Closed City of Gods (Kinda Ready)

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Closed City of Gods (Kinda Ready)

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Today 12:08 AM

Walk into any city, you feel something.

A wild instinct, something innate that usually lays dormant in a person's soul. The laws of nature in a concrete jungle are just as vicious as ones made up in the wild, and in both settings, they're enforced by the biggest beasts. A mouse cowers before a hissing alley cat, a flying squirrel sinks into itself in the face of a tiger, a homeless man doesn't look a shark in a suit in the eye.

Things in New Olympus work the same way. Everyone watches out for the beast with bigger teeth than theirs, and all are practically expected to bend to the whim of those more powerful. But this Olympus isn't the one of Greek myth, built atop a mountain for Zeus and those below him. New Olympus was built on the ruins of a once great city, a monument to human achievement, now lost to time. That city was New York.

When the first group of people were Elevated, it sent the world into a state of panic. Men and women and children with the powers of gods was understandably terrifying at first, but before long, these gifted people found themselves persecuted out of fear. Eventually, conflicts reached a point where the two groups no longer associated with each other as equals, each side disconnecting from the other and leaving behind the friends and family that they were once proud to have. Tensions continued to rise, and once the world's governments agreed to "contain" these powerful individuals until a more permanent solution could be found, war broke out. A quick war, lasting only a week, but still a devastating one. By the end of it, the surviving Elevated fled to the last standing bastion for their kind en mass. From all over the world, as they arrived, the human population fled just as quickly until there was no lower blood inside. Then came the changes.

Every skyscraper and complex was torn down, jagged walls surrounded the city limits from all angles, reforming the entire city into a fresh, concrete canvas for the Elevated. Elevated to near godhood, that is.

Decades later, New Olympus has lifted its policy on isolationism, but just barely. Only after very rigorous and thorough examination are any humans allowed in the city, and only Elevated of a certain rating are allowed to leave, out of the few that wish to. But as much as those within New Olympus try to pretend its as close to Utopia as any place ever has been, it's not without flaw. Even in such a progressed society, the basic of laws of nature still apply. The weak still fear the strong.


Cass Talk
Okay, so time to speak plainly, since I know I tend to ramble when it comes to building up exposition. This RP is gonna be about the lives of people with superpowers in a society where that isn't special. Human characters are also allowed and welcome.

We would play characters in different heights of importance within New Olympus, and maybe the area outside. I'm thinking an episodic structure, but who knows how this will end up going. Of course, it will also mean different stories happening at one time. Let me organize that, babies.

A technological marvel people live in, powered by the very same people. Almost everyone plays a special role based on their abilities, strictly determined by the powers they are born with. Societal ranking is everything in this city, and there's practically no way to rise from humble beginnings.

Gimme a moment
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Whoo! I didn't think putting this together in less than an afternoon would sound good this soon! I'll let you know when the character sheet format will be up, likely on the character sheet thread.
I enjoy group settings, in that sense I'm easy to please. Looking forward to it.
Tentatively done with the character sheet format, can be found on the character thread link above. I'll be putting some NPC characters up for me to play later. Ask if you have questions, folks.

(Also I'm all insecure about really starting my first group thing, so if you have any suggestions, I wanna hear them.)
I have run and participated in not just group RPs, but many D&D games as well, so if you need someone to lean on I got you.
I mean, it's my first group thing here. I put together plenty on DR, it's just been a while and I feel rustier than the Tin Man's crotch.
I'd like to join! I'm on vacation right now, so I'll get to making my character sheet within the next few days :)
Those who have uploaded a character/have expressed interest are the only ones in now.

@MindLabryinth, your character would in fact be an Omega. Though that shouldn't discourage you from keeping the power you've chosen.
I get back from vacation tomorrow, so I'll try to work on it then. I apologize for delaying things for the whole group!
I am so sorry for the extreme delay, life has been crazy recently. I'd hate to commit to an RP that I can't actively take part in. I apologize for any inconvenience :(
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