have more freedom that way anyway! There's a number of settings and pairings that I'm willing to play. Enough that it'd probably take less time and effort to write out the things I WONT play. Some of the themes that seem to make a regular appearance though are:

Incest - Usually siblings, sometimes father x daughter stuff. Anything else is rare.
Slavery themes - I like to do a few things with this that buck the typical trends, but they all boil down to the same thing.
Science Fantasy
Ancient themes (Tribals, nearly stone-age level.)

Naturally, I do other things whenever I get specific ideas that sound fun after I think about them for a while -- for instance, I've been thinking of a futuristic samurai-punk setting where the samurai have superpowers to even the playing field between themselves and those who use firearms. I don't know if it's quite ready to go, but one day~

I play a number of characters. Admittedly, most of my favorite characters have been women -- but that's largely because in the places where I mostly RP'd in the past, most people had no interest in men. I'd like to play more male characters but it'll depend on what players around here are most interested in!

If you've got ideas or questions, feel free to PM me and we can talk about some stuff! Or take a look at my request threads to get a good idea of what I'm looking for in this present moment.
Welcome to the Inner Sanctum, Macro! I do hope that you enjoy your time here! Good luck to you and Happy Writing! 🌻
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome again to Sanctum!
Hope you find what you are looking for here, and have a blast!

I've been writing nearly as long as you! Similar themes as well. Coincidence? Perhaps not! Maybe you can check out my RT and see the characters I have out, or check the spoilers below for various RP's I have open here :) Maybe we can start something!

That aside, if writing doesn't work out then always around to chat! :D Have a great day!
Hello there and welcome to the Inner Sanctum, as with all new members we encourage you to read the rules linked below.
If you have any questions feel free to ask
Welcome to the site! Hope you find something fun!
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