Call me Ishmael...or Tylos.

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Call me Ishmael...or Tylos.


Don't do anything I would do.
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Today 12:00 AM
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Good Sunday afternoon (or whatever time it is when you're reading this)! I'm just your normal fantasy lover looking to roleplay. Adventure and romance are the staple of my writing, and I would love to find some like-minded people to engage with!

My writing style tends to be on the simpler end of things most of the time. However, I do believe poetic prose (think Lord Dunsany or Clark Ashton Smith) has an important place in fiction, especially fantastical works. For myself, I save that type of writing for special moments to make it more impactful.

Eitherway, I'll be around the forums in search of someone(s) to write with. Hit me up at any time, but don't worry if you're shy. I'm not one to just sit around waiting.

Welcome to the Sanctum! Please stop by our site rules while you're making your rounds. Once you've taken a look at those, head to the request forums to find a writing partner. If you run into questions, feel free to send me a PM! :)
Welcome to, 'the mad house'.
We have a wide range of writers ranging from proffessionals to casual but enthusiastic amateurs and everything in between. There is a little bit of everything here although the leaning is definitely towards the noir.
Any problems seek out the wonderful staff, always open to helping where possible.
Any more general questions, feel free to pop into general chat, there are usually long-term residents like myself lurking. If we can help we will.

Look forward to viewing your request thread, and hopefully seeing you around.

All the best.
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