Character Catalog

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Character Catalog

ai3.jpg ai2.jpg Hikari Ishii

Breathing Style : Breath of Silence
Age : 25

Rose gold only in color, the steel metal of the blades are imbued with wisteria oil, molded into them upon being forged. Just as traditional nichin blades, the eyes of the dragon changed teal in color when Hikari first held her weapon.
The chain whip can be worn on her wrist or hooked onto her clothing. When it's lying flat against her body or not in use the tiny blades stay hidden inside each chainlink. Only when she removes the whip, do the blades unsheathed themselves for her use. Hikari holds the tail of the dragon in her hand as she wields it in combat.

__first style; pink noise.

When drawing out her whip, a faint frequency will be emitted from its chain length which mimics the frequency of pink noise. This frequency soothes her opponents momentarily, giving her enough time to make the first strike, sending her whip slicing through the air. She aims for the neck of the demon and if landed correctly she can decapitate them with one simple yank of the whip back to her.

The first style can only be used when the whip is being activated.

second style; tranquil.

This is the most basic strike within Hikari's capabilities. It's just a simple and completely silent decapitation move that provides zero pain to the victims. The whip is placed overhead and slung either left or right to extend the chain parallel with its handle, which thin slices the demon's head clean off with a single fluid movement. This style is only used on the rare occasion that the demon has surrendered or has its guard down.

third style; serene backlash.

Hikari's next technique is a simple slashing. Its versatility allows several slashes at once in any direction.

__fourth style; soundless slash.

Soundless slash let's Hikari produce a single devasting slash.

fifth style; rain of silence.

Rain of silence requires Hikari to leap into the air and using her whip create a box pattern above the demon's head. The box then rains down chaotic slashes from above.

sixth style; oblivion.

Oblivion is a move that involves Hikari lashing the end of her whip to immobilize the target as it targets the pressure points/joints.

seventh style; hum.

Hum is a defensive ability. Due to the high speed of this style, a faint noise or a "hum" will emit as Hikari is able to block oncoming attacks. This style can be effective when dealing with multiple opponents or needing to protect a group of people or other slayers.

'Til Morning Comes
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