Character Catalog

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Character Catalog


i can feel again, and it's really nice
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Hi! Thanks for dropping in.
Here you can see a list of all my character's.
The threadmark will tell you if the character is open or taken currently.
Feel free to look around and PM if you see a character you'd like to RP with or one that might even fit into an idea you already have!

xx Ivy

Name : Dimia
Age : 29
Appearance : Dimia has long red hair and greenish brown eyes. Her skin has a bit of a tan from spending time out in the sun.

History : It's been fifteen years since her mother and father's death. They were brutally killed during one of the raids on her village, and if it hadn't been for Dimia being back at home helping her grandmother she would of been killed too. The men killed as many people as they could that day before they were stopped. The village suffered greatly that day, but Dimia always felt she had lost the most. Not only had she lost her parents but she also lost the ability to choose. From that day on it was her responsibility to take care of her parents tavern and her grandmother. Though, for the first couple of years her grandmother didn't need much attention but in recent years she had gone down and no longer able to help out at the tavern. Having no other family available to help her and unwilling to leave her grandmother alone for most of the day and night Dimia took some of the money she had saved up and built a small house on to the back of the tavern. But she didn't stop there, she ended up investing almost everything she had saved and added spare rooms to the tavern, which is now known around town as Dimia's Tavern and Inn. Her and her grandmother have a cozy home in the back, and spare rooms above the tavern for anyone who might need a place to stay. Her grandmother spends her days seating in front of a low fire humming and talking to - well, Dimia isn't quite sure who she talks to anymore. While, Dimia spends her mornings, evenings, and nights keeping the Tavern and Inn going. She feeds the guests twice a day and keeps the tavern closed until five, then she opens the doors to the locals. Men line the bar and fill the tables weekly drinking and laughing.

Personality : Dimia is a very laid back easy going girl. She works hard to keep the tavern and inn going and doesn't ask for help very often. She definitely isn't one to start a fight, but won't shy away from breaking one up. She has a gentle soul and kindness is something she doesn't lack.

The Lonely Immortal (missivyxSilverPact)
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New York Gal
Waitress and Vet Tech
Career Driven

Personality : Sofia has an easy going personality. Very much go with the flow and hardly ever loses her temper. Though she keeps to herself quite a bit, she doesn't find the task of making friend actually hard. She just doesn't have a lot of spare time to.

History : Sofia moved to New York to get away from the small town life. She enjoys the anonymity of living in the big city. She had a very lax childhood, pretty normal and mundane compared to the standard.

Summer Romance
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Book Nerd

Personality : Evelyn is a shy, soft spoken girl. She's definitely a people pleaser and will go out of her way to help anyway she can. A real goody two shoes, she follows the rules unapologetically, though she is the type of person to stand up for something she believes.

History : Evelyn, Evvie, was born on March 8 to Mary and John Wilson. She was their only child and though they were poor they doted on their only daughter as often as they could. Evvie grew up in a Christian household, which she still follows in her adulthood. She did great in school and though her parents had hoped she would go to college when the war was upon them they were glad to see her serve her country the only way she could, as a nurse. Evvie works with the wounded soldiers everyday taking care of them and doing her best to lift their spirits. She attends a small church every Sunday and Robin, her best friend, and herself spend their free time together either in their small apartment or when Robin drags Evvie out to one of the local pubs.

The War to End All Wars (cautious x missivy)
faceclaim - katherine mcnamara


takes what it means to be a queen to heart
kind, fiercely loyal

Background : Eve Durant comes from a long line of Royal blood. Her father is the king of a small village in Spain. Well, technically the king isn't her father, but he accepts her as his own, she is his youngest daughter. She has two older sisters, Bree and Cece, and a younger brother, Gavin. Her older sisters don't have much to do with her and don't view her as part of their family, but Gavin has always taken to Eve more so than anyone else in the family and the two have a very close relationship.

Eve is a very kind young lady and even though she isn't really a Princess she makes sure to always act like. Her father spares no expense for his youngest daughter but she doesn't let it go to her head, unlike her other two sisters. Gavin and Eve have a tight relationship and are often seen in their village helping the less fortunate.

*Eve is reserved, polite, and everything a princess should be. She enjoys spending most of her days in the inner part of the city where the less fortunate live, whether it be to interact with the children or help out the mothers. She has a hard time opening up to anyone by her brother, and he is the only one who knows the real Eve. The funny, outgoing, smart side of herself is kept tightly tucked away beneath the no nonsense princess side. The side that wants to do anything and everything for the kingdom that could never truly be hers.*

A Kingdom at War [missivyxcole]

faceclaim - irina shayk

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Title : Princess
Hair : Copperish Red
Skin : White with a peachy yellowish tone
Eyes : Light blue almost clear colored
Age : 135
Height : 5'4"
Powers : Beala can manipulate the earth around her whether it be for defense or healing. She cannot, however, control anything corrupted by Elf or any other creature. (So, she can't control a potted plant for example. Or buildings.)

Yin and Yang (missivyxsweet_bella)

'D' for short
Race : Sorceress
History : Adina's family comes from a long line of impressive Sorcerers, which is why her entire family freaked out when her powers didn't start to develop at age five. Instead she started to shape shift, but not just into anything. She was able to shift into a raven, which only deepened her families concern. Raven's symbolizing bad luck lead them to believe that D was cursed, and without knowing who had cursed her they were unable to break it. A few years went by, D was now seven and the first effects of the Fall was beginning. The Bez Duse clan, meaning soulless one, were one of the first ones to go. Their race was a mixture of mage and shifter's, not particularly strong in either ability. Once the last of the clan was dead D's powers were returned her, to her families relief, though they felt odd and foreign to her.
Turns out that even though the curse was broken, she still possessed some of the Bez Duse clans shifting abilities. Throughout the years, D did eventually learned to control her abilities. Becoming fairly skilled in most of what she set out to learn, but never quite up to her families standards, leaving her to be the black sheep. Outcast in her own family, so when volunteers were needed to go out and begin the collection D was the first to volunteer, against her families wishes. They didn't think of her as qualified enough to complete the task at hand.
Personality : Adina tends to be a bit eccentric but it is only a facade she puts on to hide any pain or worry. She likes to think things through before acting but it's limited to her actions. She is quick to speak her mind first, and apologize later. She comes off as a bit cold and uncaring at first, having a hard time connecting with certain people, mainly her family. She's had limited contact with outsiders, and is a bit excited to see what the dying world has to offer to her.
Abilities :
- Protective shields
- Being able to control the elements around her, i.e. the ground, water, wind. But she can't manipulate say a metal building or anything man-made.
- Tracking
- skilled at using the elements around her to create potions.
Abilities yet to discover :
- Being able to conjure fire
- Future seeker (similar to premonition) except she has to will the visions. An early practice that hasn't been down in decades.

The five lies - (Keillen + MissIvy)

Faceclaim : lilah parsons


History : Eliza had a pretty rough relationship with her mom in the last few years, and losing her mom sent her over the edge. Especially when her mom had propositioned a strange man to care for her under the condition that she marry him. So, Eliza gave up her home and moved in with him. She barely sees Arthur, her betrothed but she sees a good bit of David, the butler. And she finds as the days pass she grows more and more fond of David.
Will they marry?
Will she fall for David instead?
Faceclaim : alexandra daddario

tends to the animals
frequently carries out tasks asked by the Meriff

Personality : Sara is a shy, soft spoken sweet heart. She would do just about anything for the people in her post. She is a hard worker and never complains about anything.

History : Sara was born in this wasteland and it's all she's ever known. Her father has brought her up to be a hard worker, and she makes him proud by lending a hand to anyone on post who needs it. Though, when she does get the chance she likes to study plants. The few that are sprouting up around their homes are intriguing, much different than any in the old world books she found many years ago. They had belonged to her mother, who apparently had studied and learned all about them. Her mother, Deb, passed away during childbirth. It broke her father down mentally and physically but he stepped up and took care and raised his daughter all by himself. Exactly how he saw fit.

Faceclaim : Shannon Woodward

Lottie for short
barkeep and local whore

Personality : Lottie is an outspoken smartass to put it bluntly. She doesn't take any crap from any one of her drunk patrons. She's known as the local tough cookie and she wouldn't want it any other way.

History : Lottie wasn't born apart of this apocalyptic world, but she doesn't remember anything from the old ways. Neither of her parents made it very long after most of humanity was wiped out and as a result she was sold into slavery. Her childhood was spent at the beck and call of whoever possessed her cooking, cleaning, whatever it was they wanted from her. It wasn't until her teen years that her last owner died and she ran. She ran for what felt like days before she stopped. The next six years she spent alone in a harsh climate, the struggle to survive had almost been unbearable. Then John found her a brought her back to the post. She had been welcomed with open arms and for the first time she felt like she actually belonged somewhere. Two years later she took over John's tavern after he died and since then she has built it up to the place it is today.

Aint No Place For No Hero (JeremyXMissivy)
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Emma White
twenty three
5' 6

Hair : Black and long. She usually wears it in one long braid but when it is down it has a natural wavy texture.
Build : Athletic build. Emma played soccer for a little while in college and even though those days are over she likes to keep in shape.
Eyes : Almond brown
Personality : Once she puts her mind to something she follows through with it. She is independent and doesn't like to rely on others especially since she had been taking care of her father since her mother died. She also has a smart mouth on her.
Weakness : Her father
Strengths : She is exceptionally good at taking care of everyone but herself.
Relationship status : Nothing serious, not looking
Likes : Reading, any outdoor activity
Dislikes : Authority
Hobbies : Volunteering for anything in the community
Occupation : She works at the local bakery.

Breaking Point (spiritofenergyxmissivy)

Allena O'Connell {Lena}
Born June 12th

Human Form :

5′ 5″
long black hair
brown eyes
slim & curvy with well toned arms and legs

tattoos :
moon phase on her back{for her love of the moon}, capricornus constellation behind her left ear{in remembrance of her mother}

a tiny mole above her lip
a scar running down the side of her right thigh and stopping at her knee

Wolf Form:

silver and dark grey in color
black stripe down the nose and ears are also black
4' standing on all fours


Lena has a very caring nature, first and foremost when it comes to her pack. She would do anything for them, and works very hard to make sure everyone is taken care of.
She has a honorable work ethic. She's taken on two jobs since her mother's passing, and taken over most of her father's duties as well.
While, she is caring to those around her it doesn't mean that she is a push over. In fact, it's the exact opposite. When she walks into a crowded room she does so with confidence and authority, all eyes fall to her. Though, this wasn't something that happened overnight. Most of the pack was resistant to fall in line behind her, since she was a single female. Many believed that they needed a male to run and handle the packs affairs, but after picking up the ball (that her father has often dropped) the elders submitted to her and the rest of the pack followed suit.
Lena does have a bit of a stubborn side, meaning she doesn't take help very well. Even though she is a part of the pack, in her duties, she is more of a lone wolf. She doesn't like to pass on the responsibility to someone else, even if they offer.
Authority is also something she struggles to handle, which is one reason why she is still unmated. Most of the clans still practice the old ways of their species, and Lena has thus far refused to submit to any of her male counterparts.
Lena does struggle with some depression and panic attacks since her mother's passing but it isn't something she expresses to anyone. Being the leader her people look to, she keeps the details of her personal life as private as she can.


Allena Marie O'Connell was born on June twelfth 1996 to AnaMarie SinClaire-O'Connell and Kieron Seamus O'Connell. Kieron's whole pack had been obliterated in the winter of 1994. Hunters had stumbled across his pack, wiped out almost everyone, leaving Kieron and a few others to escape to their neighboring pack to the north. The Dark Moon clan agreed to help extract revenge against the hunters who had ravaged the Hollows Pack, but under a couple of conditions. That the rest of the Hollows would pledge their loyalty to the Dark Moon clan and that Kieron would take AnaMarie as his mate.

After the White Massacre of '94, the couple was wed and the packs merged. The Dark Moon clan grew not only in numbers that day but also in acreage, making them the largest clan in the northern region. Fast forward two years and the couple had their first and only child, Allena, meaning precious. AnaMarie had a hard pregnancy and even harder labor, which ended with her not being able to conceive anymore children safely.

AnaMarie was a wonderful mother, always attentive, giving, and patient. Kieron, on the other hand, was strict and demanding when he was around. He most of his time tending to the pack's needs and leaving little Lena in her mother's care. Though, that did come with its benefits. AnaMarie raised her to be kind and caring first, and to stick up for what was right. Especially if someone couldn't do it for themselves.

Lena had a pretty relaxed childhood. Spending a lot of time with the other children in the pack, and being homeschooled by her mother until she was able to attend the nearby high school. There is discovered her love of the night sky, which her father despised. He was very much keen to keep the old traditions, which would mean keeping Lena home schooled and then have her married off to the first worthy alpha. Luckily, her mother was her father's only weakness and he eventually left her alone about it.

After highschool, she ended up being accepted to University and was working on her bachelors degree in science when mother suddenly passed away. Apparently, she had been sick for quite some time and just decided to not tell anyone. Lena dropped out of University and came straight home to find her father distraught and drunk, and he's been pretty much in the same stupor for the past three years. Kieron now spends most of his days drunk and gambling in the casino a town or two away from his pack.

Allena works part time as a bartender on the weekends and part time at a bakery, both of the business are run by pack members. And she still manages to take on all the duties her father has left behind.

Kieron Seamus O'Connell :
born 1966
53 years old now
originally from the Hollows Park

AnaMarie SinClaire-O'Connell :
born 1970 - died 2016 age 46
daughter of the alpha of the Dark Moon Pack
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Human (blessed)

Physical Appearance

Chloe is a beautiful woman in her 30's, standing about 5'6", with blue eyes and light brown hair, which she occasionally has up in a ponytail but also has it down past her shoulders. During her early days as a cop, she wore the uniform typical for rookie police officers. Now, she wears clothing authentic to her job as a detective.

Likely due to the miraculous circumstances of her birth, Chloe has some mystical powers.

  • Desire Exhibition Immunity: Chloe is immune to Lucifer's powers of persuasion when they are used towards her. However, she is still affected by other powers, such as Amenadiel's chronokinesis, as was shown when she became frozen when time was stopped.
  • Rendering Immortals vulnerable: Though Chloe did not initially affect Lucifer, as shown in how he is shot without being injured in the "Pilot", she was able to shoot and injure him a few episodes later in "Manly Whatnots ." Lucifer eventually suspected that it was Chloe's presence that made him vulnerable and successfully tests this theory by cutting his hand while talking to her in "St. Lucifer ." Marcus Pierce later speculated in "Anything Pierce Can Do I Can Do Better " that it was Chloe's love that made immortal beings vulnerable, as she had fallen in love with both Lucifer and Pierce - a theory that Lucifer initially rebuked but later agreed with when he found that he could still be injured in Chloe's presence regardless of her feelings for Pierce. In "Quintessential Deckerstar ," Amenadiel theorized that God did not determine the situation of any of the characters and, in fact, they cast judgment upon themselves. Thus, to this point, it is unclear if Chloe's ability to cause vulnerability in immortals is innate to her divine origins, or if it is actually Lucifer's love for Chloe ("Who's da New King of Hell? ") that causes his mortality in her presence. Unlike Lucifer, Pierce's mortality is not affected by Chloe's proximity. This may be due to the difference between Pierce's immortality and Lucifer's, as Pierce's came from an external curse which once removed, did not reemerge in contrast to Lucifer who is inherently immortal due to being an angel.
  • Deductive Analysis: Experienced, observant and objective, Chloe is a skilled detective with good instincts who uses to find clues on her work. However, she often relies on physical evidence and can be stubborn at times, often with the idea of Lucifer's true nature.
  • Marksmanship: Chloe has an excellent aim with a gun.
  • Combatant: Chloe is trained in self-defense.
credit @ luciferwiki

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almond brown hair that falls midway down her back
dull green eyes
ambidextrous/wields wand with left hand
Black Mare as Patronus

Yew and Dragon heartstring 12 1/4 inches long

Date of Birth:

June 15th, 1998
Staithes, North Yorkshire, England
Current Location:
Sexual Orientation:
Blood Status:
Special Abilities:
Knack for divination

Family Ties :

Wanda (Romman) Blight - Deceased since 1998
Sean Blight - Location unknown
Aunt Shana Romman - age 46 born in August of '73


Social Class :

Former School :
Former House :

History :

Camilla, or Ills for short, was born in the wee early morning hours of a summer's day to Wanda and Sean Blight. Though the labor had started the previous morning, and Sean had almost lost his wife and daughter had it not been for Wanda's sister Shana, who was a healer. And that is how Sean discovered that his wife was actual a witch and was descended from a long line of Pureblood witches and wizards.

Wanda had left her wand behind after she had met and fallen in love with Sean. The Romman's would have never accepted muggles into their family, especially if that meant they would create half breeds. Shana had been the only person from her family to stay in touch, though she didn't particularly see eye to eye with Wanda on muggles either but she refused to lose her sister. And though this had been quite a shock for Sean in easily adjusted to the odd tidbit of new information.

Sean had always been a drifter himself, moving from place to place, job after job and with no family of his own that lifestyle had been quite easy. After meeting Wanda though, he had agreed to settle down with her and start a family. He had truly found his soulmate in Wanda, who had always been mysterious and intriguing. Now, at least, he knew why. She had left out chucks of her past, but he couldn't hold a grudge against the love of his life and so simply forgave her.

Recovery from nearly losing her life during labor was slow and took several months, since she denied any more magical help from her sister. Sean noticed that Wanda hadn't been herself for some time but what could he do? The whole dynamic between the two of them had changed, and he wasn't sure what to do about it, if he could even do anything about it. Sadly, he would never get to know, Wanda took her own life Monday, December 21st, 1998. Camilla was barely six months old and Sean was clueless on how to properly take care of his own daughter. Though, he did try to take care of her on his own for about two months before he left her on Shana's doorstep.

Shana searched for Sean for months but to no avail and eventually she just gave up all together. She lived in a small coastal town called Staithes as a Healer, though she travelled often for her job and was forced to bring along Camilla now and again. Shana had down well for herself and owned a private home atop one of the most remote highest cliffs. Which was wonderful for privacy seeing as it kept their magical abilities from prying muggle eyes but that made Camilla's childhood lonely and isolated.

Once reaching school age, Shana hired private tutors for Camilla, who had protested and begged to go to the local villages school. So, for most of her childhood she spent alone with tutor after tutor. Through her younger years, Camilla grew increasingly better at sneaking out. She had become quite clever and was able to trick her tutors into believing whatever lie she decided to spew. Her ability to con and deceive those around her grew and the eventually she was able to adapt to her aunts strict rules while still enjoying the freedom she desired.

Getting her Hogwarts letter was one of the happiest days of her life. While she had grown up around magic this letter meant that she would finally be around people like her, other kids and actually be able to make friends. Her first year was harder than she had planned on. Being sorted into Slytherin had come as a surprise to her, thought her mother's family was a long line of Slytherin's she hadn't seen herself as such. The sorting hat had disagreed, of course, she was more like her mother's family than she realized. She made few friends and by the time summer break rolled around she was unhappy, depressed, and socially awkward. She spent most of the summer locked away in her room, dreading her second year.

Before going back to Hogwarts, for her second year, Shana gifted her with her very own owl, who she later named Henry. The owl seemed to bring her more out of her shell than anything else and by the middle of the year she had made several new friends. She later went on to be a Prefect in her fifth and sixth years and was selected as Head Girl her seventh year. She had always possessed academic skills beyond her years but she had slipped into the leadership role with ease and quite enjoyed having that type of power over her fellow students. Though, she never abused her power but only because the fear of losing something that was so precious to her and that she had worked so hard for.

After her seventh year things changed drastically for Camilla. She was offered a job from the Ministry of Magic as an Obliviator. The job was perfect for Camilla and she quickly rose in the ranks becoming one of the Ministries best.

The first two years she spent making a name for herself. Perfecting her mental charms to ensure she was performing her job to the best of her abilities. But it wasn't until going into her third year that things started to get a little sketchy. Someone from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement approached her shortly after their Christmas break. He invited her to join him and a few other coworkers at his home and so she took him up on the offer. He was an auror after all, so she felt like she had nothing to fear from him or anyone around her.

There was about twenty people from all levels of the ministry here and Camilla felt comfortable as she mingled around the large room with everyone. That was until, Simon, the man who had invited her, revealed the real reason for the meeting. The Minister himself wanted to bring about a new level to the ministry. This level would work side by side with the Aurors but would take over the "messy bits" as he called them. While, this seemed a bit off to Camilla she ignored her gut and stayed to be apart of this exciting new beginning. Who didn't want to be apart of something new, after all? The next year went by with little incident. Simon called upon Camilla seldomly but when he did it was to pick into the mind of some witch or wizard who had been accused of one crime or another. Then, the calls started to get more suspicious and intense. He would call her to pick the minds of the people she worked with and then after she was to obliviate them. Simon would have the subjects tied to chairs in his home and when she would bring up the unusual circumstances he would brush it under the rug with a flimsy excuse, usually that the wizard identity was being protected.

Four months into her fourth year at the ministry and Simon called her asking her to rush over in the middle of the night. When she arrived he ushered her down to the basement where she found Claire Levington, an Auror. The witch had been beat to the point of unconsciousness and now Simon was urging her to Obliviate her mind. She agreed and devised a plan. She would set up a 'back door' in the woman's mind and store all of the memories there instead of obliviating them. The idea was to hide the memories and once it was safe, she would release them back to the woman or that was what she was hoping on at least. It was a new spell that Camilla had been working on and Claire would be her first actual attempt.

Though, Camilla got more than she bargained for with Claire. Her memories revealed that Simon was being watched but not only Simon Camilla too and that was when it all made sense. The minister had nothing to do with this secret society, Simon had an agenda all his own. After that night, Camilla worked closely with Claire, who had regained all her memories thanks to Camilla's back door vault charm, and another Auror. The identity of the second Auror was kept hidden, they didn't feel comfortable meeting face to face with Camilla but Claire assured her that they could be trusted.

Claire and Camilla worked together over the next year collecting evidence on Simon and trying to discover just what his grand plan could be. Even though he seemed to call on Camilla quite a bit he was hesitant to trust her completely.

One afternoon Simon summoned her to his home, he hadn't contacted her in over two weeks. So, she was eager to go and dig up whatever she could. Once she arrived, she was faced with a gruesome scene. Claire slumped over in the corner of the floor, Simon's face pale white as she was escorted into the small room. It didn't take Camilla long to figure out what was going on, but she managed to keep her cool while Simon clued her in. He had another Obliviator search through Claire's memories and Simon now new everything with the exception of who the second Auror was. That's why Camilla had been called here, the jig was up. He would be framing her for Claire's murder and wiping her memories before turning her over to the ministry.

Two years later and Camilla is still on the run from the Ministry but also from Simon and his followers. The only person that can prove her innocence won't come forward and without their memories no one will ever know the truth. So, she's been forced to run, marked for death by the Minister as one of their most wanted wizards.

Personality :

Camilla's last year on the run has left her suspicious of everyone. She doesn't stay in one place long enough to gather any real friendships and she is leery of anyone who wants to get close to her. Her strong will is what has kept her from breaking under the immense amount of worry and pressure. She sticks to the shadows of the bars, seemingly drowning her soul in drink after drink but that's what she wants anyone who notices her to think. In the midst of being on the run, she is constantly changing her appearance as well, and has grown quite handy with cloaking spells. She refused to give up trying to find the man who knows what really happened to Claire and clear her name.

dark blonde hair falls a couple of inches past her shoulders
clear blue eyes
right handed
Hippogriff Patronus


Date of Birth:
March 10, 2001
Current Location:
London when not attending school.
Sexual Orientation:
Blood Status:
Dueling and Potions

- the wand was gifted to Kata when she received her Hogwarts letter. Though, her mother insisted it was her first wand Kata always felt there was more to the story than just that -

History :
Kata was born on March tenth, 2001 to the Monty and Kathryn Pierce. The couple had been married for three years and were excited to welcome their first child into the world. Kata's parents both lead dangerous and unusual jobs. They lived in Bembridge, located within the Isle of Wight, in a large country style home seated on several acres of rolling hills. Monty worked as a curse-breaker and usually was required to travel quite a bit. Kathryn worked for the Ministry of Magic as an Unspeakable and had since she completed Hogwarts, which was were the couple had first met. But it took a chance meeting at the Ministry one day for them to rekindle their love and get married.

Kata had a pretty normal childhood, being the only child her parents spoiled her but she wasn't rotten. She had to carry out her own chores and work for the allowance she was allotted. And if she kept up her grades then she was rewarded at the end of each semester, usually with a trip somewhere. Her life was pretty normal for a young witch, that was until she received her Hogwarts letter. The day started out like every other day. It was the end of summer and her days were filled with playing outside while her babysitter, Jo stayed cool inside. Once the post ran and she opened her letter she called to give her father the good news. Her mother returned home just as she was hanging up the phone, and gave her mother the exciting news as well. Without missing a beat Kathryn walked up and hugged her daughter tighter than she had in a while before dragging her daughter upstairs.

"I'm so proud of you." Kathryn replied to her daughter, giving her a quick smile. She opened up a trunk she had drug out from the back of the storage room. "You've worked so hard and I won't to give you this." She said, pulling out an old leather bag. The tattered bag was long and had a few stains on it as she shoved the gift into her daughter's hands. Eager to see what her mother had given her, she fumbled with the twine tying the bag closed. Dropping it to the floor, she titled the bag up and a wand slid out from inside. "Oh, wow! It's beautiful thanks mom!" She said, throwing her arms around his mother's neck. "Yes, it was my first wand." She said, fondly giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Suddenly there was a loud rasp at the door, Kathryn smiled as she spoke, "Go put that somewhere safe, in your room and don't take it out until you head off to your new school. Look, I've got to go and I... well, I probably won't ever come back." Kata tried interrupting her mother but her mother kept talking. "I love you so much! Please don't ever forget that and tell your father I love him too. Now, go! I don't want you to see this." She said, giving Kata one last kiss on her forehead before getting up and heading back downstairs. Flustered and confused, Kata did as she was told and hide the wand in her room before hurrying back downstairs. There she witnessed her mother being lead away by several Aurors before they appraited.

The following days after her mother's arrest the paper's were filled with rumors and pictures of her mother. Though her father had told her to just ignore those things, and that everything would be all right once her mother was proven innocent. But things took a turn for the worse, she was convicted with a life sentence in Azkaban. Her father changed their last names to Spillman in order to get away from the association of being a Pierce. They sold their home and moved out of Bembridge to London into a large penthouse. Though, she had little time to settle in before she was catching her first train to Hogwarts. At first, no one even noticed who she was but it didn't take long before someone to recognize her and before the end of her second week everyone knew exactly who she was.

The first several years, she kept to herself, mostly because most of the Gryffindor's felt she didn't belong in their house, the Slytherin's teased her, and everyone else just kept away from her. By the time her fourth year rolled around, the teasing had eased up and she was able to settle into the year quite nicely. She even tried out for a Chaser on the Quidditch team making it and keeping the position until her seventh year, when she dropped out of Hogwarts.

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Long curly mahogany hair
Dark brown eyes
Parabatai – none

Siblings – 4

Joan Gray (5) 9/15/14
Parker Gray (15) 3/12/04
Jax Gray (22) 11/22/97
Finn Gray (22) 11/22/97

Parents –

Cristina Gray (45) 8/19/74
Cecil Gray (47) 2/18/72

The year is 1992, the ground is covered in a thick layer of snow, and Christmas lights were hung high and low all around the London Institute. Cecil had only been there a few days and was just adjusting to his new home, which was a bit more challenging than he had expected. It wasn't until later in the evening when he headed downstairs for his patrol that he spotted her. A dark-haired girl, standing close beside the decorated tree in the main room of the Institute. She stood laughing and talking to another girl, a plastic cup in one hand with her other hand gently patting her friends' shoulder.

And that was the first time Cecil had seen Cristina. It had taken him another few months before he had the courage to approach her and the next year, they were expecting their first child. Her parents were furious. She was far too young to be a mother and they were convinced that Cristina didn't know much less love this man she had just met. Nevertheless, the two were married in November of '93 and Nora Jean Gray was born on December the tenth of that year. Both of her parents stayed active as Shadowhunter's, leaving Nora with her grandparents, who had decided to make an effort in their granddaughter's life. This went on for several years until the twins were born in '97. Cristina was forced to stay at home with the kids at this point. Just before Nora was to start school and her "official" training, Cecil was called back to Idris, where he was offered a place on the council.

Nora and her brothers spent the remainder of their childhood growing up in Alicante. It wasn't a horrible place to grow up, Nora figured that there were worse places of course. But being a child of a council member did have its down sides. Her father's expectations for his children grew as they did, and with each year they were expected to be better and work harder. By the time Nora was seventeen the London Institute was asking for her to consider them when she finished school. But Nora knew, it wouldn't be far enough away from her overbearing father. After she turned down the request from the London Institute, she reached out to the few in the states. New York, being the only one to respond, is where she ended up and has been there since. She has settled into the area quite well and heads up as many missions as she possibly can.
Name: Reiyna Winter
Age: 26
Height: 5'6
Reverie Colony – Ruler Broggs the Second
Bio: The Reverie Colony was Ruled by a noble and gracious man named Broggs. For years, anytime anyone from the west was asked how Broggs ruled the Reverie Colony they always received the same answer: Broggs treated his people with respect and no one ever went without. But that was twenty - three years ago, now Broggs is known as Overseer of Existence. He's paranoid, unforgiving, controlling, and downright heartless. Those close to him swear that it was the machines that whispered things to him and filled his head with nonsense. A particular A.I. named Cyl is who he keeps with him at all times but never seems to talk in front of anyone. It's anyone's guess at this point, what is going on but people seem to have settled into their new normal... not that they've had much choice. Most people trying to escape the borders after they were closed were killed and so people eventually stopped trying.

Reiyna's grown up in this environment it's all she's ever known and even though her parents have tried to explain to her the past times it doesn't make much sense. Life for her is going to work, going home and that's that but when an opportunity came up to serve her colony she decided to take it. She was inducted into a private military where she excelled and rose through the ranks quickly. Once she'd made it through training and was getting ready to be placed she decided to set her career path in aviation. Little did she know just where it would take her.

As far as personality, Reiyna is quite the chameleon and able to adapt to her surroundings. Once her commanding officers picked this up she started going undercover in other colonies. This is where she discovered her true passion. While she does love flying, she also loves discovering new places. And she finally understands what her parents tried to tell her all those years ago about Reverie Colony. However, it would take a lot more than just her love for traveling to break her oath to her home. Not only is she a chameleon but she is a dedicated, loyal, soldier. Willing to die and kill for her colony.



current roleplay :
Name : Wanda

Age : Twenty - Six

Personality : Wanda has somewhat of a naive out look on life. She believes everyone has some sort of good in them, and tends to give people the benefit of the doubt. She is very trusting in others, and has a happy go lucky personality. She's the girl who her friends count on when they are in need of a favor or their shift covered. She has trouble saying no, as she doesn't really like to hurt anyone else's feelings. Even though she will go out of her way to help other's she rarely lets anyone else get close enough to help her. She is a very independent and doesn't feel the need to burden anyone else was her measly problems when they arise.

History : Wanda is originally from Alabama. A small town just north of Huntsville. She lived there with her father, who worked at a large aviation plant, leaving him to be home very little. But he spoiled his only daughter when he was home. They spent their time together going camping or fairs. Wanda never minded that his job kept him from dinner most nights, she knew he only worked the long hours to give her whatever she needed. He surprised her with a car on her sixteenth birthday, and even saved up enough money to pay most of her way through college. So, when he died in a freak accident she knew that she couldn't live anywhere near Alabama. She packed up her father's things, put them away in storage, and sold the house. With a year left on her teacher's degree, she packed up and moved north. Stopping and living in North Carolina for a while, where she got her first waitress gig. She lived there for three months in the back of her car before continuing toward her goal. New York city. She had always wanted to travel there, and no she had no excuses. Finally after a few more weeks she had made it. She got another waitress gig, and managed to save up enough money to get a low rent apartment. From there she moved up to day shift manager and managed to snag a nice studio apartment on the nicer side of town. Now she's found that working the bars and clubs seems to bring in more money. So, when she isn't at her day job, she can be found at her night job. Serving some of the seedier customer's that come in to the bars.

Appearance : Wanda has medium brown hair that falls in waves mid way down her back. Thick darker brown eyebrows shape down toward her deep green eyes and long black lashes. Freckles mark over her cheek bones and bridge of her nose, light in color but visible against her olive colored skin. Not quite dark enough to be a tan, like someone added a drop of brown to a large white bowl of paint, just enough to notice. Even though she spent a lot of time in the sun, her skin color never changes only new freckles pop up here and there. Her face shape is oval like, not having a particularly sharp chin, with a nice set of plump dusty pink lips frame the bottom of her face. Her slender neck leads down to the hollowness of her collarbones, which have always been a prominent feature of hers. Though, she was never as skinny as she currently is. She had always been a chubby child, even into puberty and on through out her college years. Now, she had a slim figure, with the biggest thing on her were her hips and thighs. And though her stomach was flat, it was adorned by a few stretch marks here and there. Her legs long and thick and her thighs have never seen a gap.

Yve Arly

Ability: Sight Yve has vivid dreams shadowing what the future holds. They aren't always right, but they do carry some significance over her tomorrow or the fate of those around her. She cannot produce it on a whim.

Background: Yve grew up in a village surrounded by towering mountains. She lived a peaceful, simple life here, working at her father's shop when he needed help, learning his trade. That's how it was done. Children grew up and took over their parent's business when it was time. Yve kept to herself in the village, and one did not want to stand out for fear of drawing unwanted attention from the elders. It wasn't until Yve turned twenty that she started to experience her gift of Sight. She'd see insignificant things at first and so kept it a secret. It wasn't until she had the most shocking dream of all that she told her parents. They'd immediately told her it was just a dream and ignored it. But the dream continued every night. Yve would see the same thing, it was like a forest made out of shiny material, and the people seemed different. Something told her that it was more than a dream. It wasn't until then that her dreams gave her a path, an unmistakable message. She'd have to travel up the mountain and get past the demon that guarded her exit route. Her mind was made up. She'd tackle this, and finally see what was out there, who was out there, and if this metal forest really existed.

Current Roleplay : City of Magic
Kinetic Character #1 - Hydrokinesis

Full Name: Akina Kaori Ito

Nickname: Ri

Age: 25

Personality: It isn't that Kaori isn't friendly. She just hasn't known the kindest of people. She keeps to herself, does her jobs, and doesn't stick her nose in other people's business. Quiet and polite even is how some people might describe her—definitely a no-nonsense kind of girl. A loner too, or maybe she hasn't found the right travel companion?



Eyes: Violet

Hair: Carmel

Height and weight: 5'6, about 140; she's slim but wears much bulky clothing to cover up her more than apparent enhancements.

Additional: Her long black jacket. A bag that she keeps close to her at all times. It hides what she needs it to when she out and folds up nicely when she's alone.

Physical Enhancement:

Robotic right eye - this enhancement comes in handy when navigating a new environment. It can scan the surrounding land up to a mile around her, mapping the area and constantly looking for any warning signs of storms. The eye can detect body signatures as well, keeping her off the Armor Storm radar as well.

Face Shield - The soft black metal extends over her nose and down just below her cheekbone to cover the rest of her lower face. The lower jaw section of the mask has two small LED lights, which can power on at her discretion. The metal itself doesn't prevent her from speaking; however, it is just a protectant for her skin, and she can remove it at will. Unfortunately, though, she rarely does due to the scarring of her skin underneath.

Neck, chest, and right arm - Most of Kat's upper body stays hidden under clothing because of its appearance. Heavily intertwined with her bones and muscles, the metal takes the place of her skin. Her voice does have a slight mechanic tone, but she's worked hard to mask it over the years. The metal in her neck leads onto her right shoulder down her right arm to her wrist. It also leads down onto the top of her chest.

Kinesis: Hydrokinesis

Aquatic Breathing - This gives her the ability to breathe underwater for as long as she likes and is immune to drowning.


Drowning - The castor engulfs its target in a giant sphere of water suspended in the air—its purpose to drown whoever or whatever encased inside. However, depending on her target, the death can be slow or quick.

Water Shield Construct - This is a half-sphere of water placed around the castor to protect them from any attacks. It holds up well against fire and Armor Storm weapons but does poorly against Ice and Electricity attacks.
Water Absorption - (Weapon Edition) Ri can absorb any water from any source and turn it into a weapon. She must be touching the water to absorb it, and the weapon does have a limit to how long it will last. The more water she has access to and can soak up, the longer it can stick around.
Manipulative Puppetry - (Undiscovered Skill - Expert Level) The ability to control the movements of others. This only works on people she has physically touched and is a tricky skill to master. It works through focusing intense concentration on the person and connecting with the water directly in their body. Unfortunately, this technique doesn't work when the target gets too far away or the line of sight becomes broken.

Flaw: Ri is defenseless against ice or electricity Kinetic children or weapons.

Background: Kaori was two when she grew ill for the first time. Her parents lived in the inner city of the S.Z. and immediately took her to see a doctor. The first doctor had brushed it under the rug as a simple cold caused by the polluted air, accusing her parents of taking her into one of the D.Z. Even though they'd sworn they'd done no such thing, he prescribed some meds and sent tiny Ri home. The medication worked for a bit time, but it wasn't long until she was sick once more. This time her father had been saving up money and took her to another doctor. This doctor only saw special children but for a price, and even though Ri hadn't yet started to show any signs of her Kinesis, her parents wondered. So, off they went. They had to travel several hours to get to him, and by the time they did, Ri was so sick she could barely stand. It took weeks of running tests to figure out that not only did he believe she was a Kinetic Child that hadn't developed her ability yet, but that she also had a rare form of Cancer, Laryngeal cancer. What made it so rare was how fast it had spread throughout her throat and upper body. The news devasted her parents, but they were willing to do anything to save their daughter. So a plan was set in motion to go ahead with the surgery.

Little did they know, this surgeon was in cahoots with the Armor Storms, and instead of leaving his patients looking as normal as possible, he left them easy to spot.
Here is where Kaori first got branded as a Kinetic Child.
And boy, was she ever easy to spot with a solid metal neck, chest, and arm. Even her voice sounded different, and as a young child speaking in a robotic tone made it impossible to make friends when she returned home.

Her new look also attracted the Armor Storm Units' attention, so she left home when she was old enough. She couldn't stand to see her parents suffer any longer and decided they were much better off without her. She stayed on the run for quite sometime before the Unit finally caught up and captured her. She spent three years in the genetics lab, where they ran daily tests on her. Forced her to perform under different stresses rating her ability. Here is where she lost her eye; this is also where they tested the other electrical theories. Scarring the lower part of her face so severely that she chooses to wear a mask and protect the fragile skin she still has left.

It was dumb luck Ri even escaped the genetics lab. She was so sure she was going to die there; however, she vividly remembers the group of Kinetics that stormed the place—slaughtering the mad coats* and anyone else who stood in their way.
Once freed, Ri was taken back to a safe camp for the night and given the name of a doctor who could help her. She was hesitant at first, of course, but eventually, she went had had him fix her up with a new eye and mask to cover her scars. She's been on her own since, and the Armor Storm has grown in number since then as well. So, she sticks to the shadows doing odd jobs anonymously and trying to stay off the Armor Storms radar.

*mad coats were what Ri and the other captives called the scientists who performed the experiments on them.

Kinetic Character #2 Pathokinesis

Full Name: Katrina Russo Susi

Nickname: Kat

Age: 24

Personality: It is hard to know precisely what Kat's true character lies. She's spent most of her life privy to most private thoughts and feelings of those around her, that she's grown weary of showing her true self. So, she hides behind a version of herself that she's learned other people find most pleasing.



Eyes: Light blue

Hair: Long white/sliver

Height and weight: 5'5 130

Additional: Black Gloves - The gloves protect people from Kat's touch and keep them from becoming drained by her touch.

Physical Enhancement: None

Kinesis: Emotion Absorption - Kat can fully absorb emotions from her target directly into her body and use them in various ways. Either by gaining some form of advantage, enhancing herself, gaining the drained power, using it as a power source, etc. Usually, the effects only last temporarily. The impact on her targets of the draining often causes them to lose their motivation due to the sudden loss of intense emotions. However, she has perfected her skill, and if she chooses, she can drain just a little from many people without them ever knowing.

Regenerative Healing Factor - meaning that Kat can rapidly heal and become restored to her optimal health at a speedy rate once she's absorbed enough emotions from someone. Unlike Healing, regeneration is a process that happens unconsciously without the need for activation, resulting in a constant state of optimal health. Regeneration is a process that occurs in all biological entities, but a regenerative healing factor is much more efficient, seamless, and powerful. So much so that Kat can recreate lost or damaged tissues, organs, and limbs, sometimes slowing or even stopping aging, something natural regeneration can never accomplish. The rate and amount of healing vary widely; some can regrow missing limbs, others must put the limb back in place for rapid regeneration. (She's not sure which one she is because she's never lost a limb.) The user is generally in excellent physical shape, as their bodies are constantly reverting to a healthy state, granting them nigh-inexhaustible stamina and vitality. (This last bit is only wrong if she's been away from people for an extended time.)

The Emotions


Fury Fire: This happens when Kat intentionally absorbs only anger. The emotion manifests into tiny red particles that swirl around her hand. From here she can shoot them at her opponents or things catching them on fire or knocking them back, depending on how much anger is locked inside one sphere of particles.

Fearlessness: This happens when Kat's absorbed an abundance of Fear, she becomes fearless in the face of her opponents. This isn't always a good thing, though, and can cause her actions to be reckless and dangerous. It doesn't last very long, however.

Love Empowerment: (Skill undiscovered) This skill, while technically under emotion absorption, doesn't require Kat to absorb any emotion from anyone. It will be something she uncovers within herself, whether it be a deep love for a friend or partner. It will give an extra boost to her other abilities and physical strength for a certain amount of time without clouding her mental state and making her reckless. This ability can only be used with one person and won't come undone unless betrayed by either party.


Telempathy: Kat can read the minds and emotions of anyone she touches with her bare hands. She can also use this skill to influence a person's emotions once she's received their thoughts and feelings based on her perceived interpretation of others' thoughts or feelings.

Emotion Destruction: (Skill Undiscovered) Kat can remove emotions from other people or herself altogether. This is permanent, and she isn't able to reverse it on her own.

Flaw: Kat can let her emotions dictate her decisions sometimes

Background: Kat comes from a wealthy family in one of the very first safe zones. She had the best of everything growing up and didn't need to want anything. This was the life of one of the top research scientists and his family. Kat had private tutors for her education and learned to play the piano and violin. Her father even bought the surrounding land around them and built Kat a stable to keep her horse, Mills, closer. However, when Kat started to develop her ability, that's when she discovered what her father did for a living. What he really did, that is. The atrocities he committed every day, and on people just like her. She tried to ignore it, and for a while, it worked until she started absorbing the emotions of the people she touched. It wasn't long until she decided to leave her home. She wrote a letter to her parents explaining just that she had to go and disappeared. Kat's been on her own since then.

Character #3 - Hunter

Full name:
Sadie Genesis Monroe


Age: 21

Personality: Sadie is quiet and keeps to herself. In fact, she goes out of her way to steer clear of other people, and that's the way she likes it. However, the unlucky few that do come into contact with her, will find out just how brutal she can be. She's ruthless and fights to the bitter end, driving the other person to back down before she would.


Emerald Green

Firey Red

Height and Weight:
5'2 130, small in height but packs on the muscle. This gives her the advantage to hide and move lower to the ground if needed in combat.

Additional: Sade never goes anywhere without her plethora of weapons. Throwing knives, a long blade, and several guns.

Physical Enhancements: None:

Background: Sadie Monroe grew up in a strict household following the teachings of the Jesuit Society of Redemption. Her entire childhood was spent inside the church with the other children learning what the sect leader, David, allowed. The group focused on surviving and redemption, and David believed that it was his followers that needed to enact this redemption specifically upon the Kinetic folk, and anyone who aided them. This went out for years until Sadie was old enough to weld her own weapon and was sent out into the cities. So, she spent a lot of her time roaming the streets in search of targets. In the beginning, she did little hunting. In fact, she spent most of her time exploring and check out the city she'd been sent to. She met many people who were nice and offered her a place to stay and food to eat, and when she returned home she'd frequently lie about her whereabouts.

Sadie was starting to see that maybe the church wasn't right about the people in the cities and had planned to make her getaway. Though, her plan was never set into motion. Instead, a week later, the society was hit by a group of Kinetic's, who attacked in the night. Most of the adults were killed including Sadie's parents and David, but they didn't stop there. One of the attackers found Sadie and ripped her eye out. She'd intended to take her other eye as well, but someone else had interrupted them and the pair fled together. Sadie crumbled onto the floor and stayed there until she was found by some church members several hours later. The woman's face forever burned into her mind, and forever changed her perspective on Kinetic people forever. From that day on Sadie decided that David had been right and that it was her job to rid the planet of the vile beings.

Now the society is very small and organizes underground, meeting in different places every month but still maintaining their ultimate goal and carrying out what their leader had taught them.

Miscetis et Procellas
3033 World

Face Claim : Haruna Kojima
Name Yua Tanaka
Age 22

Family Tree :
Father Genkei Tanaka lives up to his name and his an honorable man.
Mother Izumi - a gentle mother.
Brother Keisuke Tanaka - The youngest of the Tanaka family.
Sister Akemi Tanaka - The eldest daughter
Sister Etsuko Tanaka - The second child of the family.





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Umi Kato





Octavia LaFontaine
Age: 203 years
Octavia has spent the last three years searching for the book Diavoli Maledetti, which translated appropriately into Cursed Devils. The book's origin had long been argued over, but the story that she believed went something like this: The one vampire born under the blue moon set out to curse his kind. He did that through spells he crafted himself imbued with his blood and always under a blood moon. He kept meticulous details of each curse, from the havoc they caused on the unlucky host to how to rid the cursed being from its vessel—restoring the vampire to their proper form by revealing their true name.
This made finding the book so important.
As the Vampire world stood now, anyone found to be carrying the 'disease' was sentenced to death. If there was a book out there that could potentially save her kind from meeting such a cruel fate, then she was going to find it.

Bloody Sanity is a hard thing to Keep
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