Both Needed Cirque de Magie

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Both Needed Cirque de Magie

Hey! Not sure if you're still looking for people but this seems quite interesting so I'd be interested in joining. Wouldn't be too sure of what I'd wanna do yet but I can figure that out quick enough.
Yeah we're still open! Go ahead and make a character (or two up to you.) I'd ideally like one or two more people but we should start by mid week no matter what.
Hey if you're still open I have a couple of characters that would work as carnies if you'd like?? Totally fine if not though!!
Nice and cool!! I think my fairy and merman would work best?? More likely the former over the latter bc my merman is also named Oliver and that would probably be confusing
Could I create a female character that has the ability to float and fly?
Name: Mariana Velostra

Nicknames: Mary

Gender: Female

Age: 31

Race: (and ability if carnie) Gravity Manipulation

Personality: Sweet and Kind, it a little aloof at times.

Sexual orientation: *Optional* Bisexual

Interests/Likes: Music and Dance, Loves to spend time alone, often levitating in the open air high above the world below. Loves eating fresh fruit, fish and chicken. Has a sweet tooth, but doesn't indulge too much as she doesn't want to get fat.

Dislikes: Being controlled too much by anyone. IS fiercely loyal, but does not enjoy the prospect of being taken advantage of.

Appearance: (You may describe your character how he/she looks or just provide an image)

Brief backstory: (how did you join the circus? What was life like before? )
Mariana always knew she was different. When she was a little girl she first discovered her gift. A tiny baby bird had fallen out of her nest, and she picked it up in her hands. She looked up and saw the nest on a high branch and without thinking it was impossible, she allowed herself to float up to the branch and placed the bird in the nest.

Her mother was shocked...she was convinced her daughter was evil...a demon spawn, and shunned her from that moment. However, one person who did love her was her eccentric aunt, who took her in and nurtured her ability. Soon she discovered she could not only float, but fly! She would fly all around the secluded forest where her aunt lived. But when her aunt died, she was left with nowhere to go. When she heard of Cirque de Magie, she jumped at the chance, and joined, happy to have a new family to call her own.

She is known as Mariana, Empress of the Air. She used her gift to perform amazing aerial ballet. Her act consists of floating, "swimming" in the air, walking up a glass wall, and finally soaring out over the crowd, ending with her taking a small child in her arms, for a special flying finale.

She has one other quirk in that, since she floats and flies more than she walks (she even sleeps in midair), she never wears shoes. She considers footwear as a form of control, and says she feels more free and connected to the world by baring her feet.
uhh I'm gonna slap both (slightly altered) bios into this but if you prefer one to the other thats fine


This OC, named Oliver, is a merman. He is in his early 20's, though he has no solid number, paper and water don't mix and merfolk are a more primitive species and don't keep track of births. He has only one sibling, a sister about 13, and both parents.

He has black hair and dark eyes along with a relatively long scar on his left cheek he got from messing with fishing hooks when he was young. (It was his own fault.) His tail is green with some blue mixed in.

Oliver is very nice and kind, unless he's feeling any negative emotion such as anger or fear. Naturally,He has strong fish instincts, easily scared by sudden movements, bright lights, and loud noises. He is very curious of the land life, seeing as he does not know what it is. The closest he's gotten is stuff humans have dropped or abandoned in the ocean.

Because of all the pollution in the ocean he, and many other ocean life, is suffering health wise and while Merfolk have tried to adapt to the new material being supplied it isn't uncommon for them to get extremely sick or even die from pollution. This includes his younger sister, who had been sick for a long while

It happened a few years prior (2010) when the black water (oil) humans had been mining for awhile spread to the village where Oliver had lived his entire life. The old, weak, and very young did make it aside from a few lucky ones while those who were previously healthy never really recovered either. Those who once could swim miles upon miles without a break could only go a couple before needing to stop.

Ever since the black water spill Oliver and many other merfolk moved from the gulf of Mexico to a neighboring village up north near Florida, though they don't know these location names.

Oliver came to the circus through the unfortunately common fishing incident. He was scooped up by a fishing boat and sold to the circus where he's lived for years

This OC named Alder Bell is in his late teens to early twenties. He is about 3 inches tall, his wings, which are about an inch taller than him, seem to have a greenish glow, a glow that compliments his olive skin well. He has brown eyes and longish hair.

Alder is a nice person. Too nice, some would say, and overly trusting. He tends to make friends with anyone he can, but at the same time he is a coward and easily frightened and scared. He means well, but is often clumsy and tends to make a mess of things.

Alder is great with animals and plants, more so the latter than the former. He is better with animals that are typically considered those of prey such as Deer or Bunnies, not so much predators such as Foxes or Wolves who probably wouldn't hesitate to scarf him down as a light snack.

Alder came to the circus in a similar way. He had stayed out too late and it got dark. He got lost on his way home and was picked up by the circus on their travels.



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I'd like to join in!
Claudia "Dia" de la Rosa Belique {Fairy Carnie}

Name: Claudia de la Rosa Belique

Nicknames: Dia

Theme Song: Dove l'amore (Instrumental)

Gender: Male (Male-To-Female Transsexual)

Age: In human years, 31 years old.

Race: Carnie, Dia is a fairy. She is capable of illusions, and also capable of flight.

Personality: Arcadian, Dia is known to be quite the eloquent woman. Coming from a family known for their riches before they were discovered to be fairies, she has kept her dignity and due to her power of illusions has been able to assist in many ways to the expanse of the circus she had been forced into. She has found favor among the volunteers, yet knows she is seen beneath them despite the pride yearning to breach social norms.

Sexual orientation: *Optional* Dia prefers the company of men.

Interests/Likes: She enjoys extravagant clothing, and is known to be quite the eloquent woman. She enjoys being paid in secrets.

Dislikes: She doesn't enjoy the way she is treated. She is also known to be secretive about her identity, due to her being transsexual. She'd rather it not work against her advantage even more.

Appearance: { Dia de la Rosa } Typically seen carrying an umbrella with a fondness for the cool spectrum of color, she is known to be quite the talented illusion artist and dancer. She is typically seen wearing extravagant clothing, albeit of the Romanian influence.

Brief backstory: Before the collapse of the Belique lineage, Dia actually rained under the leisure of coin. Her family was discovered, however, moving into the region rather quickly due to other carnies working for humans who were quickly able to discover their secret. Fortunately, not all of Dia's secrets were discovered. However she was force to give up her pride. Those who refused to were murdered before Dia's very eyes.
This led to much hatred, yet she remained silent. Opaque to their words of cruelty. However, once in the grasp of humans she was quickly able to out-maneuver them. Her trust was damaged for both carnies and humans, so she became fond of secrets and using them to her advantage. A dark canary of sort, she prefers being paid in secrets for information, and has sold this to both carnies and humans alike; assuming this would benefit Dia.

Elseph Fortana {Human Volunteer}

Name: Elseph Fortana

Nickname: Elle

Theme Song: Last Breath

Gender: Female

Age: 21 years old.

Race: Human.

Personality: Elseph quite the capable woman. With an Irish accent, she does have a childlike demeanor especially considering her past. She respects authority and, in fact, loves positive attention.

Sexual orientation: *Optional* Elseph prefers the company of men.

Interests/Likes: She enjoys labor. She quite enjoys building, and as such was inspired by the Circus and the many freaks it had attracted. She's quite indifferent whenever it comes to carnies, never having stated an explicit opinion. She is sympathetic to their treatment, but at the same time views them as deformities.

Dislikes: She doesn't enjoy being forced to speak, as she quite dislikes how she does sound when she attempts to. She also doesn't enjoy being compared to carnies due to her inability to speak. As such she pretends she may also be deaf as well (of-course many of her human brethren understand).

Appearance: {Elseph Fortana}

Brief Backstory: Elseph doesn't have much of a sob story. Though she was born with damaged vocal cords and was forced to learn sign-language as a way to communicate, she grew up with a regular family who understood her deformity (albeit rarely spoke of it and tricked others into believing she was deaf). With that said she has been trusted with a lot of information she doesn't understand the depth of. She will rather just nod her head and continue on with her day.
Though eventually they her parents did unfortunately pass away due to their poor financial state and lack of health-car.e But she was quickly adopted into the Cirque du Magie and found homage in her later teenage years, much appreciating the exotic extremities she was able to see everyday.
That said, Elseph was quite the hands-on woman and often accompanied her father in the construction of a variety of facilities, including the Circus. She does take pride in the structure, and is seen to often make repairs to the structure, itself; and assist with set-up and take-down of performances. She also seems to take a fondness to lions and tigers that are used for the show, often seen flashing a smile when she is around them.

After her prolonged stay and through her efforts with trapping carnies and creatures, Elseph met a woman named Bridgett Myer. Bridgett strangely seemed to understand some of what Elseph was saying, and the two were quick to get along shortly after. To this day, Elseph is seen actively speaking through her hands to the motherly figure; and she highly admires the woman and often accompanies her on hunts, should Elseph not go alone under Niklaus' orders.
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Alright finally done. Hope she looks alright!

Name: Alice Jarth
Nicknames: Ally, Slippery Fingers
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Race: Human
Sexual orientation: She has never truly experimented with other people so has no idea who she'd really be in to.

Alice is a very intelligent and quick thinking person. She has a way of adapting to situations quickly when there is need for it and can sense when she has to get in or out of a situation. She uses her intelligence for other things as well though such as outsmarting the simple minded folk that comes to the circus to see her tricks or try and wager a gamble with her, bordering on straight up manipulation at times.

Below this layer though she is a rather kindhearted person. She treats everyone, even the carnies, with a lot of respect and tries to see everyone as equals, despite those around her not always agreeing with those views, especially regarding carnies.

-Alice works as a magician and gambler on the circus site and therefore has a great interesting and liking for tricks, especially those with which she can use her incredible sleight of hand and intelligence to trick people.

-She has a love for cooking. No matter what, she loves cooking anything for anyone. She often tries to secretly give some of the carnies some extra food whenever she can.

-She enjoys conversations about basically anything. She loves learning about new topics and it peaks her interest to hear the stories from other people.

-She has a strong dislike for the way some of the people, especially the ring leaders, treat the people below their position. While she doesn't directly show it, she can be quite passive aggressive to some people.

-She hates thinking of her past or being reminded of it in any way. It's mostly just bad memories and she can barely remember any of the good memories.

-There is nothing she tries to avoid more than physical activity. She has never been a fan of it nor is she good at it so she'd rather leave it to those who actually can do it.

Alice is a rather tall person, standing at about 5'10. She weighs about 140 pounds and has a normal body build. Her clothing style is usually something in which it is easy to perform her tricks in, so long sleeved and a bit baggy. Be it a dress of sorts or a simple sweater with casual pants.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3

Brief backstory:
Alice's backstory is one filled with struggle and criminality. As a young child Alice lived in very poor conditions. Her parents did not easily make ends meet and Alice had to chime in in some way to help out for her family to be able to survive. She mainly did this through stealing food from the markets in town and pickpocketing people for as much money as she could. She wasn't caught often but when she was she would usually be let go after the stolen goods had been taken back due to her young age. Due to this she also learned to cook at an early age, gaining a love for it.

As she got older, things did not get much better. However she had found different ways than stealing to try and make some money for her family, through magic tricks and gambling. She had become an expert at tricking people and would scam them out of small bits of money, as to not make it suspicious with what she was doing. This method worked for a time and she was happy she had found this method.

Sadly, due to the poor living conditions, her parents both got severely sick, dying soon after contracting their sicknesses, unsure of what it really was. Now, she had some actual money for herself, but she wasn't sure what she could spend it on. It was when she went to a circus in town where she discovered lots of magical things about the world. She loved all the creatures she saw there and it was her first real life experience. It was when she read through all of the tricks of a magician at the circus that one of the ringleaders had caught wind of her and offered her a place at the circus and with nothing left to really do in her town, she accepted.
.... +Twiddles her thumbs.+
Today when I properly wake up and have the chance to start the new thread. I'm going to review everyone's sheets and while I'm doing that I would like everyone to post in this thread a short preview (3 or so sentences) of what you want you character's act to be like if you have a carnie character or what you character does day to day if you have a human character. If you have that in your bio then do not worry about it. If you dont have any set plans for the act message me and we can work it out together! I dont bite unless you want me to!
uhh I'm gonna slap both (slightly altered) bios into this but if you prefer one to the other thats fine


This OC, named Oliver, is a merman. He is in his early 20's, though he has no solid number, paper and water don't mix and merfolk are a more primitive species and don't keep track of births. He has only one sibling, a sister about 13, and both parents.

He has black hair and dark eyes along with a relatively long scar on his left cheek he got from messing with fishing hooks when he was young. (It was his own fault.) His tail is green with some blue mixed in.

Oliver is very nice and kind, unless he's feeling any negative emotion such as anger or fear. Naturally,He has strong fish instincts, easily scared by sudden movements, bright lights, and loud noises. He is very curious of the land life, seeing as he does not know what it is. The closest he's gotten is stuff humans have dropped or abandoned in the ocean.

Because of all the pollution in the ocean he, and many other ocean life, is suffering health wise and while Merfolk have tried to adapt to the new material being supplied it isn't uncommon for them to get extremely sick or even die from pollution. This includes his younger sister, who had been sick for a long while

It happened a few years prior (2010) when the black water (oil) humans had been mining for awhile spread to the village where Oliver had lived his entire life. The old, weak, and very young did make it aside from a few lucky ones while those who were previously healthy never really recovered either. Those who once could swim miles upon miles without a break could only go a couple before needing to stop.

Ever since the black water spill Oliver and many other merfolk moved from the gulf of Mexico to a neighboring village up north near Florida, though they don't know these location names.

Oliver came to the circus through the unfortunately common fishing incident. He was scooped up by a fishing boat and sold to the circus where he's lived for years
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This OC named Alder Bell is in his late teens to early twenties. He is about 3 inches tall, his wings, which are about an inch taller than him, seem to have a greenish glow, a glow that compliments his olive skin well. He has brown eyes and longish hair.

Alder is a nice person. Too nice, some would say, and overly trusting. He tends to make friends with anyone he can, but at the same time he is a coward and easily frightened and scared. He means well, but is often clumsy and tends to make a mess of things.

Alder is great with animals and plants, more so the latter than the former. He is better with animals that are typically considered those of prey such as Deer or Bunnies, not so much predators such as Foxes or Wolves who probably wouldn't hesitate to scarf him down as a light snack.

Alder came to the circus in a similar way. He had stayed out too late and it got dark. He got lost on his way home and was picked up by the circus on their travels.

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It makes no difference to me which you play. I like both of them. Its up to you and I'll change my ringleaders name to Niklaus to help with Ollie being doubled.
Before I start the roleplay I also what to ask if everyone is okay with some violence and *possible* torture/punishments for when Niklaus and Melanie, the ringmasters are not pleased with the carnies. If you become uncomfortable with anything that our characters do to your characters please reach out to us and we will slow it down or stop it. This is suppose to be fun for everyone and let us know ahead of time if that makes you uncomfortable and it will not happen!
It makes no difference to me which you play. I like both of them. Its up to you and I'll change my ringleaders name to Niklaus to help with Ollie being doubled.
Tbh I'll probably just do both bc I am bad at decisions.

As for violence I should be fine but if it ever gets too much I'll reach out
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